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1、广州版小学英语六年级下册第二模块练习题审定:海珠区绿翠小学赖燕英编写:天河区棠东小学 王晓华六年级英语上册Module 2 单元练习天河区棠东小学 王晓华班别:_姓名:_学号:_ 成绩:_听力一、 听句子三次,选出句中所含有的信息,把其字母编号写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1. A.What B.fly C.flags ( ) 2. A.Italian capital B.green,white and black C.Italian national flag( ) 3. A.the capital of Australia B. the USA C. American( ) 4. A. t

2、he biggest B.bigger C. What( ) 5. A.winter holiday B. why C. go on holiday( ) 6. A.so much B. so many C. they are ( ) 7. A.French B.language C. spoken( ) 8. A.the Great Wall B. ago C. has been to ( ) 9. A.more than B. is over 7,000,000 C. is over 700,000( ) 10. A.the most beautiful city B. beautiful

3、 cities C. next year二、 根据句子的描述,给下列各图编号,将字母编号写在括号里。(6分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( )( ) 4. 5. 6. ( )( )( )三、 听对话三次,选择问题的正确答案。(5分)( ) 1. A. country B. national capital C.national flag( ) 2. A. New York B. Washington D.C C. Sydney( ) 3. A. Tokyo B. Paris C. Wellington( ) 4. A. Rome B. Wellington C. quieter( ) 5. A

4、. Yes,it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it does.四、 听句子三次,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)1. _ you should ask your mother .2. Im _ ten years old this month.3. Which is the highest _ in your city?4. Guangzhou is_ than Hainan.5. How many _ are there on the wall?五、 听短文三次,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,对的写T,错的写F。(5分)( ) 1. John is from Can

5、ada.( ) 2. Johns mother is a teacher.( ) 3.His classmate Liu Tao lives in Guangzhou now.( ) 4. Guangzhou is a good place to visit.( ) 5. John is very happy when he gets the letter from Liu Tao.笔试六、 按类别将下列单词的字母编号写在相应的表格内。(8分)BritainCanberraItalyRainyFrenchEnglishAustralianTorontoRassianSunnyGermanChi

6、neseCloudyColdJapaneseMoscowSydneyCounriesLanguageCitiesweather七、 选择正确的单词完成句子。(5分)1. Rome is _( big, bigger )than London.2. Who is _( the taller, the tallest), Janet, Philip or Ben?3. The capital _(for, of ) Australia is Canberra.4. I perfer _ (go to, to go to )a warmer place.5. The Webbs _(is going

7、 to, are going to )Foshan.八、 选择填空。(10分) ( )1.That is _ Italian toy over there. A.a B.an C./ ( )2.The trees on that mountain is _ than those here. A.beautiful B.the most beautiful C. more beautiful ( )3.Its _ in Beijing Road on Sundays than on weekdays. A.crowdeder B.more crowded C.the most crowded (

8、 )4.-Which county does he come from? -He comes from Canada,he speaks _. A.English B.Canadian C.Chinese ( )5.Would you like to have fun with us ? A.I like. B. I would like. C. Thats all right. ( )6.There are so _ food on the table. Amuch B.many C. lot ( )7._she going to _a letter ? A.Does, write B.Is

9、, write C. Is, writing ( )8.Lets _ the Great Wall. A.going to B. go C.visit ( )9._you taking a photo of the famous building? Yes, I am. A. Are B. Do C.Will ( )10._Alien been to the earth? A.Have B.Is C. Has九、 按实际情况或看图回答问题。(5分)1.What is the capital city of the UK?_2.Have you been to the other countri

10、es?_3.Does Tokyo have a larger population than Wellington?_4.Where would you like to go on holiday?_5.Is Guilin the capital of China?_十、 补全对话。(5分)Mike: _ do you usually do _ your holiday?Jiamin: I usually go to travel. I _ been to many places. Last year I visited Japan with my parents. Japan is _ to our country. Its an island country, I like swimming in the sea, its _, do you think so?Mike: I think _. I like _too. China is a _ place to _. I like Chinese food very much. Jiamin: Yes, I think Chinese food is fantastic! This summer holiday Im _ to London.Mike: Great! 十一、 阅读短


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