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1、 小学五年级英语演讲稿 敬重的各位家长: 你们好! 我是本班的英语教师刘双,特别感谢各位能准时参与家长会。单从这点就可看出大家对子女教育问题的高度关注,这也是对孩子的一种敬重和鼓舞。作为一名五年级学生的家长,想必您时常为孩子的学习问题操劳;作为英语教师,我们也希望着与您携手,与您沟通,共同提高孩子的英语学习力量。 今年,进入了关键的五年级,每位同学和家长都能充分感受到五年级的英语学习压力。家长们留心留意会发觉英语的课文由简洁的对话变为较长篇幅的短文,单词较多,也有了更多的语法学问。五年级的英语学习,在整个小学阶段处于一个肯定的主导作用,对学生英语学习的要求发生了质的变化,或许您的孩子在三四年级

2、的时候,英语学习不用花功夫,也能考40以上。但是现在假如孩子依旧是只凭上课听听,回家不读不记,那么英语成绩将会消失下滑现象。学生们都是在同一起跑线上起跑的,经过五年来的英语学习,学生与学生之间已经拉开了差距。一些好的学生学习兴趣浓,学习劲头足,课堂上积极思维,踊跃发言,课后准时稳固,形成了良性循环的好势头。他们的学习习惯好,在听、说、读、写方面都能齐头并进,我为他们感到欣慰。可也有一些学生,平常学习马虎,根底不扎实,功亏一篑,导致他们现在课上听讲消失困难,作业拖拉不完成,背诵课文的作业根本不做,如此一来,学习自然成了件头痛事,麻烦事。 今日就借此时机让各位家长看一下孩子们的默写本,这些默写作业

3、是每节课前五分钟必做环节,以此来检查孩子们对于上一节课的学问把握状况。对于班上大局部孩子,默写本上根本会消失一至三处的错误,盼望家长们能从中找出孩子存在的缺乏,催促孩子制定今后的学习努力方向。本学期开学至今,班级的学习气氛很浓,英语成绩较之上学期又有了肯定的进步。英语这门学科和语数不一样的地方在于它的敏捷多变性,它的题型可以千变万化,但它的变化总是建立在一个不变的根底上的,那就是这些根底学问:单词,短语,句型。一旦根底的东西把握了,不管它怎么变,万变不离其宗。接下来请各位家长和我一起看一下本次的英语期中测试 信任各位家长看了孩子们的英语默写本和期中试卷后肯定能够发觉他们在英语学习中存在的缺乏。

4、我盼望家长能了解孩子们的英语学习要求,从而帮忙和指导自己的孩子在家有效开展英语学习,使孩子们能够在后半学习的学习中能取得最正确的成绩,以实现家长、孩子、教师三者共同的心愿。本学期的英语学习要求主要有以下三个方面: 1。默写的内容:书后单词表中蓝色单词、课文中教师要求划的短语、以及C、D局部的句型。 2。背诵的内容:每单元A局部课文,C、D局部句型,以及教师要求抄的笔记及每课的语法学问 3。要求练习的内容:牛津小学英语练习与测试和每天的.家庭作业。 英语学习贵在坚持,听、说、读、写,四个方面缺一不行,课后的复习和稳固尤为重要,所以盼望家长在家中积极协作教师的英语教学,准时了解孩子的学习状况,催促

5、孩子坚持每天读英语,按时完成教师布置的作业。在此我盼望各位家长能做到以下两点: 1、家长定期检查孩子的作业本,特殊是默写本,关怀孩子的学习状况,并催促孩子准时改错。 2、每个周末家长定时复习笔记,英语笔记的内容是精华局部,是重要学问点,语法点。考试前读一读、仔细复习,会有事半功倍的效果。 作为教师我们肯定会尽最大的努力来教好每一位孩子,同时我们也真诚的盼望能够得到您的支持和协作。我们每一位英语教师要带三个班的英语课,关注近180个孩子的英语学习,工作量是很大的,相比而言我们力气是微小的,有了您的参加,才能形成家校联合的强大力气。 小学五年级英语演讲稿3 Hello ! My dear teac

6、hers and classmates .Nice to meet you . My name is . Im from primary school . I study in ClaTwo Grade Five . Im very nice to be here . Today I am going to talk about “ me ” I am Baohe River , a happy river . I have many friends :animals ,trees , and lovely children . Everyday we play together . Chil

7、dren swim. The animals sing . All of us are very happy and we are never tired . But one day , a big factory was built near my body . The birds and the fish had to move their houses , because of the dirty water and heavy smoke. My friends went away. I was so sad. Some years later. People woke up. The

8、y began to know that clean water is so important. Little by little , I found I was clean again . Now the water is clean and green . The air is fresh ,too . There are many fish in the river . And there are some bridges over the river . Rainbow Bridge is very beautiful. I love her very much . look ! A

9、ll my friends come back again . Im very happy again . So my dear friends . Do you love me ? I always love you ! Thats all . Thank you . See you next year ! 小学五年级英语演讲稿4 Dear teachers, students: I am very happy to meet with you here today to tell you my speech is entitled “English, so I am happy.“ Eng

10、lish, spread to all over the world, people talk about memorization. Since my time in first grade began to learn English, I was not interested in it, but the third and fourth grade, when a sudden interest in reading in English every day, and even self-learning, to raise a lot of English results . Now

11、, my greatest interest is the time to see the English. Each weekend, I always find time to read English books or see on the English comic books, information books, and even outside the time when shopping, but also with some English information on the book, simply put it down. Each school, I sometime

12、s went to the library of books on English, a view that is 30 minutes, the harvest has been so many. Once again, the summer vacation, I went to the United Kingdom. Where I see a lot of the city, this afternoon I have friends with the British dialogue in English, but also know a lot of knowledge of En

13、glish, they also compliment away一extra-curricular knowledge of the English book. I have often in the Monday and Tuesday, when listening to English tapes, one is 3 hours. Also frequently used sentence patterns learned review again, I learned to feel very proud. The book in English class after school,

14、 but also extra-curricular English book out to read, every time I think: if these extra-curricular English read the end, learned that their English, reading and writing is not improved. Therefore, I, day and night, every day, reading, really English results improved reading and writing, I am more proud of. I know that Rome was not built in a day. I believe that through continuous efforts to learn, one day, I can speak English very well. Therefore, I am very happy of.


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