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1、 FollowingYourSteps-跟随你的脚步Brother, my dear brother, do you remember it is your birthday today? I am standing in the little forest behind our house, thinking of you.“Sister!“ A voice comes into my mind. I ”t that yours? You are standing there, leaning agai t a tall tree and smiling to me. Your strong

2、 body seems to be taller and stronger than before. “Have you finished your homework?“ You are asking me. But when I run toward you, you disa ear. Brother, where are you? Brother!On your last birthday you told me, “Ruixue, I”ll tell you a piece of good news. I”ve been enrolled by the army.“ I was ast

3、onished. I didn”t understand why you choose to be a soilder. Maybe because I had lost my parents, I was afraid of losing my brother. “No!“ I objected. “You can go to university after you graduate from high school. We can ask Mother”s unit to su ort us.“ “How can you think that way? We”ve been brough

4、t up by the state these years. Now we have grown up. We are in a position to help others and to serve the country,“ said Brother.I had nothing to say. I thought of the aunt meeting me in the rain, thought of my grandma taking care of me when I was ill thought of a lot of people who had given us help

5、. What could I say? I could only looking into your eyes admirably and the tree you were leaning agai t was in a ma of branches and leaves.Several days later, we parted ha ily. I never thought this would be the last time that we met. Soon after you went, I received your letter in which you told me th

6、at you were to go to the front to fight floods. I never thought you would be lying there forever.Brother, whenever I close my eyes, I can see you. You are ste ing difficultly toward the dam, with a heavy sand bag on your shoulder. I see you push one comrade-in-arms aside. but you are pushed into the

7、 flood.Brother, you will never come back! You can never stand in this little forest and ask me. “Have you finished your homework?“ But you”ll live in my heart forever. I”ll follow your ste to accomplish the cause that you haven”t finished yet.跟随你的脚步哥哥,我亲爱的哥哥,你知道今日是你的生日吗?我现在站在我们房子后的小树林里,惦念着你。“妹妹。”一个声

8、音在我的耳畔响起。那不是你吗?你站在那儿,靠着一棵大树,微笑地看着我,你强壮的身体好像比以前更高大更强壮了。“你做完作业了吗?”你问我。但当我向你跑去时,你却消逝了,哥哥,你在哪里?哥哥!在我去年的生日时你告知我:“瑞雪,我告知你一个好消息,我被军队录用了。”我真的很惊异,我不明白你为什么选择当一名战士。或许是我已经失去了父母,我可怕再失去哥哥。“不!”我反对。“你高中毕业后可以上大学啊。我们可以恳求妈妈那 边的亲戚支持我们。”“你怎么能那么想呢?这些年我们靠政府养着,现在我们长大了,我们可以帮忙别人,为社会效劳了。”哥哥这样说道。我无话可说。我想起了那次在雨中与阿姨见面的情景,想起了当我生病时奶奶照看我的样子,想起了许很多多赐予过我们帮忙的人们。我能说什么呢?我只能赞许地看着你的眼睛,看着你靠着的那棵枝叶婆娑的树。几天后,我们开心地分手了,我不知道这竟然是我们最终一次相聚。你离开以后,我收到你的来信,信中告知我你将去抗洪,我无法想像你会永久躺在那片土地上。哥哥,每当我闭上眼睛,我都能观察你。你困难地反抗着洪水,你的肩上背着沉重的沙袋,我观察你推开手挽手的战友的胳膊,自己却被卷入了洪流中。哥哥,你再也不会回来了!你再也不能站在这片小树林中间我:“你做完作业了吗?”。但你将永久活在我心中。我将追随你的脚步完成你未完成的使命。



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