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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A一、完成对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子。A:What does your pen pal look like?B:1. _ And she is of medium height.A:How about her hair?B:2. _A:Is she a little bit heavy?B:No, she isnt. 3. _A:4. _B:Yes, she does.A:5. _B:Her name is Gina Brown.A. She has long brown curly hair.B. Sh

2、e is of medium build.C. She is good-looking.D. Does she wear red dress?E. Whats her name?二、短文填空从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。hair, never, old, newspaper, play, but, cant, get, glasses, buildMy grandfather is seventy years old, 1. _ he is very healthy(健康的). He is tall and of medium 2. _. He has short straigh

3、t white 3. _. He likes reading. Every morning he 4. _ up very early and then reads morning 5. _. When he reads, he always wears 6. _. He also likes 7. _ chess(象棋). He always plays chess with his 8. _ friends. He 9. _ plays chess with me. Why? Because I 10. _ play chess. 三、阅读表达Could you help me, plea

4、se? I cant find my son. Hes only five years old. His name is Mark. He has a long face, two big black eyes and a big nose. His hair is black and very short. He isnt very tall. He wears a dark blue T-shirt and light yellow trousers. He likes cars. There is a toy car in his hand. Its red.Please help me

5、 and find him. My phone number is 0538-3212345. My name is John. Thank you very much.1. How old is the son?_2. Whats the boys name?_3. What does the boy look like?_4. What clothes is the boy wearing?_5. What does the boy like?_Section B一、完成对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子。A:1. _B:Han Hong. Dont you know her?A:N

6、o, I dont know. 2. _B:She is a little bit short and heavy. And she has short curly hair. A:3. _B:Yes, she does. Look, there is a card of her. What about you, Lily? A:My favorite musician is Jay Chou.B:Jay Chou? I know him. 4. _ A:Yes. 5. _B:Yes, I know. He is very popular.A:Its time for class. Bye.B

7、:Bye.A. Is he tall and of medium build?B. Does she wear glasses?C. Do you know he is from Taiwan?D. What does she look like?E. Who is your favorite musician?二、阅读表达My father is tall and has short black hair. He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. In t

8、he picture, hes 15 years old. Hes short and he has glasses with small round frames. 3. 他留着长长的黄色头发而且真的很直。 Hes wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”. Im 15 years old now. 4. Im of medium height and I have short hair. My hair isnt yellow. Its blue. My dad thinks its strange(奇怪的), but my

9、 friends think its great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. Theyre so cool! Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands(摇滚乐队) on them.任务一:根据短文内容,回答问题。1. What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? _2. What color is my hair? _任务二:翻译文中划线部分。3

10、. _4. _任务三:选择( ) 5. Whats on my fathers T-shirt?A. The word “love”.B. Heavy and black frames. C. Pictures of rock bands.D. An earring on it.三、小试身手介绍你的一位好朋友,要求写出对方的外貌,身材,发型兴趣爱好等,字数为60左右。My good friend is _参考答案Section A一、15 CABDE 二、1. but 2. build 3. hair 4. gets 5. newspapers 6. glasses 7. playing 8.

11、 old 9. never 10. cant 三、1. Five years old. 2. Mark. 3. He has a long face, two big black eyes and a big nose. His hair is black and very short. He isnt very tall.4. He wears a dark blue T-shirt and light yellow trousers 5. He likes cars.Section B一、15 EDBAC二、1. He has glasses with small round frames

12、.2. Its blue. 3. He has long yellow hair and its really straight.4. 我中等个子,留着短发。5. A三、My good friend is Mr. Smith. He is a short man with long hair. He comes from America. He is forty years old. He is very friendly to us. He often draws funny cartoons on the blackboard. He is very smart, too. He often tells interesting stories to the class. He teaches us English. I like him very much.


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