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1、部编版三年级英语(上册)期中试题及答案(精编) 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、( )Aleft BrightCmonkey2( )Ababy BflyCread3( )Aput BbikeClook4( )Along BelephantCshort5( )Aear BlineCeye二、根据图片提示,将下列单词补充完整。(10分)1、.1 h_ _d 2c_t 3 p_n4_ig 5 t_n 6 m_ _k三、选择正确答案。(20分)1、_! What can you hear? ( )AListenBLook

2、CTaste2、_ he got a new dress? ( )AHaveBHasCDo3、What do you do _ Mondays? ( )AinBatCon4、Look! This is _ bear. ( )Yes. But that is _ elephant.Aan; aBa; anCthe; a5、Good afternoon! ( )_AGoodbye!BGood afternoon!CGood morning.6、Shake your body. ( )_AThank you.BOK!CVery well, thanks.7、Cut the big _.( )Acak

3、eBwaterCmilk8、There are _ seasons in a year. ( )AthreeBfiveCfour9、_ you like art? ( )Yes, I do.AAreBDoCCan10、This is _ pencil, Lingling. ( )AyouBsheCyour7 四、 将词组与中文意思对应连线。(10分)1. erasera. 尺子2. rulerb. 文具盒3. pencilc. 铅笔4. schoold. 橡皮5. pencil-box e. 学校五、 连词成句。(10分)1. he, your, brother, is (?) _2. man

4、, that, who, over, is, there (?) _3. father, is, Johns, this (.)_4. girl, sister, is, that, your (?) _5. my, this, sister, is, twin (.)_六、 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)( )1. The book is under the desk.( )2. The dog is in the box.( )3. The cat is under the chair.( )4. Look at my book.( )5. The boat is on

5、 the chair. 七、 将下列句子与对应的答语连起来。(10分)AIt is in the zoo.BOh. its so tall.CYoure right.DIts black and white.E. Wow, its so big.1Look at the giraffe. ( )2The bind is small. Its cute. ( )3Where is the tiger? ( )4Look at the elephant. ( )5Look at the panda. ( )八、 阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(20分)Hello, Im Chen Ji

6、e. I have three friends(朋友). Sarah is eight years old. She would like some cakes and water. She likes green. Mike is nine years old. He would like some milk and bread. He likes red. John is ten years old. He would like some rice and fish. He likes yellow.1Sarah is eight years old. ( )2Mike is ten ye

7、ars old. ( )3Sarah would like some cakes and water. ( )4Mike would like some milk and bread. ( )5John likes yellow. ( )参考答案一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、1C2A3B4B5B二、根据图片提示,将下列单词补充完整。(10分)1、1 a n2a3e4p5e6 i l三、选择正确答案。(20分)1、A2、B3、C4、B5、B6、B7、A8、C9、B10、C四、 将词组与中文意思对应连线。(10分)1、1.d2.a3.c4.e5.b五、 连词成句。(10分)1、 1. Is he your brother? 2. Who is that man over there? 3. This is Johns father. 4. Is that girl your sister? 5. This is my twin sister.六、 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)1、 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T七、 将下列句子与对应的答语连起来。(10分)1、1B2C3A4E5D八、 阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1T2F3T4T5T页码 / 总页数


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