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1、韦博英语口语培训班,十句简单实用的问路英语你知道怎样用地道的美式口语翻译这段话吗?“ 走这条单行道,在第一个红绿灯时左转, 那里就是 Hemphill Ave。 是一条双线道。往下走, 你会在你的左边看到一个加油站, 继续走50 码, 直到看到一个三叉路口, 右转, 经过二个 stop sign。你就会碰到 Wal Mart, 邮局就在 Wal Mart 的对面。而杨先生的家呢? 邮局后面就是啦。” 以下可以作为参考:1. Take the one-way street. 走这条单行道。One-way street就是单行道. 尤其在 Downtown 地区, 以亚特兰大和纽奥良为例, 其复杂

2、的程度可以用进的去, 出不来来形容, 实在不是个愉快的开车经验。2. You will stay on the street for a while until you hit the first traffic light。你会走一会儿, 直到你遇到第一个红绿灯。Stay for a while 通常指五到十分钟的时间, 不会太久. 遇见某样东西, 可以用 hit 这个字,如 hit the traffic light, hit the stop sign 等等. 而 traffic light 也有人说成 light, 或 stoplight。3. Then take a left. 向左

3、转。向左转可以说成 turn left, take a left 或是 make a left. 有时光讲 take a left 不明确, 你可以加上路名, 明确地告诉人家要转哪一条路, 例如 Take a left into Hemphill Ave. 或是 Take a left onto Hemphill Ave。4. It will be Hemphill Ave. Its two-lane traffic.那就会是 Hemphill Ave, 它是一条双线道。指路的时候如果能够说出街道名称是最好,所以通常我会把转到哪一条路的路名也指出来.至于是几线道一般指路的时候则比较不会提及.

4、双线道是指来去各一个车道共二线道而言,四线道就是 four-lane traffic. 像亚特兰大的 Interstate Highway 有些地方都是十二线道, 那就是 twelve-lane traffice 够惊人吧。5. Come down Hemphill Ave about five blocks.由 Hemphill 街往下走约五个 blocks。英文这个部份跟中文有异曲同工之妙,我们会习惯地说, 往 下 走, 英文也会说come down 或是 get down, 这里如果只说 Come Hemphill Ave. 听来是不是怪怪的? 至于 block 指的是一块一块的建筑,

5、外国人在指路时很喜欢用 block 作为计量的单位。6. You will see a BP gas station on your left.在你的左手边你会看到一座 BP 加油站。指路的时候除了路名之外,明显的地标也是有帮助的. 通常你可以指出一些明显的建筑物或是加油站来帮助对方。加油站的英文是 gas station, 有时会简称 station。7. Keep going 50 yards before you come to a fork road.继续走 50 码,直到你走到一个三叉路口。继续往下走可以用 keep going 这个字, 或是 continue straight 或

6、是 keep straight 也很常用。 Fork road 就是我们说的三叉路口。那如果是丁字路口要怎么说? 你可以说,This road will dead end into 10th Street. 就可以表达出丁字路口的意思了。8. Make a right, pass two stop signs and you will run into a Wal Mart.向右转, 经过二个 Stop sign, 你就会遇到 Wal Mart。老美喜欢说 Youll run into it! 意思就是,你会遇到的。 You cant miss it! 就是说, 你绝不会错过的。9. The

7、post office is just right across the street of it.邮局就在Wal Mart的正对面。Right across the street of it 是个很重要的短语, 加上 right across 表示出 正 对面的意思. 还有一个很常用的就是在什么什么的旁边, 这个要用 The office is next to it. It 代表之前已经提过的 Wal Mart, 如果之前没有提及,这里也可以直接说成, across the street of Wal Mart。10. Mr. Yangs house is behind the post o

8、ffice.杨先生的房子就在邮局后面。The twain cantered along for some time without speech, Tess as she clung to him still panting in her triumph, yet in other respects dubious. She had perceived that the horse was not the spirited one he sometimes rose, and felt no alarm on that score, though her seat was precarious

9、 enough despite her tight hold of him. She begged him to slow the animal to a walk which Alec accordingly did.Neatly done, was it not, dear Tess? he said by and by.Yes! said she. I am sure I ought to be much obliged to you.And are you?She did not reply.Tess, why do you always dislike my kissing you?

10、I supposebecause I dont love you.You are quite sure?I am angry with you sometimes!Ah, I half feared as much. Nevertheless, Alec did not object to that confession. He knew that anything was better then frigidity. Why havent you told me when I have made you angry?You know very well why. Because I cann

11、ot help myself here.I havent offended you often by love-making?You have sometimes.How many times?You know as well as Itoo many times.Every time I have tried?She was silent, and the horse ambled along for a considerable distance, till a faint luminous fog, which had hung in the hollows all the evenin

12、g, became general and enveloped them. It seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air. Whether on this account, or from absent-mindedness, or from sleepiness, she did not perceive that they had long ago passed the point at which the lane to Trantridge bra

13、nched from the highway, and that her conductor had not taken the Trantridge track.She was inexpressibly weary. She had risen at five oclock every morning of that week, had been on foot the whole of each day, and on this evening had in addition walked the three miles to Chaseborough, waited three hou

14、rs for her neighbours without eating or drinking, her impatience to start them preventing either; she had then walked a mile of the way home, and had undergone the excitement of the quarrel, till, with the slow progress of their steed, it was now nearly one oclock. Only once, however, was she overco

15、me by actual drowsiness. In that moment of oblivion her head sank gently against him.DUrberville stopped the horse, withdrew his feet from the stirrups, turned sideways on the saddle, and enclosed her waist with his arm to support her.This immediately put her on the defensive, and with one of those sudden impulses of reprisal to which she was liable she gave him a little push from her. In his ticklish position he nearly lost his balance and only just avoided rolling over into the road, the horse, though a powerful one, being fortunately the quietest he rode.That is devilish unkind! he


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