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1、体育类英文词汇之体操 体操(Gym nasties )也叫竞技艺术体操(Competitive artistic gym nasties )。它包括多 个项目且男子女子略有不同。男子体操项目包括以下项目:自由体操 Floor Exereise鞍马 Pommel Horse吊环 Still Rings跳马 Vault双杠 Parallel Bars单杠 Horizontal Bar全能 All-Around女子体操项目自由体操 Floor Exereise鞍马 Vault高低杠 Uneven Bars平衡木 Balanee Beam全能 All-Around体操中的术语:I 空翻 somersa

2、ult / salto / flip前空翻 forward salto后空翻 backward salto侧空翻 sideward salto个空翻就是salto,两个空翻是double salto,三个空翻是triple salto。手翻 handspring前手翻 handspring后手翻 back handspring同理,一个前手翻就是handspring,两个前手翻就是double handspring。转体 twist / turn一次转体是360度,如果是转了 180就是1/2 twist,转了 720就是2 twists,依此类 推。姿势 position直体 stretch

3、ed / straight屈体 piked团身 tucked关于体操的词组:double salto backward stretched with 1/2 turn (180)后空翻两周直体180度转体salto backward tucked with 1/1 twist (360)后空翻屈体360度转体 如下图动作为“后手翻直体两周转体900度 译为:double back handspring with 2-1/2 twists (900)。示范动作分解:1: Miss Biles turns her body around and then prepares to spring of

4、f her hands.拜尔斯翻转身体,准备用手起跳。2: She continues the movement, which is known as a back handspring.继续完成后手翻。3: Using her incredible calf strength, the gymnast lands on her toes.用惊人的小腿力量完成落地,脚尖着地。4 and 5: Miss Biles lifts her arms and rebounds off the floor into a tight arch.拜尔斯举起手臂再次跳起,身体在空中呈绷紧的弓形。6: As s

5、he rises, she thrusts her hips upwards to create rotation. 起跳时,她臀部向上用力以完成旋转。7-9: While flying through the air, she changes her body shape as little as possible in order to be given full credit by the judges.在空中她的身体尽量不变形,争取拿到全部分数。10: It looks as though she is standing in mid-air as she begins her sec

6、ond flip. 第二跳开始时,她似乎站在空中。11-14: Wrapping one arm across her body, Miss Biles creates a small imbalance so that she can twist 180 degrees before her landing.拜尔斯单手抱臂制造一种失衡,以完成落地前的180度翻转。15: She brings her arms out again to stop herself from twisting any further. 手臂再度伸开以停止翻转。16: She keeps her body upri

7、ght, using her arms for balance, and bends her knees to absorb the energy from the somersault.她让身体保持直立,用手臂来平衡,屈膝以减少翻转的冲击。17: In the typical landing position for a gymnast, Miss Biles raises her arms to signify that she has finished the skill.拜尔斯举起手臂以示动作完成,这是体操运动员最常见的落地姿势 常见的基本体操动作:大回环 giant swing交叉

8、scissors分腿跳 leap straddle软翻 walkover前软翻 forward walkover后软翻 backward walkover助跑 running approach跳上(各种器材)mount跳下(各种器材)dismount落地 landing用英语聊体操 形容体操运动员的表现,我们一般用优美优雅这类词,如graceful, elegant, beautiful; 以及稳健有力等词,如solid, powerful等。例句:| A lovely start.开局不错。|Very nicely done.完成得非常好。|Excellant handstand right

9、 there.非常棒的倒立。|Everything looks so elegant and so easy.完成地如此优雅和轻松。|She didnt get any deduction. Perfect.她没有被扣分,完美。|Beautiful skills right there.非常优美的动作。|Very nice routine.常规动作很漂亮。|So far shes been rock solid here.目前为止她的动作都非常稳健。I She finished with a fantastic dismount.她以一个极为精彩的跳下结束了整套动作。落地在体操中非常重要,如果能落地时能稳定住不移动,就叫stuck Ian di ng,动词是 sticking the landing。IShe ended with a stuck Ianding.她最后落地站稳了没有移动。IReaIIy making his Iandings working today.今天他的落地都不错。IThose Iandings was aImost spot on with wonderfuI choreo.落地准确,编舞精彩。IAImost naiIed that.落地基本稳住。IA IittIe bit misstep on the Ianding.落地时有点没站稳。


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