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1、冀教版小学英语教案Book 5 Lesson 21: How Can We Go to Beijing?教学目标:1、 知识目标:(1)掌握四会单词airplane(plane),train, fast, slow, faster, slower. (2)听懂、会说句型_ is faster(slower) than _.并能在实际情境中进行运用。 2、 能力目标:能够正确运用本课单词及比较级句型表达事物的快慢。3、 情感目标:培养学生小组合作中互帮互助的竞争意识。教学重点、难点:能够在实际情境中正确运用句型_ is faster(slower) than _.教具准备:录音机、多媒体课件、交

2、通工具图片教学过程:Step 1. Lead inT: Where do you live?S: I live in.T: How do you go to school?S:By bus.(By bike. By car )设计意图:在这一环节中,复习有关交通工具的词汇,为下一步的学习做好充分的准备。 Step 2. Presentation1.教学单词airplane(plane),train, fast, slow。T: (屏幕出示一幅图片)Look, this is my friend Cathy. She wants to go on a trip to Canada. How ca

3、n she go there? By bus? S: No. T: Canada is far from China. A bus is slow. (板书并领读)She can go there by airplane. (拿出飞机单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学airplane(plane), 向学生介绍飞机的两种写法)An airplane is fast. (板书并领读)T: I want to go to Beijing on this Childrens Day. Can I go there by bus?S: No.T: How can I go there?S: By car.T:

4、But I dont have a car.S: By airplane.T: Oh. The airplane is fast, but I dont have enough money. I think I can go there by train. The train is faster than the bus, and cheaper than the airplane. The train is just right for me. 2.教学句型_ is faster than _. _ is slower than _.T: Which one is fast? Which o

5、ne is slow? (CAI课件出示飞机和火车图片)S: An airplane is fast. A train is slow.T: Yes. An airplane is faster than a train. A train is slower than an airplane.T: Look, which one is faster? Which one is slower? (出示火车和自行车图片)S: A train is faster than a bus. A bus is slower than a train.Step 3. Practice 1. 出示飞机、火车、

6、公共汽车等有关交通工具的每对图片,让学生说出图片要表达的内容。Eg: A train is _ than a bus but _ than an airplane.2多媒体展示自行车和大卡车,出租车和飞机,小鸡和兔子,刘翔和Miss Cui等等图片,学生对比,运用句型_ is faster(slower) than _.Eg: A bicycle is slower than a truck. A truck is faster than a bicycle.A cab is slower than an airplane. An airplane is faster than a cab.T

7、he chicken is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit is faster than the chicken.Liu Xiang is faster than Miss Cui. Miss Cui is slower than Liu Xiang. 设计意图:借助多媒体和图片出示不同的交通工具,有趣的动物形象,卡通人物,鼓励学生模仿说句子,激发学生敢于表达所学句型。3.Student book: T: We know Li Ming wants to go on a trip to Beijing. How do Li Ming and his mot

8、her go to Beijing? Lets listen to the audiotape and try to find the answers.Step 4. Consolidation Demonstrate a dialogue with a volunteer. T: Boys and girls, Childrens Day is coming. Where do you want to go ? How do you go there? Talk about it with your friends. Here are some places and vehicles for

9、 you.(黑板上为学生提供地点和各种交通工具的词,幻灯片为学生呈现创编对话时所需要的句型)Childrens Day is coming. I want to go on a trip. Lets go to _ by_. I want to take a _._ is faster than _. _ is slower than _.设计意图:通过创设真实的语言情境来检验学生能否准确地运用本课所学句型。Step 5. Class Closing Homework:让学生去调查身边的人或事物,写一写_ is faster /slower than _.教学反思:本节课是一节典型的关于比较级的语法课。小学阶段的语法教学应体现隐性语法教学原则,作为教师不应为学生直接讲解语言中出现的语法概念,而是应通过创设的语言情境,让学生在活动中去感悟、理解出现的语法现象,从而掌握所学的语法知识。本节课,通过创设真实的语言情景,为学生呈现公共汽车、飞机和火车的图片,教学比较级句型_ is faster than _. _ is slower than _. 所以教师又充分利用了儿童节即将到来这一真实情景,为学生提供了学习英语和用英语交流的语言环境。通过本课的学习,学生较好地掌握了所学单词和句型,并能积极主动地加以运用,达到了预期的教学目标。


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