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1、202X年四川省广元市高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷说明:本试题满分0分,考试时间12分钟。第卷(选择题共98分)第一部分基础知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从下列各题的、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入题中空白处的最佳选项。1-What Elis,Its _orangeAn . .h2.-May I hav some baa,pease-O._AHere ii B.re y reCGivyo.-Su,is his yor bkack-No,s not _.Its ars.AmyBmCmine.-xcuse ,whre th bak-Jt o dow

2、 this stetandtur leftIts _ your right.A.nB.inC.t-Why do yulike kalas-ecustyre _ute.A.a kindof Bkd ofC.knds ofWho tol o aout the mar-Sam_.Awas.doesdi7.-_ dd hemrove hs Egish soquickl-ByreadinEnlish books and watchig Enlis pograms.AtB.WCw8.- _ dyo wtch TV-One aeekAHow oftenB.Ho onC.How oo9-I ant tp pl

3、ayi computerames.-For your hal,Imafa you_.AcanB.msted1-Hello,ths is Dad.MaI_ to Mr. WiteA.sayBtalkC.seak11.Lile Tom wa ungryan tirde ould _wal.AneverBhardlyC.really12.-Mum,I hirsty an Iant soe ice-cra.-Soy,we have_ ic-eam nowYou ca have se d-teainstedAlittle Bfew Ca lttle3-Mr. Zhang,ts poblem is oo

4、diult-Dont loeyor heart belev _.you canwrkot you c wrk ioutC.o ct wrkitout14Dont rgt _ ouppes.Yucnid(避免)arls misakeA.cheing.tchckC.ceck15-Wuld ou iketea or ffe- _ prefr water.A.both B.ither C.one6.-Per,whats yor an fter tham-Il joinh sprts club anddoe ports sine Ill have _ hoidyA.twomonths Bo-onts C

5、.toonth17.What _ it is today.Ls gosimmig.Ahot wetherhot ayC.a hotday18-Havougot a wimmig polin your schoo-Yes,we ve_We ult itlast yeAoe Bit Chat19-Wil hy coetpnthe weked iustomorrow-I ti theyl iftey _ frear B.ar C.ll e2-Doou tillrememere ney man _we vsied t ar-Yes,I doHis really por.We shoul tlgive

6、im som hlp.A.which B.him who第二节完形填空(共小题;每小题1分,满分分)先通读下面短文,读懂大意后,再从后面各题所给A、B、三个选项中选出可以填入文中相应空白处的最佳选项。AHowdo sudents arounthe wrlgt o school Doou no e _1_ a surveaout it last month and this i wa e _2_In ot Ameria,o studens g t school _3_ the schol b.Som stuen _2_walkor ridbkes to coolIn_5_part of th o

7、rld,hngs re iffernIn Jan,mostudenstake trains t school,_26_ otherwalk o rie their bkes,too.n Chia,it deepson _7_oueig cities,studnts uually ide ikesto shool r ak buses, n mallillas,studeto to col _28_and it sually _29_the mortimeto go to school.Ad i placs here threrriver and lakes,lie HngsanhuandKai

8、shandao,stdents usully go o choo by oa.ht mutbe a lot mefun atakng buDo you tin _30_21A.did B.carried C.h22.saw Bgot C1isene23.by Bi .n24.A.ls Bto C.either25.anter Bthe C.oth2A.if Bbecaue .lthouh2.wher .wo Cwhat28.onfeet B.onfoo Cwth fot2sends osts C.take3Aso B.uch CthatBThere isa shop in our nehbor

9、hoodOutsd the sho tre sa sin.Itrea “Sodhandcoheought nd _31_.”Last Sday a o lkd intothe sh,ariedan ld _32_ ofhorts ankedteowner of t shop“Howuch willyou ive m frhse,ir”The wr_33_himan hsaid:“Four dollars”“_4_! had gessed they wee worth(价值)_3_ sx llars.” Sd he boy“N,they aret wrth a cn(美分)_3_tha four

10、 ollas.”“ell,” aide boy,tking o dolsut ohis pocet.“_37_ your myTee shorts wre ngig(挂)outideor shpThe lt ric ws ightdllar_38_ I houhttht a _39_ mony,s I wand o find u h uch e ere reallywort”Then thoy wkd uto the sop wit theseshors beore th hpowner coulhin of_40_ to s3.A.sle B.se sod32.et Bpai Ciec33.A.ooked at B.ookedfr Clookd ovr34.Ao By Chat35Aat most Bat lest .at st36.A.less B.mre Cove7.AHes B.Ters C3.A.d Bever C.but3.to muc B.too my Cmuh oo40.A.nthig Bverything a


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