unitt 8 Solar and Wind Power.doc

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1、Solar and Wind PowerPart I. Text Translation:Passage1The use of scholar and wind power is now increasing rapidly, raising hope that such alternative energy technologies can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate new jobs.太阳能和风能的利用正在迅速发展,极有可能这些可代替能源能很大程度上减少温室气体排放,并创造新的就业岗位Passage

2、2The global wind power industry, for example, has become a $ 2-billion-a-year business, expanding at a rate of 25% per year. India, China, and a dozen European nations have installed thousands of wind turbines that generate electricity at a cost comparable to new coal-fired power plants. In the 1990

3、s, Germany has created 10,000 new jobs in its wind industry. Wind power now provides less than 1% of the worlds total electricity, but that figure could climb to 20% or more than 50 years, according to Worldwatch Institute researchers.比如,全球风能电力产业已成为一项年利润达20亿美元的业务, 以每年25%的增长率增长。印度、中国和十多个欧洲国家安装了成千上万个的

4、风力涡轮机,这些涡轮机产电的费用额与新的燃煤发电厂相当。在20世纪90年代,德国创造了一万个风能业领域的就业岗位。虽然风能产生的电力占全世界总电力的1%不到,但世界观察协会的研究者表示这个数据在未来50年里将上升至20%。Passage 3Solar power is the second-fastest-growing energy source today. The cost of buying a kilowatt worth of solar photovoltaic cells dropped from $ 70,000 in the 1970s to $ 4,000 in 1997

5、, and in 10 years it could go as low as $ 1,000. Approximately 400,000 homesmany in remote areas not connected by power lines- already use solar power. Worldwatch studies suggest that covering the rooftops of existing buildings with solar cells could meet more than half of the electricity needs each

6、 year.太阳能是当今发展第二快的能源资源。购买一个千瓦量级的太阳能光电池所花的费用从上世纪70年代的七万美元降到1997年的四千美元,再过十年,可能会降到一千美元。大约有40万家庭一用上了太阳能,这些家庭中多为为接上电路的偏远地区。世界观察协会的研究表明: 把现有全世界的建筑楼顶都铺上太阳能电池的话,那就能满足全世界每年电耗量的一半。Passage 4“During the past few years a host of promising new technologies have moved quietly but decisively from experiment curiosi

7、ty to commercial reality,” write Worldwatch Institute energy analysts Christopher Flavin and Seth Dumn in their report Rising Sun, Gathering Winds: Policies to Stabilize the Climate and Strengthen Economies. Advances in electronics, biotechnology, and the use of synthetic materials could soon lead t

8、o cleaner and more-efficient ways to generate energy.世界观察协会的能源分析家Christopher Flavin 和 Seth Dumn在他们的报告“升起的太阳,聚集风稳定气候增加经济的政策”中写到:“在过去的几年里,一些前途无量的新技术悄悄地但决定性地由实验探索变为商业现实。”电子学和生物学的发展和合成材料的应用可以较快的将人们引向更清洁、更有效的发电之路。Passage 5A new generation of lightweight hybrid electric vehicles could exceed 100 miles per

9、 gallon by utilizing a combination of fuel cells, small piston engines, turbine generators, and highly efficient electric motors. Similar technologies using micro-turbines and fuel cells could generate electricity and heat for commercial buildings and private homes while producing just 10% to 20% of

10、 the emissions from todays power plant. Micro-power plants located in buildings are extremely efficient; 90% of the fuel they use can be turned into electricity, usable space heat, and heat for warming water.通过运用燃料电池、小型活塞发动机、涡轮发电机和高效电动马达的组合,新一代的轻型混合电动车每加仑能跑100英里。运用了微型涡轮和燃烧电池的那些类似技术即能发电又能为商用楼宇和私宅供暖,但

11、其产生的排放物只占现今火力发电站的10%到20%。大楼里的微型发电器是十分高效的。它们用的燃料90%可转化为电能、可用空间热及加热水温的热能。Passage 6Government incentives in Japan have led to plans by housing companies to build 70,000 homes with silicon roofing tiles capable of generating enough electricity to meet most of the residents needs. Similar programs are un

12、der way in the United States and the Europe.日本政府的奖励举措致使房地产公司计划建造7万套房顶装有硅瓦片的房子,这些瓦片能产生满足大部分居民需求的用电量。类似的工程也在美国和欧洲进行。Passage 7India has become the fourth-leading user of wind power by offering tempting investment tax credits 税收减免是指允许纳税人从某种合乎奖励规定的支出中,以一定比率从其应纳税额中扣除,以减轻其税负。投资税减免因其性质类似于政府对私人投资的一种补助,故亦称之为投

13、资津贴。 and a guaranteed purchase price for wind-generated electricity. A government agency focusing on renewable energy provides loans and grants to further stimulate development.通过向人们提供诱人的投资税减免和保证风能发电的购买价政策,印度已变为风能发电的世界第四大国。一个关注可再生能源的政府机构提供贷款和款项来进一步刺激发展。Passage 8Since 1989 the Dutch government has re

14、ached 28 separate long-term agreements with 100 companies that represent 90% of the countrys industrial energy use. The government negotiates efficiency targets with each industry group Group: 有商业巨头的意思,也有公司的意思,这里考虑到后面几句的列举中,这几个例子规模大小参差不齐,故用“集团”一词。, from giant paper and chemical companies to small bu

15、sinesses such as laundries. The agreements call for an average 20% efficiency improvement by 2000. Two-thirds of the agreements have resulted in an average 9% efficiency gain from 1989 levels.从1989年起荷兰政府已和代表全国90%的工业能源耗用的一千家公司分别签订了28个单独的长期协议。政府与每个工业集团商议效益策略,这些集团大至纸业巨亨和化工企业,小至洗衣店。这些协议要求至2000年平均效益提高率达2

16、0%。从1989年起,三分之二的协议已产生平均9%的效益利润。Passage 9“The countries that have achieved the most progress are the ones that have done many small things rightforging an integrated package of mutually supportive policies that bring market forces to bear to solve the climate problem,” write Flavin and Dumn.Flavin 和 Dumn 写道:“进步最大的国家都是那些小事上做得对的国家包括制定了完整的互相支持政策,使市场力量能够解决气候问题。”


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