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1、八(上)期末复习 经典句子 如皋初级中学Sentences 1. 当她长大的时候,她想做一名社会工作者。 (would like to do, when) Shed like to be a social worker when she grows up.2. 我和他在一起时,从不感觉无聊或不快乐。 (never) I never feel bored or unhappy when Im with him.3. - 你旁边的那位男孩是个什么样的人?- 他既聪明又幽默。(be like) - Whats the boy next to you like? - Hes both clever a

2、nd humorous.4. 将来某天我想要环游世界,更多地了解关于艺术。(learn more about) I want to travel around the world and learn more about art some day.5. 彼得是我班个子最高的。(两种) Peter is the tallest boy in my class. Peter is taller than any other boy/the other boys in my class.6. 他戴着小圆眼镜看起来真酷。(look cool in) He looks cool in his small

3、 round glasses.7. 他是个真朋友从不说任何人的坏话。(say bad words about) He is a true friend and never says bad words about anyone.8. 她总是面带笑容并且看上去很高兴。(have a smile on)She always has a smile on her face and looks happy.9. 学习外语是很有乐趣的。(fun) Learning a foreign language is great fun. = Its great fun to learn a foreign la

4、nguage.10. 周五下午我们学校结束得比平时早。(earlier than) Our school ends earlier than usual on Friday afternoon.11. 约翰学的科目比南希更多,但是他的假期比她更短。(more than, have off) John studies more subjects than Nancy, but he has fewer weeks off than she.12. 在他班上,他花在业余爱好上的时间最少。(spendon ) He spends the least time on his hobbies in hi

5、s class.13. 我的理想学校早上9点开始下午3点结束。(and) My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m.14. 在我所有的学科中,我最喜欢法语。(likebest) Among all my subjects, I like French best.15. 当我们阅读有趣书籍的时候,时间似乎过得更快。(seem to do ) Time seems to go faster when we read interesting books.16. 他常常认真倾听我的问题并且给我提供帮助。(offer sb sth) H

6、e often listens carefully to my problems and offers me help.17. 乘大巴去那里花了我们大约两个小时。(两种) (It takes sb. to do sth./ spend doing sth. )It took us about two hours to get there by bus. = We spent about two hours getting there by bus.18. 有一百多个全世界的名胜的模型。(There be .) There are models of more than a hundred pl

7、aces of interest from all over the world.19. 悉尼歌剧院的模型看上去和澳大利亚的那个一样奇妙。(asas) The model Sydney Opera House looks as wonderful as that in Australia.20. 埃菲尔铁塔的模型没有法国的那座真的铁塔高。(not asas.) The model Eiffel Tower is not as/so tall as the real one in France.21. 这是令人惊奇的一天因为我们仅在一天内看到了世界的主要景观。 (because)It was a

8、n amazing day because we saw the main sights of the world in just one day.22. 我们所有的人都迫不及待的下车。(cant wait to do )All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus.23. 路上车辆很多,旅程有点儿无聊。( a lot of traffic, a little boring)There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring.24. 吴老师邀请我参加他们去世界公

9、园的旅行。(invite to)Mr. Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park.25. 架子的一端比另一端高得多。(much higher than, onethe other)One end of the shelf was much higher than the other. 26. 现在客厅不仅有蓝色的墙,而且有蓝色的天花板和地板。(not only but also)Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and

10、floor.27. 所以取而代之的是,我自己在读所有的书并且每周六去上课。(instead)So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday.28. 我决定自己为她做一张生日卡片。(decide to do)I decided to make her a birthday card by myself.29. 他曾经试图在他的卧室安装一盏更亮的灯,但他犯了错。(try to do, put in, make a mistake)He once tried to put in a

11、brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake.30. 我还建议他上DIY的课程。(advise sb to do sth)I also advised him to take a course in DIY.31. 能请你不要吃它们吗?(Could you please?) Could you please not eat them?32. 希望刚出生时,只有一百克重,看起来像只白鼠。(was born, look like) When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams and

12、looked like a white mouse.33. 熊在白天四处转悠,它们整个冬天睡觉。(sleep through) Bears move around slowly in the daytime. They sleep through the winter.34. 人们杀死狼,因为他们认为他们对人类有危险。(be dangerous to) People kill them because they think wolves are dangerous to humans.35. 我们不应该再买皮衣了。(not any more) We shouldnt buy fur coats

13、 any more.36. 竹林越来越小。因此,熊猫可能没地方住,没食物吃。(become smaller and smaller, as a result ) The bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.37. 如果我们什么都不做,很快就可能一只不剩了。(none left) If we do nothing, soon there may be none left.38. 由于猎杀,许多野生动物现在处境

14、危险。(be in danger, because of hunting)Many wild animals are now in danger because of hunting.39. 这块区域为许多野生生物提供了食物和栖息地。(providefor/ provide with) The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. = The area provides a lot of wildlife with food and cover.40. 一些人为了有更多农场和大楼的空间想把湿地变小。(in order to )

15、Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings.41. 我想成为观鸟协会的一员并参加其活动。(to join and take part in ) Id like to join the Birdwatching Society and take part in activities.42. 我们希望这能够帮助人们理解湿地的重要性。(the importance of) We hope this will help people understand the importance of the wetlands.43. 你最好带个记录本写下你所看到的东西。(had better do, take sth with sb) Youd better take a notebook wit



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