人教版九年级 Unit 1 How can we become good learners第4课时学案精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 1 How can we become good learners课题Section B(3a-self check)课型写作课执笔学习目标1、知识目标:on ones own , bit by bit, instead of 2、技能目标:1)学会使用Verb +by doing .2)学会介绍学习方法。学习重点英语学习方法介绍。学习难点英语学习方法介绍。学习过程自主空间一、【温故知新】翻译下列词组:1是否 2.依赖,依靠 3. 害怕犯错误 4. 做某事的能力 5.记笔记 6. 写下关键词 7.知识来源于质疑 8.终身的旅程 9.明智地学习 10. 注意

2、,关注 11. 把.和.连接或联系起来 12. Use it or lost 13. Practice makes perfect 14. 天生具有 16.有相同特征 15. 对。感兴趣 16. 学习习惯 17. 查字典 18.通过尝试多次和从错误中吸取教训 二、导学释疑任务一:同桌交流3a的答案,然后列提纲。任务二:依据提纲及3a的表格内容,恰当运用3b的句型,写一封信介绍英语学习方法。任务三:小组内互相批改作文,指出优点和不足。教师点评。展示引导学习:1.各组展示最佳作文,评比。2.Key points: on ones own , 独自,独立地译:他现在自食其力。_.bit by bit

3、 一点一点地 (=little by little)译:努力学习并一点一点地去记所有的信息而不是等到最后才学习。_.:三、巩固提升:A:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。understand, success, write, listen, stay1. Mary said the learned English by_ to tapes.2. I often go out with friends on weekends instead of_ at home alone.3. He_ in building a new house by trying many times la

4、st year.4. Youd better find a pen pal if you dont get much_ practice.5. The teacher told us to read the passage once again to have a better_ of it.BBy 的用法练习:1. 这个男孩正坐在窗户边。The boy is sitting _.2.我能在六点前完成我的作业。I can finish doing my homework 。3.我父亲坚持乘火车去北京。My father often goes to Beijing _.4.你是通过看报纸学习英语

5、的吗?Do you learn English _?5.顺便问一下,几点了?_,what time is it ?四、检测反馈根据汉语意思完成句子(词数不限)1.她应该通过读意群来提高她的阅读速度。She should improve her reading speed _.2.有些单词我不会读。I cant _.3.但是你是否做好取决于你的学习习惯。But whether or not you can do it well _.4.知识源于质疑。Knowledge comes from _.5.当你旅行的时候,应该注意天气。When you go on a trip ,you should _ the weather.五拓展延伸:


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