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1、Unt Med My lassLeso Li g Is Bak to School.echig conten:1 New wod nd phss:rad,student, class, pupi, cosin; be bac, ave les/clase2. nrodue yurselfandyursool.Teacig gols1. Lnnewod: bacgrade, stent, class, pupi coui2 Me sure the Ss canintroduce hemselve n their shool3. Talbout thdiffences een school inC

2、hina and oher coutries.Key ois:1) Soe newwosnd hrae2) trdue aschool by mailDfficupoints: Copae shooli hinand Canaa.Prepaatin: some rd cad,icurTahing rsores: rece, pictre orcars.Tpfthe leso: lseig ad seaking.Teacig rocedure: Clasopening1)Teacers and S slf-trdcis. T: m yor (new) nlisheaher rom tody. M

3、y me i Yo can call me Mr./M.x.Imgd t learnEngli wih yu ope to b your fend,so wantoknowou ow.Pleaseintroduceorstom Whoan to be y frst frienS:Myae is Wng WeiT:Goo, tnk you WanW Yare a hadsomeoy .S2: Mnam isL Xiaoua.T: Ver o. Gldtoget myseo friendThaks, ohua.Yor red kirts s beautiful. ie red ermuh. Whe

4、r aryu frm(Tetece can askSs ome ther quetions, suc as: Hw old ouoyulik Enlih What ou favoite oloretc. utdo reemer to prse ah tudent for whaer hesh sas n Eglih.)2)Ledn td nw lessonT:Afer you introducedyourselves, have knownmof you. owI want tokw somethga urschl. Whca tellme Is bg: Ys,Its ver big. : o

5、 ow big i S4: Every grade ha 8 lasssT: , yea. Its ute bi. The wehave 4clases (the tech cn ae ittl hre,wait for th spak gethr) atogether Very ood, Whocan ell howmasudent n our ls5: orty-eig.T: Thanyu,S5. ouo ur cl well. How mn grls inur lasS6: t-fieT: hnkyoual teling me ao ourschoo.Wo knwsshoosi som

6、oter cntriFor examp, in Canada,tr shool ar biggror sale You cguess the answer. wats thae a trS: biggT: God! A ietry.Tans.S8: think,small.:ood, i diferentanswe. Thank ou. Well get the aswr afer welearn this lsson.Plaseurn o Pa2 of you etbook. e have ore qeion o dis. wlessonStep 1: kt sdicuss theuesti

7、os in“Thik Abou It.”Te the frt queston as an xampl:T:Have yu chang oe the sumr hldy 9, wht about yoS9: Ye, rMs.mtalle. I oen went swimnwith ybrther: wmminis god exercseinsumme. Wat but otherS1: I thinne bt taller.I plaed fotbl yayithmy feds.1: Im sorry to sa I fate nowI li atching TVatho in the suer

8、 oidaye 2: isteningan nwin:) Litent te tae (of the firsemai) ith o quesionsT: Wvetalkd abot or scho andlas. et, let listen to Li Mings e-mlte you can now schoos in Cad a bigger n smllr. Pleaseisncarefully ndanswe th ollowng thr ustion:1)Wheedd Li i wrie the tter/i) Hw manypupsarether inLiMngs clas(P

9、layte ape ): Jenny is in ada. you thin shoolsin Caaa is bigger o sall: (together) saler.: Vy good.2, aswer questn 1,lese.S1: (Li Ming rte te lettr)In China.: Goo, S, Hw maypupls arete i LiMgs clssDo yunw“pupils” Yes, “upil” means udnt14:There re ffy ppils n his classT: Right, very god.B) Lten t th t

10、ap (of the seod e-mail) a answerthefolowin quion (o t same a in stoA)Wo wil come fm the U.t:Rdng nd iscussinA)Fs readngT: eadth t emils fastan nl. Then lets discuseaout thmHre are some morequestin:1) ho is the e-mai om ad ) Wa cany lar froth twoe-mail3)Do yuike chools in Cnaa4) Do ou ongfrm oo roomf

11、or your clss Is t gd ercse5) Whis Bin in the cond mail old heB)Second reaing n furherdiscingT: Read he textasecond te.Then wel havea uth iscussioin groups of 4 tdet. questio oryu i: What ar he sme o diferen thingsbeteen th shols i China anad. Il giv ou 5 inutes todiscss.hn youshold reporu discu oor ls.(Five minte lter, colect he result f theirdiscussion.)T: grop 1, wa ee sehins betwenthe holsi China and CaaS5(fromgoup 1):Thereare clsroom n allhe schols:ood!Anythg els ro 2S16 (from group): Tere are many tahersT:erygod! hs the diffrent thins then1


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