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1、高三职高英语模拟考试(三)I.单项选题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)1.Three _ and four _ spoke at the meeting yesterday.A. Germans, Japaneses B. Germen, Japanese C. Germen, Japaneses D. Germans, Japanese2. If there were no water in the world, everything _ .A. will die B. would die C. would have die D. would have been dead3. Un

2、der the big tree _.A. stands a stone table B. a stone table standing C. does a stone table stands D. a stone table stood 4. Its no good _. Youd better give it up.A. to smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. smoke5. _ good time we had at the club last night!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 6. John thinks you

3、 are wrong, _?A. doesnt he B. does he C. are you D. arent you7. My aunt works in _ hospital. She is _ nurse.A. /, a B. a, the C. a, a D. the, a8. We think _our duty to pay taxes to our government.A. that B. this C. its D. it9. It _ me two hours to find your new houseA. cost B. took C. spent D. used1

4、0. The father as well as I _ swimming every Sunday afternoon in winter. A . is going B. go C. goes D. are going11. _ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever12. I think you look very nice in the red dress. _. A. Oh, no, I dont look nice

5、 at all B. Im glad you think so C. I dont like red but my mom made me wear it D. You are very kind13. There is rain this spring. The flowers must be watered.A. little B. much C. few D. a few14. Jenny is the girl pronunciation is the best in our class. A. who B. whose C. whom D. that15. The photos wi

6、ll show you _ the house _ like.A. what does;look B. how;looks C. how does;look D. what;looks16. I dont know if he _ tomorrow,If he _,Ill meet him.A. will come;comes B. comes;comesC. will come;will come D. comes;will come 17. Both Pingping and Beibei have done _homework. A. his B. Her C. their D. bot

7、hs18. We cant find our bikes _. Have you seen them? A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. where 19. The number of teachers in our college _ greatly increased last term.A number of teachers in this school _ from the countryside. A. was; is B. was; are C. were; are D. were; is 20. Lets take action to

8、gether to make our city more beautiful, _? A. wont we B. dont we C. shall we D. wont you 21. He got up _ yesterday morning. A. lately B. late C. latest D. latter22. The actor _at the age of 70. A. dead B. died C. dyed D. deaded23. I will never forget the day _ I joined the army. A. that B. when C. i

9、n which D. where24. Give me one more minute _ Ill be able to finish it. A. and B. or C. if D. so25. Let me see _. A. that can I repair the radio B. whether -I can repair the radio C. I can repair the radio D. whether can I repair the radio26. That is _ we all support his idea. A. what B. why C. wher

10、e D. when27. This is the only book _ I can find. A. that B. which C. it D. with which 28. Ill let you know _ he comes back. A. before B. because C. as soon as D. although 29. Youll miss the train _ you hurry up. A. unless B. as C. if D. until 30. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had waste

11、d. A. didnt I realize B. did I realize C. I didnt realize D. I realized31. Our teacher told us that the earth _ from west to east. A. turns B. turn C. has turned D. had turned32. - Where is the coffee table? - Tom just had it _ away. A. move B. moving C. moved D. moves33. Our teacher suggested Wang

12、Lin _ to America for further study. A. should send B. would be sent C. sending D. be sent34. Mr Smith bought apurse for his wife. A. small black leather B. black leather small C. small leather black D. black small leather35. With the help of the new equipment, our factories produced _ VCD players in

13、 2000 as the year before. A. as many as twice B. twice more than C. as twice many D. twice as many 35. 36. The hero of the story is an artist in his _. A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirtys D. thirties 37. One fourth of an hour is _. A.25. minutes B.15 minute C.30 minutes D. a quarter38. You _ be tired-youve only been working for an hour. A. must not B. wont C. cant D. may not 39. ._more attention, the trees could hav



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