【教学设计】Module 9 Unit 1(外研).doc

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1、Module 9Unit 1 Best wishes to you!合肥新瀚海教育 王海霞 教材分析学生面临着毕业与分别,本课内容以毕业留言为主,非常贴近学生们的情感需要。主要包括两个方面内容:小学回忆与美好祝福。并且文本中为学生准备的素材丰富多样,使学生在大量的语言材料输入后,可以自己取舍和加工,从而提高学生们综合运用语言的能力。并且在这个时刻,送上一份祝福是再合适不过的了,也能让学生懂得感恩与珍惜。 教学目标【知识目标】1、学习并掌握新单词wish, best wishes, primary, primary school, keep, forever, joy, future, wond

2、erful。2、学习新句型:Best wishes to you! Good luck for the future.3、理解课文文本,尝试提取文本信息,学会如何互致毕业祝愿。【能力目标】通过本课的学习,学生能运用目标语句表达良好祝愿,并且能够运用目标语言为同学、老师、朋友写留言。【情感目标】增进学生之间的感情,让学生懂得珍惜友情。 教学重难点【教学重点】如何在小组合作中逐步掌握从文本中提取信息的能力。【教学难点】能运用Best wishes to you!这类语句表达良好祝愿。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Greet

3、ing with the students.2. Free talk:What will you miss most about your primary school life?引导学生回忆自己的小学生活,自然地引入本课内容。3. Listen and chant:学唱Part 1的chat,激发学生学习兴趣。Step 2 Presentation1. T: Our friend Daming is going to say goodbye to his primary school. What does he want his friends to do? Lets see.2. List

4、en and answer. Then discuss in groups.Q1: Did Daming enjoy the time?Yes, he did.Q2: What does Daming want to do?He wants to remember his friends all.3. Read the text and answer.Q1: Does Lingling think Daming is naughty?Yes, she does.Q2: What did Daming help Lingling in?He helped her in sports.4. Wat

5、ch and answer.Q1: What did Daming teach Amy?He taught her Chinese.Q2: Does Amy think Daming is a wonderful friend?Yes, she does.5. Listen and follow, then answer.Q1: Who is Sams best friend?Daming is Sams best friend.Q2: What does Sam ask Daming to do?Sam asks Daming to come to UK to watch football games with him.6. Retell the text.Step 3 Practice1. Listen and say:教学Part 3:(1)Talk about the pictures. (2)学生整体听读,注意语音语调。 (3)学生根据图片,试着说一说。 (4)小组内练习。2. Practise:Say good wishes to your friends.Step 4 Homework 1. Read the words and text fluently. 2. Listen to the tape, and read the text. 教学反思略。


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