Chapter 3 Morphology.doc

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1、Chapter 3 Morphology1、What is a morpheme? Dissect the following words into morphemes:The smallest unit of under-develop-edphoto-synthe-ticana-tomyradia-tiongeo-graph-yphil-harmon-icde-frost-edre-fresh-mentde-mobil-iz-edcon-duct-ingsup-press-ioncircum-spectdia-loguede-form-edcom

2、-bina-tion2、Describe with examples the various types of morpheme used in English Free morpheme e.g. mate, sun, fame, likeBound morpheme: roots and affixesRoots e.g. fin-, spect-, -cideAffixes: inflectional and derivationalDerivational: prefix and suffixInflectional affixes:-ing, -ed, -(e)sPrefixes:

3、un-, dis-, de, en-Suffixes:-ly, -less, -tion, -ize3、What are the main inflectional affixes in English? What grammatical meaning do they convey?-(e)s plural number-(e)s third-person、 singular、 present tense-(e)d past tense-ing progressive aspect-er comparative degree-est superlative degree-s possessi

4、ve case4、Try to find out the meaning of the following roots in English and give two or three words that contain each of them.1、 Hydro water e.g. hydraulic, dehydrate2、 Chron time e.g. chronological, chronicle3、 Demo people e.g. democracy, demography4、 Dur lasting e.g. during, durable5、 Agr farming e

5、.g. agriculture, agrarian6、 Kilo one thousand e.g. kilometer, kilogram7、 Nym name e.g. pseudonym, antonym8、 Ped foot e.g. centipede, impede9、 Rupt breaking e.g. rupture, abrupt10、 Gress movement e.g. progress, digress11、 Poly various e.g. polygon, polyglot12、 Syn identical e.g. synchronic, sympathy5

6、、State the morphological rules that govern the use of the given derivational affixes.Example: -er This suffix is added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent that carries out the action, e.g. write writer 1、-antsuffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the agent e.g. assistant2、-mentsu

7、ffix added to a verb to form its corresponding noun e.g. development3、sub-Prefix added to an adjective to form another adjective to indicate a lesser degree e.g. substandard4、-enSuffix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the acquisition of the quality denoted by the adjective e.g. darke

8、n5、en-Prefix added to an adjective to form a verb to indicate the acquisition of the quality denoted by the adjective e. g. enrich6、-eeSuffix added to a verb to form a noun indicating the recipient of the action denoted by the verb e.g. employee7、-fulSuffix added to a noun to form an adjective indic

9、ating the quality denoted by the noun e.g. plentiful8、-someSuffix added to a noun to form an adjective indicating the quality denoted by the noun e.g. quarrelsome9、-wiseSuffix added to a noun to form an adverb meaning “with regard to the area indicating by the noun” e.g. careerwise10、un-Prefix added

10、 to an adjective to indicate the absence of the quality indicated by the adjective e.g. unemployed6、What are the main features of the English compounds?1、 Orthographically a compound can be written as one word, two separate words with or without a hyphen in between. E.g. armchair, follow-up.2、 Synta

11、ctically, the part of speech of a compound is determined by the last element.E.g. icy-cold, greenhouse3、 Semantically, the meaning of a compound is idiomatic, not calculable from the meanings of all its components.e.g. a redcoat is not a coat at all, and neither a hotdog a dog.4、 Phonetically, the w

12、ord stress of a compound usually falls on the first element, while the second element receives secondary stress. e.g The same form “running dog” can possibly be pronounced in two differently ways. One way to pronounce it is to give the primary stress to the noun “dog, so that the fall occurs on this

13、 word and the ing form receives secondary stress. running dog. Thus pronounced, the form means “a dog that is running,” i.e. the action indicated by the ing form is carried out by the noun that follows it. The other way is to put the primary stress on the first element “running” so that the fall of

14、the intonation occurs on the syllable “run” and the word “dog” receive secondary stress: running dog. In this case, “running dog” is actually a compound noun and it does not means a dog that is running, but metaphorically it refers to a person who follows another person obediently in his wrong doing

15、s.7、Explain the formation and meaning of the following compounds: Example: nightcap, noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a drink one takes before going to bed1、cats paw -noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a person used by another as a cool2、tablecloth - noun formed by combining two nouns, meaning a piece of cloth spread on a table to cover it3、green-eyed -adjective formed by combining an adjective an an ed from, meaning jealous4、green horn -noun formed by combining an adjective and a noun, meaning a person not experienced for a jo



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