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1、9A Unit one 复习单一. 背默单词到组长处过关。1. 划分_ 2. 相似的_ 3. 精力充沛的_4. 不耐心的_ 5. 领导者_ 6. 储蓄_ 7. 公平的_ 8. 和平_ 9. 辩论_10. 愚蠢的_ 11. 错误_ 12. 幽默的_13. 不同地(adv)_14. 不活跃的_ 15. 解释_16. 气球_ 17. 实验_ 18. 实验室_19. 牙痛_ 20. 牙医_ 21. 蝴蝶_22. 醒着的_ 23. 可获得的_ 24. 活泼的_25. 差异_ 26. 分数_ 27. 额外的_28. 奶酪_ 29. 柠檬水_ 30. 随和的_二. 词形变换1. energy (n)- en

2、ergetic (a.)2. active - inactive3. patient - impatient4. lead - leader 5. practice - practical6. fair - unfair7. forgive - forgave- forgiven8. humour - humorous9. different (a) - differently(adv)- difference(n)10. create - creative11. equal - equally 12. laboratory - laboratories13. butterfly - butt

3、erflies14. clone- cloned15. live- lively16. organize- organized17. quality- qualities三. 单词释义1. does not get angry easily - easy-going2. cares only about oneself - selfish3. is friendly and loves to meet people- outgoing4. can wait without getting angry- patient5. has lots of energy- energetic6. want

4、s to know about everything - curious7. treats everyone equally - fair8. has a good sense of humour - humorous 9. feels sure about ones own quality- confident10. never shows off- modest四.词组31. 担心没有早饭吃2. 被分成12个不同的星座worry about not having breakfastbe divided into 12 different star signs3. 精力充沛且积极4. 有时自

5、私5. 容易放弃6. 喜欢照顾别人7. 给朋友买好的礼物8. 注意细节9. 足够耐心干.10. 与他人争吵11. 保密12. 原谅别人的错误13. 喜欢到不同的地方旅行14. 长时间等待而不生气15. 尝试一切不同的事情16. 喜欢讲笑话17. 花大量的时间给我们作讲解18. 牙疼/ 看牙医19. 第一只克隆羊20. 仍醒着21. 请人修车22. 发现地上有个钱包23. 更多细节一经询问即可获得24. 健康有问题25. 学生会26. 合适这个职位27. 提出新的想法28. 在英语考试中得满分29. 介意做额外的工作30. 有很多好的个人品质be energetic and activebe s

6、elfish at timesgive up easilylike to take care of othersbuy your friends nice giftspay attention to detailsbe patient enough to do sthargue with others about sthkeep secrets/ a secretforgive others for their mistakeslove travelling to different placeswait for a long time without getting angrytry to

7、do everything differentlylike telling jokesspend lots of time explaining things to ushave got a toothache/ see the dentistthe first cloned sheepbe still awakehave his bicycle repairedfind a wallet lying on the groundMore details are available on request.have problems with healththe Students Unionbe

8、suitable for the postcome up with/ think of new ideasget full marks in an English testmind doing extra workhave many personal qualities必背句子1. A year is divided into 12 different star signs.2. You are practical and always pay attention to details.3. It is silly of you not to forgive others for their

9、mistakes.4. You are good at making or planning things. You are patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry.5. Mr Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us. He is patient.6. Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off. He is modest.7. Andy is energetic enough to be a leader.8

10、. Amy has just found a wallet lying on the ground.9. Hes imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.10. He is never afraid of making a speech to a large group of people.11. He is hard-working, he doesnt mind doing extra work for the Students Union.12. David is also a clever person, he always gets

11、good marks in tests.13. David is organized and never forgets to do the things he needs to do.14. Who else would be suitable?/ You are the most suitable person.书本必背内容:P8-9, P12, P18A , P19B , P22B 看书本P 1317, 了解本单元语法,后填空:A year is (1)d_ into 12 star signs. The date of your birth decides it. David was

12、born on May 30, so he is a Gemini.David is very (2) c_. He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best. He is never afraid of (3)m_ a speech to a large group of people. He is (4)h_. He always does extra work in class. He is very clever and always gets good (5)m_ in tests.He is very helpful. He of

13、ten helps us with our homework. He is (6)p_ enough to spend a lot of time (7)e_ things to us without getting angry. He is very (8)g_, because he often shares his things with others. He is very (9)c_ and imaginative, he often (10)c_ up with lots of good ideas.(1) d_(2) c_ (3)m_ (4)h_(5)m_(6)p_ (7)e_(8)g_(9)c_(10)c_David


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