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1、告别高中英语演讲稿范文告别高中的英语演讲稿要怎样写比较好呢接下来是小编为大家收集了关于告别高中英语演讲稿,供大家参考借鉴。 告别高中英语演讲稿范文(一) Tody,peak from h poium inal ime ayourpesidnt.AsIdeart, I want to hank al of you - stdts, auly,alumi and ff - ihwhm I have be priveged t wor over te st years. Some us have hadur disagreements,ut know that hih unts u tracens

2、hat wih divids. lave h a ullhet, grateful e optunty hae d tolead his earkable istiuto 今天,我将以校长的身份,最后一次在这个讲台上演讲。即将离任前,我要感谢诸位学生、教师、校友和员工,而且非常荣幸在过去的年里能与你们共事。我们中的一些人意见不尽相同, 但是,我知道,我们的共识远远超越分歧。我心满意足的离开哈佛,感激你们给我机会领导这所杰出的学府。 Since delivered my iaugraladrss, 6 mots o,I have larned an normou amoun;abouthighe

3、 education, abo leaership, an also bout mself. Some ings loiffernt omethntheydid fiv yearsg he rld that today’s Havardrso;gradutes are eterngis a rofoudly dfferentone thn the worl ainistrtrs enteed. 自从56个月前我发表上任讲话以来,我学到了很多;;关于高等教育,关于领导艺术,也关于自我完善。在我看来,现在与5年前不同了。今天的哈佛毕业生正在进入的世界和管理人员当年所进入的世界相比已是大

4、相径庭了。 Itis awld whre otites have nevrbee graer fohse whoknow o to th childre t ea,othosew kohwtostribue ficia rik;nver ratr fr tos ho uerstand th cladth el;never greaer or hose w ca aser, and vigte ewen, leglods,faith dions,cmutepators,polticl ewpoints. 现今世界,机遇对于这些人来说是空前的:他们知道如何教子女阅读;他们知道如何组合投资;他们懂得

5、基本存储单元和像素概念;他们能掌握各种法典、传统信仰、计算机平台、政治观点并在其中游刃有余。 I is lo aorl whereome arlet further nfrtherend hosh re not educate, thos appedin pover and iolence, thsefor whom ul oppotuitsjst a holow phae. 同时,现今世界,一些人越来越落后于时代。这些人没受过教育、深陷于贫穷和暴力、平等机遇对他们而言,仅是一句空话。Sintii an tecnological dvaes reeabing us to cmprhe th f

6、urtes reahes of thesms, he most sc ontuetfmtter, ad temiacle of life. 科技进步正在使我们能够探索宇宙的边陲、物质最基本的成分及生命的奇迹。tth sa tie, today, actions,dnation, a in impril nt onlylie n the plane, ut he verylife of teplae 与此同时,今天,人类所做的及没能做到的事情,不仅危害到这个星球上的生命,也危害到该星球的寿命。 Globalation s makinghe wo smaller, faster and riher

7、. tl, 9/11, avin fl, a ran remind us tht smaller,asterold is not necssarilya sa orld. 全球化正在使地球变得愈来愈小、愈来愈快和愈来愈富有。尽管如此,/11、禽流感及伊朗提醒我们,更小更快的世界决不意味着其更安全。urworldbrstwith knolede - bu desperaely i ee of wisdo. Now, when sound bes areetting shortr, he instan msags cr out says, andwhen indviual lvesgrow ore

8、frenzied, colle grdats aal of deep refetin are what ur world neds 我们正处于一个知识爆炸的世界之中,不过,迫切需要智慧。现在,在原声摘要播出变得愈来愈短,即时信息淘汰了杂记文,个人生活变得如痴如狂之际,这个世界还是需要能够深思的大学生。Forall thesrasn I elived- and I believeven morerntoay the niqu areplaceable mssion f iversities. 考虑到这些理由,我过去信仰,而今天甚至更加强烈地信仰大学独特的、无可取代的使命。Unietis arwh

9、re he wisdoe annot afford o loseis rserved from geneaion togenrtion. Amo all hun intitution,uiversis can look beyn resent no to future possbilitis,can l through current conderais mergpounits. 大学是人类把不可或缺的智慧世代流传的殿堂。就人类所有公共机构而言,仅仅大学,能够超越当前的准则,注意到未来的可能性;能通过目前的判断,注意到突发的机遇。 An amo nivrsitie, Harvard stand

10、s out. Wh itgre tradtion, it coc reptation, its remakble network of 300,000 almni, Haard hanver had a much pential a it doe now. 哈佛在大学中间,鹤立鸡群。凭其伟大的传统、因袭声誉及其非凡的30000校友网,哈佛的潜力前所未有。dye,great d proud nstitions, ike grat andproud ntions at thi pa,mustsmount a er rea r: tthe e srengthofheir trdition ill l

11、ead t cuion,toan inwad focu on preratve ndo a complacncy tha estheworld pass them by.可是,就像伟大和自豪的国家在其鼎盛时期一样,它们必须克服一个完全不能掉以轻心的危险因素:它们传统的绝对强势将会导致谨小慎微、追求内部特权及自满,这将使它们不能与时俱进。Ad so Isay ootht Uiversiy oda isa an nflecion pt i ithistry. At s amomen, thee istemptiont lvte cmforadoensus ve pogs andlerdirecti

12、, but thi woul be a istake. Th niversityrsquo;s achls rsoces -human, yical, fnancial ead tatwe sezeth momewth vision an bodns. To do otherwise would ba ostopotuitye cn surret eds that historyw mark dcadsad ev cntuies from no. I Harad ca fd thecouage tohan tlf,it cn cage he world. 今天,哈佛正处于其历史的转折点。此时此

13、刻的自然倾向是,把贪图舒适和随波逐流留凌驾于进步和方向性之上,但,这可能是错误的。大学无与伦比的资源;人力、物力、财力;;要求我们远见卓识和勇敢地抓住这个时机,否则,将会坐失良机。我们能推动将会被历史永世铭记的伟大的事业。如果哈佛能找到勇气来改变自己,它就能改变世界。 告别高中英语演讲稿范文(二) this goriou ummer, wwill sy goodbye! ho ae experienced life nhighscho pelwold say, thr eas fhigh soltme is er imssive, vey profod.Thi is ot onl to the tesin of living unde high resure; Chengan th pile, th exmntionape o fly sky; and wehe reultfalt tea



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