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1、最新版英语学习资料Module 6War and PeaceAmos Colley and Sarah的儿子在内战中牺牲了,但当儿子的遗体被送来时却发现了意外情况,他们是如何做的呢?On Memorial Day Charley was the son of Amos Colley, a farmer and his wife, Sarah.When the Civil War broke out,Charley was the first to join the Northern army.A year or so after he volunteered for the army he g

2、ot badly wounded in a battle.Soon he died from the wounds in Virginia.Amos and Sarah were told that their sons body would be shipped home for burial.One October day a rough pine coffin arrived.The box was opened.Sarah was the first to look inside. Her face grew pale and her hand flew to her mouth, f

3、or the body she gazed upon was the body of a stranger.He was a fairhaired boy, dressed in confederate gray, the uniform of the enemy.A search through his clothing gave them no further information.What to do? To attempt to return the strangers body to Virginia seemed useless and somehow cruel.There w

4、as just one thing to doto bury it.But where? Outside the town in some unknown spot? Sarah refused to do that.The stranger had been loved by someone; he had given his life, as Charley had, for a cause he believed right.He should have a decent burial in the towns cemetery.And so it was done.A week lat

5、er a coffin containing Charleys body arrived.In his uniform of Union blue he was laid to rest only a few yards from where the stranger lay.The war ended.Each year, on Memorial Day, the town people put flowers and flags on the graves of their honored dead.They also honor the stranger, the confederate

6、 soldier known only to God.1burial n埋葬2coffin n.棺材3gaze v.凝视;看4confederate n.同盟5uniform n.制服6somehow莫明地7decent adj.像样的8break out爆发1How did Charley die? 2How was the stranger deal with? 【答案】1.He died from the wounds in a battle.2He was buried in the towns cemetery.Section Introduction & Vocabulary an

7、d Reading Preparing根据提示写出下列单词1. v入侵,侵略2 v.放弃,抛弃3 v.淹死,使溺死4 n.幸存者5 v.持续6 v.占领7 adv.最后,最终8 v.使受伤9 adj.(感到)震惊的,惊骇的10 v.俯视,往下看11 v.责难;谴责12. v.营救,拯救【答案】1.invade2.abandon3.drown4.survivor5.last6.occupy7.eventually8.wound9.shocked10.overlook11.condemn12.rescue看单词 学构词说明:ly为常见的表示“以方式,每隔时间,具有性质”等含义的后缀,常加在形容词和

8、名词后面。常见的有:correctly adv.正确地;happily幸福地;daily adj.adv.每天(的);motherly adj.母亲般的。根据提示补全下列短语1declare war 向宣战2make breakthrough取得重大突破3pick 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起4take part 参加5rescue. .从拯救6far 远非,而不是7make to对做出贡献【答案】1.on/against2.a3.up4.in5.from6from7.contributions根据提示补全下列教材原句1The situation at Omaha Beach was bad

9、 the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion.奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻,以至于美军司令官都考虑放弃攻击了。2 they were about 5 kilometres from the beach,the Germans started firing artillery shells at them but the boats were too far away.当他们距海滩 5 公里的时候,德国人开始朝他们发射炸弹,但是船只太远,炮弹打不着。3Four were exhausted reach the top.四个

10、人太累了以至于他们爬不到山顶。4The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed they even got off the boats.这次登陆行动异常危险,很多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了。5The survivors lay on the beach, 死里逃生的战士们躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。【答案】1.so;that2.When3.too;to4.before5exhausted and shocked阅读P7273教材课文,选择最佳答案1From Passage 1 we know took

11、the most dangerous task in the DDay Landings.ACanadian troopsBBritish troopsCAmerican troops DFrench troops2From Passage 2 we know that Aonly two companies took part in the attackBAble Company was an example of bravery and heroic actsConly Able Company fought hardDAble Companys contribution to the D

12、Day Landings was too small3When the Germans started firing at the boats, Athe boats were one kilometre from the beachBthe boats drownedCthe boats suffered great damageDthe boats were so far from the beach that they werent hit4How many soldiers of Able Company were left to take part in the following

13、battles?A6.B2.C26.D1.5Passage 3 is intended to Atell us not to forget those who lost their lives in the DDay LandingsBtell us of the importance of the DDay LandingsCtell us about the cemetery and memorial built for those who lost their livesDintroduce a famous British poem to us【答案】15CBDBA阅读P7273课文,

14、在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Do you know the phrase of DDay? Yes, it is also called Operation Overlordthe military operation in 1944,1. started as a story of danger and confusion, but ended as a story of 2. (brave) and heroism.During World War , the United States, Britain and Canada formed the Allies to fight 3. Germany.When



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