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1、Unit 6 Topic 2 Section C英语说课稿(一)教材内容Section C是一节阅读、写作课,主要活动是1a,2和3a。通过图片所创设的情景,将学生带入阅读材料的语境中,呈现一篇关于自己居住社区的周边设施的介绍,给学生提供写作的范文;还将要求学生根据1a所学内容,结合自己的实际情况写一篇介绍自己社区的短文,是一个信息输出的过程,旨在培养学生的写作能力。教师应该摒弃传统的满堂灌,转换为对学生阅读能力的培养,包括略读、扫读、寻找细节信息、信息转换能力等,为学生的终身英语阅读打下良好的基础(一) 教学目标1.Knowledge aims 能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读并能拼

2、写下列词汇:such as, community, child, children, a lot of, lots of, sport, close, close to, far, far from, service, area, colorful 能够在篇章叙述中,熟练运用there be句型来介绍自己居住的社区、社区环境和周边设施; 能够就“谈论社区环境、周边设施”等话题进行交流与陈述,如:(1)There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community.(2)There is a community servi

3、ce center in our area .2.Skill aims 能听懂简单的课堂用语并做出适当的反应; 能根据图文理解相关话题,并根据要求进行学习活动;能写出介绍自己居住的社区环境的短文。3.Emotional aims能够在游戏、小对话、小表演等活动中,培养出学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;(二) 教学重点、难点 能够在篇章叙述中,熟练运用there be句型来介绍社区环境和周边设施。 能够在阅读过程中,学会略读、扫读、精读等技能。(三) 教学方法以学生为主体教师为主导的教学理念采取任务型教学法,师生互动,略读、扫读、精读阅读技巧来进行

4、课文的阅读和理解文章大意。(五)教学用品 多媒体课件、录音机、黑板、(六)教学过程Stage 1.Introduction (5 minutes)T : Good morning.Boys and girls .Ss: Good morning.T:Today we will learn topic 2 Section C. Are you ready ?Ss and T: Yes.T:OK.We review some words about this lesson.Ss:Yes.T:.S1:T:S2:.Stage 2. Pre-reading(10 minutes) Step1.Exerc

5、ises (Group work .) Step2.1a. (1) Look at the picture and say the following places in English, such as shops, school .(Individual work, group work and the whole class work.) Step3.1a. (2) Do you like living in this area? Why? quiet,noisy,clean,beautiful environment,the air is good.Stage 3.While-read

6、ing(10 minutes) Step 1.Skimming(Group work .)1.What kind of home does Linda live in?2. Whats in Linda community?3. Does Linda live a noisy community? Step 2. Scanning(Individual work, group work and the whole class work.)Listen to 1a and circle True or False.1a. (1) Read 1a and underline the names o

7、f the places. Step 3.Intensive reading1b. Read 1a again and fill in the blanks.(Group work .)Stage 4.Post-reading (5 minutes)(Individual work, group work and the whole class work.) Step 1.Key Points Step2.Pair WorkAsk and answer the following questions in pairs. Then use a few sentences to describe

8、your community. Stage 5.Exercises (2 minutes)(Group work .)What kind of home do you live in? Are there many people living near your home?Is your home close to shops?Is there a community service center in your area?Do you like living there? Why? Stage 6.Text(3 minutes)(Group work .) Stage 7 .Summary(

9、5 minutes)(Individual work, group work and the whole class work.) Stage 8.Homework(5 minutes) 1.Memorize the new words and phrases. 2 .Make sentences with the structure of “there be + + doing”. 3. Show the picture of your ideal community and describe it to the class.(七)教学反思通过本课的英语教学,培养学生的阅读的能力和解决问题的能力,在多媒体的辅助教学帮助下激发学生的兴趣提高了课堂效率,有待于继续保持和提高,但由于个人身体的原因,进课堂晚,跑着进教室,前十五分钟自己都没进入状态,气一直没有喘匀,便导致教学环节进行的不完整,语言组织乱,发音自己都觉得生硬,之前备好的教学环节和思路也就乱了。再有,由于课堂用语平时课堂用得少,学生们听起来不容易理解,自己也不习惯。在以后课堂尽量用课堂用语,培养学生的听说读写能力,提高自己各方面的能力,掌握教学方法,优化教学设计,达到高效课堂。



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