外研版高中英语选修八课时作业:Module 5 Section Ⅲ Integrating SkillsCultural Corner 含答案精修版

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1、外研版英语精品资料(精修版)课时作业15.用所给词的适当形式填空1He was _(accuse) of telling lies.2He _(swear) hed study harder next time.3Her laziness and lack of _(commit) led to her failure.4Her _(devote) to the job left her with very little free time. 5The results are entirely _(consist) with our earlier research.6The new secr

2、etary will _(relief) us of some of the paperwork.7He is widely _(acknowledge) to be the best man to finish the mission.8The winning numbers are _(random) selected by computer.9He _(defeat) champion in three sets. 10No one could have _(foresee) things would turn out this way.答案:mitment4.devotion5.con

3、sistent6relieve7.acknowledged8.randomly9.defeated10.foreseen.用所给短语的正确形式填空1The machine _ and stopped.2_ great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.3Weve _ our new plan in motion.4Why dont you _ your padded coat _?5There was _ bangs as the box fell down.6She _ very _ ring me tonight.7In his re

4、port he _ his plans for the department.8He held the candle to the window and moved it _.9_ I paid little attention, but slowly my interest awoke.10I have _ 5 minutes to talk with you.答案:1.slowed down2.In spite of3.put out4.take; off5.a series of6.is; likely to7.set out8.backwards and forwards9.At th

5、e very beginning10.put aside.用介词、副词填空1These results are consistent _ the findings of the previous study.2What they said is totally opposed _ facts.3We ran out _ our food.4He accused the man _ having committed a crime.5Whey the tree fell down, I could feel the house _ a shock.6Everything in his room

6、was set _ a random order.7He saved my life _ great risk to his own.8Were moved by his devotion _ his students.9Oliver works hard so he is _ favour with his boss.10I was aware _ what he was aiming at.答案:1.with2.to3.of4.of5.in6.in7.at8.to9.in10.of.完成句子1他按下按钮开动了机器。(set)He pushed a button and _ the mach

7、ine _ _.2他设法及时完成了他的工作。He _ _ _ his work in time.3起初他反对我们的建议,但我们设法说服了他。At first he _ _ _ our suggestion, but we managed to persuade him.4我坚决要求你立刻采取行动来处理这件事情。I _ _ _ _ immediate action to deal with the matter.答案:1.set; in motion2.managed to finish3.was opposed to4.insist on your taking.阅读理解AGoing to o

8、uter space is a little like going camping. You have to carry with you all the food and equipment you need for your trip, so your food cant be too heavy or hard to prepare. Plus, there are no refrigerators to keep food cold and fresh.Food with all the water dried out is lightweight and doesnt spoil.

9、So, many space foods are dried on Earth and stored in special packets. Some taste good right out of the packet.On Earth, gravity is the force that keeps your feet on the ground and your sandwich on your plate. But theres no gravity in space. To keep food from floating away, astronauts on the Space S

10、huttle attach the packet to a special tray. The tray can be fixed to a wall or to an astronauts lap. To prepare their food, astronauts use liquid forms of salt and pepper. The liquid sticks to the food better. Regular salt and pepper would float away, maybe up an astronauts nose.Liquids float right

11、out of cups and glasses, though. So astronauts drink everything from a small bag with a straw(吸管) that can be closed. Astronauts say that most space foods taste pretty good. Some, such as apples and pudding, are the same as the foods you eat on Earth.Astronauts eat tortillas(玉米粉圆饼) instead of bread

12、because they make fewer crumbs(碎屑). Floating crumbs could get stuck in equipment or an astronauts eyes.Your body uses food in space the same way it does on Earth. Your body must deal with waste in space too. During taking off and landing, astronauts cant leave their seats to go to the bathroom. They

13、 wear diapers(尿布) under their spacesuits instead.The Space Shuttle has a bathroom the size of a small closet. The toilet has bars that keep astronauts from floating away. A strong flow of air is used instead of water to flush(冲洗) waste down the toilet. Back on Earth its flushed awayor sometimes stud

14、ied by scientists.1Why are many space foods dried on Earth and stored in special packets? ABecause they are full of nutrients. BBecause they are light and hard to break. CBecause they are easy to carry. DBecause they are nice to look.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的Food with all the water dried out is lightweight and doesnt spoil.可知,除去水分变干的食品重量变轻,不易损坏,故选B。答案:B2Why do astronauts use liquid forms of salt and pepper to prepare food? ALiquid doesnt spoi


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