初二英语下册:unit 1-5 单元语法归纳.docx

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1、Unit 1 重点语法教学目标:掌握情态动词should的用法掌握反身代词的用法1. 情态动词should的用法( 1 ) 情态动词should后接动词原形,变为一般疑问句时将should提前,变为否定句时在should后面加not。We should listen to our teacher carefully in class.Should I tell him the news right now?We shouldnt come late to school.( 2 ) should常用于以下两种情况: 提出建议、观点或看法。You loo tired. You should lie

2、 down and rest. 表示推测,意为“该,按理应当”。Wait a minute. I thin he should come in a moment.2. 反身代词( 1 ) 反身代词的构成反身代词是表示或强调自身的代词,有人称和数之分。第一、二人称反身代词由“形容词性物主代词 + self ( 单数 )或selves ( 复数 )”构成;第三人称则由“宾格人称代词 + self ( 单数 )或selves ( 复数 ) ”构成。详见下表:人称单数复数(-selves)第一人称myself 我自己ourselves 我们自己第二人称yourself 你自己yourselves 你们

3、自己第三人称himself 他自己themselves他/ 她/ 它们自己herself 她自己itself 它自己 ( 2 ) 反身代词的用法 做宾语You must loo after yourself well and eep healthy.The child can dress himself. 做同位语He didnt often go shopping himself.= He himself didnt often go shopping. 做主语在现代英语中,反身代词一般不能独立用作主语,但是它可以借助and, or, nor等连词与其他名词一起构成并列主语(且位于并列主语的

4、后部),以及用于某些特殊结构(如as.as等)。My brother and myself went there yesterday.He was as anious as myself.Jims sister and himself get up at si every day.( 3 ) 含反身代词的短语小结by oneself 独自,单独for oneself 亲自teach oneself 自学learn.by oneself 自学enjoy oneself 玩得开心say to oneself 自言自语dress oneself 穿衣服help oneself to. 随意吃/ 喝点

5、.I am able to do it by myself.I teach myself English in my spare time.They enjoyed themselves at the party.Unit 2 重点语法教学目标:掌握不定式几种重要用法1. 动词不定式动词不定式的基本结构为“to + 动词原形”(有时可不加to)。在句中除了不能充当谓语外,其他成分都可以充当,如:主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语、宾语补足语等。此处主要讲做宾语补足语和状语的用法。( 1 ) 做宾语补足语。动词不定式做宾语补足语,放在宾语的后面,表示宾语是什么或怎么样。有to do和to be两种形式

6、。The doctor advised him to tae a good rest.I find English to be very easy.注意:在as, tell, encourage, get, wish, want, would lie, find, advise, teach 等动词或短语之后,常接带to的不定式做宾语补足语。We ased him to sing a pop song at the party.我们请他在聚会上唱一首流行歌曲。动词不定式做宾语补足语时,不定式符号to在使役动词 ( have, mae, let )、感官动词 ( feel, hear, watc

7、h, see, notice等 ) 的后面时要省略。但它们变为被动语态时,不定式符号to不能省略。The boss made the worers wor over ten hours a day in the past.= The worers were made to wor over ten hours a day by the boss in the past.动词help接不定式做宾语补足语时,不定式符号to 可省略也可不省略。He often comes to help us ( to ) do some farm wor.拓展动词不定式在listen to, loo at后做宾语

8、补足语时,常省略to。I listened to him sing. 我听到他唱歌。动词不定式在had better等词组后做宾语时,省略to。Youd better go home at once.( 2 ) 做状语 表目的:不定式可放在句子的前面也可放在句子的末尾。但在句中前面时,不定式常与句子用逗号隔开;而在句子末尾时,一般不用逗号隔开。To get there on time, we set out at five in the morning.We set out at five in the morning to get there on time. 表结果:不定式做结果状语,一般

9、位于句子末尾。I went to the classroom, to discover it empty.2. 动词短语动词短语是指动词和介词或副词等搭配而成的短语,如clean up, give out, cheer up, put off, set up, thin up, tae after, fi up, give away, put up, hand out等。动词短语主要有以下四种构成形式:( 1 ) 动词 + 介词这类动词短语主要有:agree with, as for, arrive at / in, begin with , come from, get to , get o

10、n, get off, hear of, noc at / on, laugh at, loo at, loo after, loo for, listen to, wait for, tae after等。注意:这类动词短语后面的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。I am looing for my pen. I have been looing for it for two hours.( 2 ) 动词 + 副词这类动词短语主要有:find out, get bac, give out, loo up, put on, put up, put off, pass on, turn

11、on / off, tae out, write down, wae up, wor out, put away, thin up 等。注意:这类动词短语后面的宾语是名词时,名词可放在副词之前,也可放在副词之后;宾语是代词时,代词只能放在副词之前。Please pic up the pen. = Please pic the pen up.Can you pic it up?( 3 ) 动词 + 名词 + 介词这类动词短语有:have a loo at, mae friends with, pay attention to, tae care of, loo forward to等。注意:在这

12、类动词短语中,宾语都放在介词之后。You should pay more attention to your pronunciation.( 4 ) 动词 + 形容词 + 介词这类动词短语主要有:be angry with, be busy with, be good / bad for, be different from, be late for, be interested in, be famous for , be good at等。Dont be angry with him. He is only a child.Unit 3 重点语法教学目标:掌握Could you pleas

13、e.?句型的用法Could you please.?句型( 1 ) 请求别人帮忙做某事时通常用此句型,也可以说:Can you .please? 情态动词could或can 在这里均表示请求,在意思上无区别,但是用could比can在语气上更显得委婉、客气、诚恳。在日常生活中常使用Could you / I.? 若在句末加上please,则显得更礼貌。Could you please help me find my boo, please?你能帮我找到我的书吗?( 2 ) 对Could you / I.?的问句做出肯定回答,常用“Sure/Certainly/Of course.”等;如果做否

14、定回答,常用“Sorry./ Oh, please dont.”一般不用no开头,用no显得语气生硬、不礼貌。-Could you give me a bottle of orange juice, please?-Sure. Here you are.- Could you carry the bo for me?- Sorry, I cant. Im busy now.( 3 ) 表示请求的其他句式:Would you please lie to do sth.?Would you mind doing sth.?Lets do sth.Shall I / we do sth.?Pleas

15、e do sth.Unit 4 重点语法教学目标:掌握表达建议的常考句型。掌握连词until, so that及although引导的状语从句的用法1. 提建议的常用表达( 1 ) 常用表达 Why dont you do sth.? 相当于Why not do sth.? 意为“你为什么不做某事呢?”。Why dont you tal to your parents? = Why not tal to your parents? What/ How about ( doing ) sth.? 意为“(做)某事怎么样/ 好吗?”。What/ How about having dinner with me? Lets do sth. 意为“咱们做某事吧”。Lets mae a birthday card for her. You should ( not ) do sth. 意为“你(不)应该做某事”。You should ( not ) do more eercise. Youd better ( not ) do sth


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