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1、小学五年级英语教案科目 英语 年级 五年级 单元 第一单元 年 3月 日 课题Lesson 1 I AM EXCITED课型New 教学目标(一) 知识目标:能听、说、读、写词汇:run, jump, sing, dance, sit down, stand up (二) 能力目标:学生能够用英语说出祈使句Please(dont)sit /stand/walk,能够用英语简单地表达出自己兴奋的心情和想要做的事情。(三) 情感目标:增强在各种场合下要约束自己行为的意识。同时在交际中体会到学习英语的轻松与快乐。从而更加激发学生们学习英语的兴趣。课时共 1 课时本教案第 1 课时教学重点学生能够听懂

2、、会说、认读和书写:run, jump, sing, dance, sit down, stand up 能够用英语说出祈使句Please(dont)sit /stand/walk。实验与教具录音机、多媒体图片。教学难点能够用英语简单地表达出自己兴奋的心情和想要做的事情。学法小组合作学习教法 情景教学法 课前预习收集有关公共场所行为规范的图片 比如:禁止吸烟 等教学过程教学流程与策略意图说明个性修改Step 1:Warming-up(4 minutes)1. Greetings 经过简短的问好。2.Game: Watch and say出示动作图片 (出示PPT)Step 2: Present

3、ation and Practice(24 minutes)1、 Free talk 用excited引入李明四人在火车站的图片,学生自由发言,处理文本背景信息。2、Listen and answer听课文内容并回答问题:What does Danny want to do?新授:jump, sing, danceT: Why does Danny want to do these?T: What do you want to do when you are excited? 3. Listen and judge.1) . Its Monday morning.2) . Danny walk

4、s to the train.3) . Danny can jump, sing and dance at the train station.4) . Danny has fun at the train station.4. Look and say!出示不同人物在不同场景的跳、跑、唱歌、跳舞等动作。5. Read after the tape.播放文本音频。6. Read in groups.7. Act in groups.学生可带课本朗读,也可以脱离课本表演。8. Lets do it! Individual work: 课后练习1 Read and match标识与句子进行匹配T:

5、 What does this sign mean? Where can you see this sign?Step 3: Production (10minutes)1. Look, say and write课后练习2 What do you want to say to Danny?S: Please dont run. Please walk.2. Group work.教师提供一些公共场合的图片,学生结组为选择的场合制定行为守则。T: Different places have different rules. Please choose a place and make rule

6、s for it.学生4人一组,组织语言进行谈论和编排对话。互相问候,轻松开始本课的学习。通过游戏,对本课练习部分将出现的动词先进行渗透为学生提供开放式的话题进行讨论,给学生提供说英语的机会,激发他们说英语的欲望。初步感知文本信息。开拓学生的思路,细化文本。结合学生自身的生活实际和分辨能力,激发学生开口欲望和学习兴趣。接触纯正的英语发音,打好语音语调的基础。对文本进行整体认知。给不同水平的学生提供不同的选择。将本课重点与生活实际相结合。学有所用。对本课重点进行有针对性的机械操练。培养学生说,写的能力。结合本课的教学内容让学生在小组中创编对话并进行情景表演。既是对本课知识的外延,又帮助学生形成对

7、语言综合运用的能力。作业设计Step4: Homework1. Read the text with your friends.2. Make rules for your classroom with your friends.板书设计 Step 4: Black designLesson 1 I Am Excited! run. jump. walk. Please dont sing. Please sit down. dance. stand up.教学反思小学五年级英语教案科目 英语 年级 五年级 单元 第一单元 年 3月 日 课题Lesson 2 What Are You Doin

8、g?课型New 教学目标(四) 知识目标:能听、说、读、写词汇:see, look, now;(五) 能力目标:学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子:Look! I see many tall trees! What are you doing now? Im drawing a picture.(六) 情感目标:通过文本内容的学习,懂得在公共场所大声喧哗、唱歌、指点等行为是不礼貌的,在遵守公共秩序的同时热爱我们的校园和生活。 课时共 1 课时本教案第 1 课时教学重点学生能够理解现在进行时,在生活情境中灵活运用这一时态进行表达。实验与教具录音机、多媒体图片。教学难点对现在进行时结构的理解和运用。

9、学法小组合作学习教法 情景教学法 课前预习收集有关公共场所行为规范的图片 比如:禁止吸烟 等教学过程教学流程与策略意图说明个性修改Step 1:Preparation(4 minutes)1. Warming-upFree talk:1. How do you feel? 2. How does Danny feel? Why?学生谈论自己的感受,通过看图描述Danny的感受。2. Lead-inDanny runs to the train.Where is Danny now?Who else is on the train? Step 2: Presentation and Practi

10、ce(24 minutes)Part one:1. Listen and answerT:What are they doing on the train?Who can guess?T: What is Jenny doing now? 教师提问后,播放第一部分音频。Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.教师引导学生连读和意群朗读。T: Is Danny looking out of the window?学生回答问题:Danny is not looking out of the window.2.Watch and chooseT

11、:Jenny is looking out of the window, Danny is not looking of the window.What do they see on the train?Lets watch. 教师播放文本视频。观看第一部分视频,选择正确图片进行表达,学习本课重点句型Look!I see many tall trees!在学生理解文本基础上新授重点句型Look!I see many tall trees! Part two:1. Listen and answerT: Is Danny pointing now?What is Danny doing now?

12、教师提问,播放文本第二部分音频。2.Read and judgeT:Danny is singing a song. What about Jenny, Li Ming and Mrs. Li?I have some answers.Are they right?Lets read part two, try to tick or cross.学生默读课文,并进行判断。1. Jenny is drawing a picture on the train.2. Li Ming is reading the newspaper.3. Mrs. Li likes Dannys song.在判断题中新

13、授重点句型:What are you doing now?I am drawing a picture.3. Read and actT: Read after the tape, then act the dialogue.跟读课文,然后分角色朗读课文。Step3: Practice (6 minutes)Point and talkT: Whats Danny doing?S: He is having breakfast.师生合作示范第一幅图片的对话教师通过幻灯片的动画效果强调并渗透having一词havehashaving(学生自由结组,选择自己喜欢的图片就Whats Jenny/ Danny doing? He/ She is 进行对话练习。)Step4: Production(4 minutes)T: What do you see on the playground? What are they doing?(学生对自己所看到的事物和动作运用现在进行时进行交流。)复习已学知识,为本节课的学习做好充分的文本背景以及知识上的准备。学生自然进入文本情境,为



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