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1、Self Check【学习目标】1.记住并会运用重点单词及短语2.掌握动词作不定式的用法。任务一:完成课本40页self check 1.一单选( )1.What _ Maria think of Ann? A. does B. do C. is D. was( )2. I dont like action movies. I think theyre _.Aboring Bdifficult Cinteresting Dexciting ( )3. _ kind of movies _ Lucy like?AWhat, does BWhat, do CWhats, does DWhich,

2、do ( )4. -_ do you _ sitcoms?-I love them.A. How, think of B. What, like ofC. What, think of D. What, like ( )5. China is famous _ the Great Wall. A. of B. for C. as D. at( )6. The sports report is really boring. I cant _ it. A. mind B. like C. stand D. love ( )7. She is always _ help her friends. A

3、. ready for B. ready to C. ready at D. ready in ( )8. I like to watch talk shows because they are _. A. meaningless B. boring C. educational D. simple( )9. My sister _ to go camping with me.A. excepts B. lets C. makes D. hope ( )10. What _ Amy? -She broke her arm. A. happens to B. happens on C. happ

4、ened to D. happened on二完形填空 从各题A、B、C、D中选择最佳答案。There is 11 old woman in America. She 12 children at all. But she likes 13 . She has black cats and white cats. She has 14 cats and baby cats. So the children like to come to 15 house. They play with the cats. More and more cats come to the old womans ho

5、use. Soon there are 16 cats. The old woman cant feed them 17 Then she has a good 18 . “The children love my cats. ” she thinks. So she 19 each child a cat. Then she is happy. And the children are happy. 20 the cats are happy, too. Each of them has a home. ( )11A/ Bthe Can Da( )12Adoesnt like Bnot li

6、kes Cdont like Disnt like( )13Acats Bcat Ccats Da cats( )14Aa mother Bmothers Cmothers Dmother( )15Amy Btheir Cher Dhis( )16Avery much Btoo many Cmuch too Dtoo much( )17Agood Bat all Cso much Dtoo( )18Awork Bhelp Cidea Dways( )19Agiving Bto give Cgive Dgives( )20ASo BAnd CToo DBut三.阅读理解读下面电视节目预告,选择正

7、确答案TV PROGRAMMESChannel 1 Channel 218:00 Arouud China18:10 Foreign Arts18:30 Childrens programme18:30 English Classroom19:00 News19:00 Animal World19:30 Weather Report19:25 Chinas 200319:40 Around the World20:20 Sports20:10 TV play: Sisters21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying21:00 English for Today21:45 Engli

8、sh News21:15 Popular Music22:05 On TV Next Week2l:55 Talk Show 17:45 Computers Today( )21If you want to watch a football game, the best programme for you would be _. ATV play BSportsCAround the World DTalk Show( )22The programme of _ will let you know much about western (西方的) countries. ASisters BAr

9、ound ChinaCAround the World DOn TV Next Week( )23If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, the best programme for you is _. AAround China BAnimal World CTV play DForeign Arts( )24English classroom is a programme that _.Alets you know something about classroomsBtells you some

10、thing about studentsClets you know something about school lifeDteaches you English( )25The programme at the end of Channel 2 means _ on TV next week. Anews Bprogrammes Cpeople Dplaces四、根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。26. The little girl was very_(lucky) to lose her parents. 27. Mickey Mouse first_(appear) in th

11、e cartoon Seamboat Willie in 1928. 28. They had a _(discuss) about TV shows yesterday. 29. Why do you like_ (watch) the news?30. He is a _(success) scientist. 五.书面表达:根据表中的信息,介绍一下你和Mary对节目的看法。TVprogramYouMarySitcomsLoveCant standSports showsNot likeNot mindTell it like it isNot mindLikeAround ChinaCant standNot like_


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