【精校版】Unit 1 Art Period 2 Learning about LanguageUsing Language 课时精练人教版选修6福建专用

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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 1 Art Period 2Learning about Language & Using Language 课时精练(人教版选修6,福建专用)时间:30分钟.短语填空1.I like cats but unfortunately I _ them. 2We always _ him _ a weak leader.3I can not say smoking _ me very much.4.The girl feels _ I have been in a different world.5I _ coffee rather than tea.6_ p

2、eople gathered in Athens to voice their anger.7Ive often heard of John,but Ive never met him_.8He cant seem to settle in a steady job; _ or so he moves to another city and starts again.答案1.am allergic to2.consider;to be3.appeal to4.as if5.have a preference for6.Scores of7.in the flesh8.every two yea

3、rs. 完成句子1流行歌曲对当代青少年有吸引力。(appeal to)_ _ _ _ the contemporary youths.2那支钢笔我收了10美元,其实值更多。( worth)I took only 10 dollars for the pen. _ _ _ _ _ _.3她走上来握住我的手,这让我大为惊讶。(amazing)_ _ _ _ she came up and shook my hand.4我对中国当代文学感兴趣。(contemporary)I am interested in _ _ _.5他有六位数的年收入。(figure)He has _ _ _ _ _ ever

4、y year.答案1.Pop songs appeal to2.In fact it is worth more3.It was amazing that4.contemporary Chinese literature5.an income of six figures. 单项填空1How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest, his singing didnt_to me much.Aappeal Bbelong Crefer Doccur答案A句意:你觉得尼克昨天晚上表演得怎么样?说实话,他的演唱对我没多大吸引力。

5、appeal to sbattract or interest sb(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣。belong to属于;refer to谈到、提到。2George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rather he_more on its culture.Afocus Bfocused Cwould focus Dhad focused答案B考查虚拟语气。would rather后应用虚拟语气,表示与将来事实相反,用动词的过去式,故选B项。3She is_to household dust, so

6、 she often wears a hat when cleaning the house.Aallergic Bsensible Cimpressive Dbeneficial答案A考查形容词辨析。be allergic to对过敏; sensible可感觉的;impressive感人的;给人深刻印象的;beneficial有益的。4It took_building supplies to construct these energysaving houses. It took brains, too.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than D. less t

7、han答案B考查短语辨析。句意:要建造这些节省能源的房子需要的不仅仅是建筑材料,还需要智慧。more than不仅仅,符合题意。other than除了;rather than而不是;less than不足,少于。故选B项。5Have you finished the book?No. Ive read up to_the children discover the secret cave.Awhich B. what C. that D. where答案D考查宾语从句。up to为介词结构,后接宾语从句,而句意是“读到孩子们发现秘密洞穴的地方”,故用where引导这个宾语从句最合适。故选D项

8、。6I dont understand what your plan is exactly. Could you be a little more_?Aspecial Bparticular Cspecific Dtypical答案C考查词语辨析。句意:我不能确切地理解你的计划。你能不能说得更详细一些?specific这里的意思是“to add details to what you have said”常用于短语“be more specific(about)”中。special“特殊的”;particular“特有的”;typical“典型的”。故选C项。7The present situ

9、ation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to_ its reality.Amake up Bfigure outClook through Dput off 答案Bmake up组成,弥补; look through浏览,审核;put off推迟;figure out想出来,弄清楚。故选B项。8Ive got a great many of Jays photos but Ive never seen him_.Ain person Bon her ownCin the flesh Dby nature答案C考查短

10、语辨析。句意:我有周杰伦的很多照片,但我从没见过他本人。“本人”用“in the flesh”表示。in person“亲自”;on ones own“独自”;by nature“天生”。 故选C项。9It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money_favors to them.Ain preference to Bin place ofCin agreement with Din exchange for答案D考查词组辨析。in preference to优先于;in place of代替;in agr

11、eement with同意,与一致;in exchange for交换。故选D项。10Many people think that it is_to make such experiment.Aworth Bworthwhile Cworthy Dvaluable答案B考查形容词辨析。句意:许多人认为做这样的实验是值得的。It is worthwhile doing/ to do sth为固定句式,意为“干是值得的”。故选B项。11Miss Lee is a(an)_young teacher so she has done well.Aridiculous BabstractCspecifi

12、c Daggressive答案D考查形容词辨析。句意:李小姐是一位敢作敢为的年轻老师,因此她做得很好。12In those days, our_concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snowstorm with food and health care.Anormal Bconstant Cpermanent Dprimary答案D考查词义辨析。句意:在那些日子里,我们最关注的是为那些被风雪所困的人们提供饮食和医疗。primary“首要的”;constant“持续的”;permanent“永久的”。 故选D项。13He came all the way to Beijing for companying his girlfriend_for making money.Aother than Bmore thanCrather than D. less than答案C句意:他到北京来是为了陪女友,而不是为了赚钱。rather than“而不是”,符合题意。other than除了;more than不仅仅;less than不足。故



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