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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上订单生产合作协议Cooperation Agreement for Production甲方:乙方:Party A: Party B: 地址:地址:Add.: Add.:电话:电话:Tel.: Tel.:传真:传真:Fax: Fax:Email: Email:甲乙双方经过协商,就甲方订购乙方产品事宜达成如下协议,以兹共同信守:The Agreement is made through negotiation between the Parties concerning Party As ordering Party Bs _ products.一、订购产品范畴:I.

2、Scope of Ordered Products:1、产品品名:1. Product name:2、产品规格按照甲方订单要求生产。2. Specifications shall be subject to Party As specific orders.二、订单交期:II. Delivery Period:1、甲方向乙方提交订单,明确订单产品的名称、规格、型号、颜色、工艺、数量和交货时间等,乙方如有异议,应在接订单后1-2个工作日内提出,否则作确认订单处理;1. Party A shall place orders to Party B, specifying the names, spe

3、cifications, types, colors, process, quantity and date of delivery of the ordered products. Party B shall make objections, if any, within 1-2 business days after receiving of the orders; otherwise, such orders shall be deemed confirmed;2、乙方应按确认的订单生产并按甲方的要求提供产品,在特殊情况下甲方可视具体情况对订单在生产中进行相应的调整。2. Party B

4、 shall organize the production according to the confirmed orders and supply products at Party As requirements. Party A may adjust relevant orders in process in terms of specific circumstances.三、订购产品质量要求III. Quality Requirements1、乙方严格按甲、乙双方确认的样品进行生产,产品质量必须符合客户的确认要求;1. Party B shall organize the produ

5、ction strictly subject to the samples confirmed by the Parties. The products supplied must conform to the quality requirements confirmed by the client;2、乙方生产的产品如在交付后,因产品不符合甲方订单的要求,乙方应承担甲方损失的赔偿责任;2. Party B shall be responsible for losses to Party A as a result that the products delivered cannot meet

6、 Party As orders;3、乙方交付的产品如在交付后,因化学品超标等品质问题而导致甲方利益受损时,经双方鉴定属乙方责任的,乙方应承担甲方损失的赔偿责任。3. In case of losses of Party As interests arising from quality problems, such as excess of standards for the chemicals contained in the delivered products, which is confirmed due to reason attributable to Party B, Part

7、y B shall make compensation to Party A.(1)订单产品的投诉赔偿问题,甲方可以先行赔付第三方,第三方签收确认,由乙方承担赔偿;(1) In case of complaints and claims about the ordered products, Party A may make compensation to relevant third persons, who shall make confirmation with signature, thereafter, Party B shall make compensation to Party

8、 A.四、订单生产约定及货款支付方式IV. Production and Payment Terms1、如非甲方准许乙方不得将订单转发第三方加工;1. Party B may not transfer any order to any third person, except with Party As permission;2、甲方应按双方约定的方式和时间在确认对帐单后支付订单货款;2. Party A shall make payment for the orders according to the payment methods and schedule after confirmin

9、g the statements;3、订单货款支付方式:3. Payment terms:乙方每月按约定时间提交对帐单,甲方视情况分别以30天、60天、90天形式支付货款;Party B shall submit a statement on schedule every month. Party A shall make payment respectively on the 30-day, 60-day and 90-day basis.五、 产品交付与验收及外包装V. Delivery, Acceptance and Packing1、交付地点及运输:乙方需将交付的产品送到甲方指定地点,

10、物流运输费、包装费、卸货费等均由乙方承担;1. Place of delivery and transportation: Party B shall cause the products to be delivered to the place designated by Party A, and freights, packing costs and handling costs incurred therefrom shall be for the account of Party B;2、交付时间:以甲乙双方确认的订单交付时间为准;2. Date of delivery: subjec

11、t to the confirmed orders;3、产品检验:乙方出货前必须100%检品。甲方收货后抽检,如发现品质问题,乙方必须马上免费重新生产或者补充生产订单,并在甲方规定的时间完成交货,如有任何损失乙方必须全额赔偿;3. Inspection: Party B shall inspect each and all products before delivery. Party A shall make spot inspection upon receipt. In case of quality problems, Party B must immediately organize

12、 re-production or add orders and make delivery within the period designated by Party A. In case of losses, Party B must make compensation in full amount;4、外包装用双方确认的方式。4. Packing shall be subject to the confirmed methods.六、协议的终止VI. Termination1、本协议在双方终止合作后自然终止;1. The Agreement shall be terminated aut

13、omatically once the cooperation between the Parties is closed;2、本协议因合法解除而终止;2. The Agreement shall be terminated due to legal rescission;3、本协议因甲乙任何一方破产、注销或被吊销营业执照而终止;3. The Agreement shall be terminated if either party hereto becomes insolvent, is revoked or causes its business license canceled;4、本协

14、议因不可抗力导致合同不能继续履行而终止。4. The Agreement shall be terminated if it cannot be continually performed as a result of force majeure.七、不可抗力VII. Force Majeure不可抗力事件发生时,双方应立即通过友好协商决定如何执行本协议。不可抗力事件或其影响终止或消除后,双方须立即恢复履行各自在本协议项下的各项义务。如不可抗力及其影响无法终止或消除而致使合同任何一方丧失继续履行合同的能力,则双方可协商解除合同或暂时延迟合同的履行,且遭遇不可抗力一方无须为此承担责任。当事人迟延

15、履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。In case of any force majeure, the Parties shall decide how to perform the Agreement immediately through friendly negotiation. Upon termination of the event or elimination of its effect, the Parties shall immediately perform their respective obligations hereunder. Where the event and its effects cannot be terminated or eliminated, which further results that either party loses the capability of continual performance of the Agreement, the Parties may negotiate


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