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1、劳保用品发放和使用管理制度Management System on PPE Distribution and Utilization一、 发放原则、目的、适用范围Principal, purpose and scope 1. 为加强本厂劳保用品的管理,改善员工劳动条件,保障员工在生产劳动过程中的安全卫生和健康,结合我厂实际情况,制定本管理制度。This management system is formulated in accordance with the company actual situation, aiming at strengthening the PPE managemen

2、t, improving labor conditions, guaranteeing employees health and safety in the process of production.2. 本着安全、经济、实用、合理发放及正确使用的原则,根据不同的工种岗位、劳动条件、工作环境,发放相应的劳保用品。Labor protection equipment is distributed according to different position, working condition under the guidance of principles such as safety,

3、economy, pragmatic, properly distribution and correctly utilization. 3. 凡从事多工种生产作业的员工,按其主要工种的标准发放。For multi-type operation workers, delivering criterion is subject to their main occupation.4. 本制度发放标准只针对本厂正式员工。Delivering criterion of this stipulation is for contracted staff only.二、 发放管理及规定Distributin

4、g management and stipulation1. EHS负责制定劳保用品发放标准,并确定检查劳保用品是否符合劳动保护的要求。负责对劳保用品的使用和配备情况进行不定期检查,并对各工种的危害因素进行定期评估,酌情调整劳保用品的发放标准及使用期限,及对员工个人劳保用品的使用情况进行监督。EHS is responsible for the following issues, that is, to stipulate PPE distributing Standard, to confirm whether the PPE meet the labor protection requir

5、ements, to inspect the PPE utilizing and allocating situation casually, to assess hazard factors for each positions regularly, to adjust the distributing standard and utilizing limited and custody the usage state.2. 采购部负责劳保用品的统一采购、保管,按劳保用品发放标准发放和记录,并建立员工劳保用品发放台帐。采购部除在特殊情况和紧急情况下接收EHS的劳保用品采购计划,一律不接收任何

6、部门的劳保用品采购计划。The Purchasing Dept. should procure and manage the PPE uniformly, should issue and record in accordance with PPE Issuing Standard and establish PPE distribution records. The Purchasing Dept. shall not accept any PPE Procurement from other departments, except the application from EHS unde

7、r certain emergency circumstances.3. 各部门负责人在EHS部门的协助下对员工个人劳保用品的使用进行培训,并监督本部门员工按要求正确使用劳保用品。各部门必须贯彻“安全第一、预防为主”的方针,坚持“管生产必须管安全”的原则,认真实施劳动保护法律、法规,维护职工劳动保护的合法权益,做好劳动保护工作。With the assistance of EHS, all department managers should train his team for proper use of PPE and supervise department staff use corr

8、ectly as requirement. All departments should fulfill Safety Comes First with Prevention and hold the principal that Security Management Must be Included in Production Control should follow with labor protection legislation requirements, should safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employe

9、e and standby labor protection.4. 个人使用的物品由个人保管,班组共同使用物品由班组长负责保管。员工要自觉爱护、保管、使用好劳保用品,不得任意丢失、损坏、变卖、转借他人或挪作它用,必须严格执行,违者要追究责任。The Individual items should be possessed in person and the team leaders should take charge of the common PPE inside their own team. Employees should consciously protect, safeguard

10、 and utilize PPE, any loss, damage, disposal, transfer or used for any other purpose is forbidden which should be implemented strictly, and any offenders shall be called to account.5. 劳保用品中,焊工手套、帆布手套、口罩、洗衣粉、肥皂、毛巾按季度标准发放,其余劳保用品按年度标准发放。工作服年发放标准为4套的,按半年度标准发放,即每半年发两套。For the PPE distribution, welding gl

11、oves, canvas mittens, masks, powder detergent and towels are quarterly distributed, and the other PPE is yearly distributed. For 4 suits of uniform yearly distributing standard, the PPE is distributed every halfyear, namely 2 suits per half yearly.6. 按季度发放的劳保用品,于每年1月、4月、7月、10月的20日至25日,由本人到采购部劳保用品仓库按

12、季度标准量一次性领用。按年度发放的,于每年6月20日至25日进行领用,按半年度发放的,于每年1月、6月20日至25日进行领用。因特殊情况需要代领的,由部门经理签字代领。For quarterly distributing PPE, employees shall get quarterly standard quantity in person from the PPE warehouse of Purchasing Dept. on 20th-25th Jan., Apr., Jul. and Oct., and June 20th-25th should be available for

13、yearly distributing PPE, and 20th-25th Jan. and Jun. are for half-yearly distribution. The Dept. leaders should sign for the PPE drawing on employees behalf under special circumstances.7.员工因各种原因脱离生产岗位,由人力资源部及时书面通知采购部。For off-site employees, HR Dept. should notice to Purchasing in written. (1) 员工休假(病

14、、产、事、工伤及脱产学习),凡超过一个季度者,停发“季度量”劳保用品,其他的劳保用品予以顺延。Employees off for vacation over four months, sick leave, maternity leave, casual leave and full-time study included, shall be suspended for quarterly distributing PPE, and the other appliances should be postponed.(2) 员工变更工种时,按新工种标准发放,未达到劳保发放标准的进行补充,新岗位不

15、再需要的劳保用品需退还采购部。For job transfers, the employees should get PPE as the new standard, supplementation for shortage and return to Purchasing for extra.(3) 用工结束,停发其劳保用品,需退还工作服、劳保鞋、安全帽、防护眼镜及特殊劳保用品如耐高温铝衣,冶炼面罩、冶炼手套。For employment termination, the company shall suspend PPE distribution, and the employee mus

16、t return the PPE suits, PPE shoes, safety helmet, protective glass and special PPE supplies, heat-resistance aluminum cloth, smelting masks and smelting mittens for example.7. 承包商、临时工、实习及外来参观人员的劳保用品由采供部根据实际情况安排发放或借给,并做好用后收回工作,如丢失、损坏者,按原值折价赔偿。The purchasing Dept. should supply or lend PPE to sub-contractors, casual labors, interns or outside visitors based on the actual situation, and withdraw after use, and th


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