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1、课题 Unit4 My family第1课时 总第19个教案教学内容:Story time教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇family,father,mother,brother,sister2.能听懂、会读、会说句型This is和Hes/Shes3.能初步学会运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的家庭成员4. 渗透名词所有格教学重难点:能初步学会运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的家庭成员教学准备:挂图,卡片,ppt,人物头饰教学过程:Step 1 Preparation课前准备:板书Unit 2 My 听歌曲My family1. Greet

2、ingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Miss Sun.T:How are you?Ss:Im fine,thank you.(学生在一年级学过这样的打招呼方式,如果学生忘记了,也不需要在这上面花太多的时间)2.Sing songs and say rhymes歌曲:Good morning通过歌曲和小诗,学生可以复习到许多单词和句型,学生也乐于通过这样的方式去复习,其实不知不觉学生已经接触到本单元的重点知识。1. 开火车复习This isHes/Shes my friend.活动规则:第一个同学(S1)向身边的

3、同学(S2)介绍身后的同学(S3),然后开火车轮下去S1:Hello,S2.This is S3.Hes/Shes my friend.S2:Hello,S3.S3:Hello,S2.活动结束,再读句型:This is 和Hes/Shes单词my。2. Play a gameWho is he/she?遮去人物图片的部分,让学生猜,并且用Hes/Shes 来回答。这一环节是为了引出课文人物Mike,为接下去的课文学习做铺垫。Step 2 Presentation & practice1.教师出示Mike图片,教授family这个单词。T:This is Mike. Hes my friend.

4、Mike is introducing his family to his friend.教师出示family(1) Read the word one by one有的学生会读这个单词,先让学生试试看怎么读(2) Read group by group(3) Read together板书family教读课题 Unit 4 My familyT:Today,lets learn Unit 4 My family.2.课文教学看动画,完成任务This is my .This is my .a.根据动画,听听Who are they?在学生听完一遍后,让学生回答T:Can you catch t

5、he words?(1)教师出示father /f:/ 全班拼读这个单词,注意a的发音/:/学生拼读,老师板书father让学生带着Mike的头饰,指着图片,读句子This is my father.T:Who can read it?(2) (1)教师出示mother /m/全班拼读这个单词,注意o的发音/学生拼读,老师板书mother 注意father和mother中a 和o的发音区别,有的学生会把o发音成/:/。让学生带着Mike的头饰,指着图片,读句子This is my mother.T:Who can read it?(3)教师出示Tim的图片,听录音,Who is Tim?并教授

6、brother T:Look ,this lovely boy is Tim.He likes eatingice cream. Who is Tim?教师出示句子Hes my .T:Who can catch the word?教师出示单词mother other rother brother让学生一步步地自己去寻找读音让学生读完整的句子:Hes my brother.再出示Tim:This is Tim.Hes my brother.让学生带着Mike 的头饰说:This is Tim.Hes my brother.(4) 教师出示Helen的图片,听录音,Who is Helen?并教授

7、sister T:Is this Su Hai?Ss:No.T:This is Helen.教师出示Helen,让学生说This is Helen.T:This is Helen.Shes an English girl.She likesMusic.Now listen to the tape,please.And please find the answer:Shes my .让学生去听sister教师出示sister,并教读单词 Read the word one by one有的学生会读这个单词,先让学生试试看怎么读Read group by groupRead together(6)

8、 出示Mike图片并且教授单词me教师带着Mike的头饰:T:Is this Tim?Ss:No.This is MikeT:Yes,its me.This is me.教师出示me,并要求学生拼读单词。Step 3 Production and progress1.复习father,mother,brother,sister让学生带着Mike的头饰去介绍每个人物。This is Hes/Shes sT:Look ,this is Mikes family tree.2.光盘Fun time再次通过Mike的Family photo复习单词和句型3.Read Story time跟读录音T:N

9、ow,lets read after the tape.全班一起读Step 4 Homework1.Read after the tape2.Try to introduce your family members to your friends.教后反思:课题 Unit4 My family第2课时 总第20个教案教学内容:Fun time & Song time教学目标:1.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会拼写词汇family,father,mother,brother,sister,并且能听懂、会说、会读单词grandpa.grandma2.能熟练地、会读、会说句型This is和Hes/S

10、hes3.能熟练地运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的家庭成员,4.学会用名词所有格来把朋友的家人介绍给别人5.学生初步会唱Family song教学重难点:1.能熟练地运用本课所学的词汇和日常交际用语与人告别,向他人介绍自己的家庭成员2. 学会用名词所有格来把朋友的家人介绍给别人教学准备:挂图,卡片,ppt,人物头饰教学过程:Step 1 Preparation课前准备:板书Unit 2 My family 本单元歌曲Family song1. GreetingT:Good morning/afternoon,class.Ss:Good morning/afternoo

11、n,Miss Sun.T:How are you?Ss:Im fine,thank you.(学生对于这样的打招呼已经比较熟悉了,在第一课时的下课时间,我让学生把Nice to meet you这两种问好的句子在我发下来的每日诵读的纸上划下来。)2.Sing songs and say rhymes歌曲:Good morning通过歌曲,学生可以复习到许多单词和句型,学生也乐于通过这样的方式去复习,其实不知不觉学生已经接触到本单元的重点知识。3.Read Story time跟着录音读Story time,然后再全班齐读4.ReviewMikes family treea.教师带着Mike的头

12、饰,介绍my family在黑板上示意Mikes family tree father mother Mike Tim Helenb.让学生带着Mike 的头饰介绍c.完成小短文,并且全班读: Hello,Im Mike.This is me.This is my father.And this is my mother.I love my father and my mother.This is Tim.Hes my brother.Look,this is Helen.Shes my sister.Shes a student. I love my brother and my siste

13、r.Step 2 Presentation & practice1.教授grandpa, grandmaa.Play a gameRiddlesRiddle 1My fathers father is my .教师出示grandpa,并教授T:Please read with me.学生拼写单词G-R-A-N-D-P-A,grandpa(这个单词中只有p这学期没有复习到,但是学生能够拼写的,让学生熟悉拼写单词的方法)5. Read one by one6. Read group by group7. Read togetherT:My fathers father is my grandpa.

14、学生跟读句子。Riddle 2My fathers mother is my .教师出示grandma,并教授T:Please read with me.学生拼写单词G-R-A-N-D-M-A,grandma(这个单词里的字母都是学生之前复习过的,所以在拼读练习时要多强调)8. Read one by one9. Read group by group10. Read togetherT:My fathers mother is my grandma.教师带着Mike的头饰:T:This is my grandpa . This is my grandma.I love my grandpa and my grandma.让学生试着这样去说。Step 3 Production and progress1. Play a gameMagic eyes先和学生复习所有的单词,然后再玩这个游戏可以从简单到难,例如:father mother This is my father. 等通过这个环节让学生再次加深对单词和句型的认读。2. Checkout ti


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