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1、请同学及时保留作业,如您在20分钟内不作操作,系统将自动退出。窗体顶端 吉大秋学期新发展英语综合教程(二)在线作业一 试卷总分:100 测试时间:- 单项选择题 一、单项选择题(共25道试题,共100分。)V 1.She called her parents just to tell them that she had become _ to life at the university. A. accumulatedB. accustomedC. absorbedD. changed满分:4分2.Though you failed in this job interview, you sho

2、uld trust yourself. Its sad that one lacks _ in himself. A. beliefB. patienceC. respectD. confidence满分:4分3.She invented a _ that automatically closes windows when it rains. A. adviceB. deriveC. superviseD. device满分:4分4.Dont put the medicine _ childrens reach.The medicinecan be very dangerous. A. wit

3、hinB. beyondC. withoutD. for满分:4分5.He ran _ twice from his boarding school because he couldnt put up with being limited in an institution. A. inB. overC. awayD. down满分:4分6.He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave _ drink. A. forB. toC. inD. on满分:4分7.Using the right hand to

4、shake hands is a(n) _. A. conventionB. inheritanceC. traditionD. habit满分:4分8.Bicycling is a good exercise; _, it doesnt pollute the air. A. howeverB. thereforeC. moreoverD. though满分:4分9.Have you read a newspaper report probing _ the activities of drug dealers? A. intoB. fromC. byD. with满分:4分10.Maggi

5、e ran back to the kitchen, eggs _ carefully in her hands. A. were heldB. to be heldC. heldD. holding满分:4分11.John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher, the _ is an engineer. A. laterB. lateC. latterD. latest满分:4分12.A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to imp

6、roved standards and should _ new operating procedures. A. result inB. match withC. subject toD. proceed with满分:4分13.Many doctors _ upon a diet which contains a lot of fat. A. frownB. crownC. drownD. brown满分:4分14.The girl found it difficult to _ to new customs when she first came to Shanghai. A. adap

7、tB. adoptC. changeD. shift满分:4分15.To be financially well _, you need to work hard and spare no efforts to develop your career when young. A. awayB. offC. upD. out满分:4分16.He was a cruel and _ person; that was why all of them were afraid of him. A. insensitiveB. sensitiveC. sentimentalD. sensible满分:4分

8、17.The World Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2023, when _ took over two large airplanes and drove them into the buildings. A. terrorB. terroristsC. terrorismD. terrorize满分:4分18.Lawyers _ such high fees, but they never seem to be short of clients. A. provideB. supplyC. accuseD. charge满分:4

9、分19.There is a(n) _ lack of water in the northern part of the country, because there has been almost no rain since last February. A. accurateB. cuteC. intenseD. acute满分:4分20._ her beauty, she is also intelligent and kind-hearted. A. ExceptB. Except forC. In additionD. Apart from满分:4分21.At first _, M

10、anhattan seems to be a city of high-rises, blinding lights and a crazy pace. A. glareB. stareC. graceD. glance满分:4分22.Pupils who pass the test will be _ to the next grade. A. promotedB. proceededC. progressedD. projected满分:4分23.Charles is fond _ driving, so Im happy just to be a passenger. A. inB. o

11、nC. toD. of满分:4分24._ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships totaling $21,000. A. Judged the bestB. To be judged the bestC. Judging the bestD. Having judged the best满分:4分25._ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention. A. Being publishedB. PublishedC. PublishingD. To be published满分:4分窗体底端


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