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1、河北省邯郸市肥乡县八年级英语下册Unit3Couldyoupleasecleanyourroom(第5课时)SectionB(2a-SelfCheck)教案(新版)人教新目标版Could you please clean your room课题Unit3 Could you please clean your room?(SectionB2a-Self Check)课型新授课教学目标1. 学会用英语表达自己的想法。2. 对本单元的重难点进行检测巩固。重点1. Learn how to write a letter, e-mail.2. Tomemorize the expressions ab

2、out making polite request and asking for permissions.难点Learn how to write a letter or an e-mail.教学用具多媒体 录音机教学环节说 明二次备课复习The expressions about making polite request and asking for permissions.Translate the phrases into English.1遛狗 2.倒垃圾 3.与朋友闲逛 4.递给我盐 5.洗餐具。 6.借给我一些钱 7尽力不做某事。 8.买饮料和零食9.邀请朋友来聚会新课导入Rev

3、iew the expressions about making polite request and asking for permissions.课 程 讲 授Step1.Do you think children should do any chores at home? Why? Or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes like this: 1.Children should do chores. Because it is good for their future. Parents are busy and ti

4、red .2.Children should not do chores. Because they should spend time on study. They are too young Step2.WritingWrite a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinions. Use the expressions in the chart in 3b to help you.Have Ss to read their letters aloud in class,and ask them to pick up the mist

5、akes. Help to correct them.Step3 Self Check1. Make a list of chores using these verbs in activity1.(1) Do it by themselves.(2) Show of their answers.2. Are thse polite requests or permissions? Write the numbers in the correct places in the chart in activity2.3. Use the questions in activity2 to writ

6、e a conversation.(1) Do it by themselves(2)Practice the conversation with the partner.小结List all the expressions about chores.作业布置List all the expressions about chores finish the exercise book板书设计 Unit3 Could you please clean your room? (SectionB2a-Self Check) 1. A list of chores: do the dishes clean the living room make the bed fold your clothes sweep the floor take out the rubbish 2. Making polite requests: Could your please.?3. Asking for permissions: Could I?课后反思2


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