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1、神木第八中学“3+6”高效课堂八年级英语导学案班级 姓名English课题Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Section A 2d-3c设计者Li Xiaoli审核人Bai Zigang课时2自 主 学 习学 习 目 标1.语言目标:新词:hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win. 句型:-Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isnt. -Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? Yes, she is. -Does Tara

2、 work as hard as Tina? Yes, she does. -Whos more hard-working at school? -Tina thinks she works harder than me. 2.能力目标:学生能学会一些形容词和副词的比较级,会用两个句型表达比较级。3.情感目标:学会对比人或事物,能更形象细致地描述人或事物。知 识 导 航1.既是形容词又是副词的词early, late, fast, hard, higheg. He is later for school than me. He goes to school later than me.2.比较

3、级句型的同义转换: 3.win(获胜),winner(获胜者)Cars are more expensive than bikes. 过去式是won, 后跟比赛=Bikes are less expensive than cars. 项目,如:win a basketball=Bikes arent as expensive as cars. match. 如果要表达战胜某=Bikes are cheaper than cars. 人用beat sb, beat 的过去 小汽车比自行车贵。 式还是beat.课 堂 展 示写出下列词的比较级hard-working wellfantastic c

4、learlyimportant easyinteresting thin检 测 小 结基 础 知 识短语翻译1.歌咏比赛_ 4. 唱得更清楚_ 3.留短发的那个_ 6.想赢_5.舞跳得更好_ 2.唱得更好_ 7.最重要_ 8.学习更努力_能 力 提 升一、用适当形式填空1. This box is (heavy) than that one.2. I think Lily is (popular) than Molly .3. His hair is a little longer than (I).4. My elder brother is as (old) as your younger

5、 brother.5.Which do you like (well), tea or coffee?6.If you want to be thinner and healthier, youd better eat (little) food and take (much) exercise.二同义句转换1. Peter is thinner than Sam. Sam is _ _ Peter.2. She has longer hair than Emma.Her hair is _ _ _. 3. My father is two years older than my mother. My mother is _ _ _ than my father. 学生今日收获



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