高二英语人教版必修5课时作业:Unit 1 Great scientists 1 Word版含解析精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 1Great scientists课时作业(一)Section Warming Up & Reading.用所给单词的适当形式填空1As a nurse in the war she was _(expose)to many dangers.2There have been several_(move)for reform over the last century.3They are determined to make_(contribute)to public safety.4He was instructed to act with extreme

2、_(cautious)5His_(enthusiastic)for music has stayed strong throughout his 20 years in radio.6She sat by the window_(spin)7Shes very_(create)she writes poetry and paints.8Very few of those interviewed spoke_(positive)about their childhood9Water and salt _(absorb)into our blood stream every day.10There

3、 are two new houses under_(construct)答案:1.exposed2.movements3.contributions4caution5.enthusiasm6.spinning7.creative8positively9.are absorbed10.construction.完形填空It might not be so unusual for a student to run a school newspaper.But when it comes to _1_the school newspaper of Harvard,its definitely a

4、_2_story.May Habib is now in her fourth year at Harvard.She _3_works 4050 hours for the newspaper every week,in addition to being a fulltime student._4_such a busy schedule,she has no time for lessons sometimes,not to mention _5_.“But its one of the best experiences in my life so far,”she said.One o

5、f the most important stories May _6_ is the Harvard AIDS research program in Africa.Harvard was granted a huge amount of _7_ from the White House to do research into AIDS.A female professor at the school was in _8_ of the project.But top administrators at the university thought the professor shouldn

6、t do the job because it was so _9_ a program that just a professor couldnt oversee the project._10_they took her off the project and put in a director.By talking to the professor,May found that the administrators _11_ funding on the program for five month.She called a Nigerian doctor _12_and was tol

7、d that about 420 deaths in the program were _13_ to the delay of the money.She thought that Harvard administrators didnt take into account that impact _14_ they made the decision.“That was really an important story.The second year the funding _15_ and I was told that the funding was _16_ not release

8、d.So I started making phone calls.Two days _17_,they released the funding.They did it so quickly because of the press,though I was a little student,”May said _18_.May is a happy girl.“My secret to stay _19_ is optimism.My optimism is sort of realism,”she said.“I think Im a lucky person.Even if I did

9、nt go to Harvard,I would be happy _20_.”1A.managingBreadingChearing Dwriting2A.boring BsimpleCeasy Ddifferent3A.actuallyBhardly CusuallyDreally4A.Due to BAccording toCBut for DInstead of5A.beliefs BsportsCaccidents Dattitudes6A.covered BtalkedCspoke Dtook7A.dutyBmoney CworkDpay8A.frontBface CchargeD

10、time9A.important BweakClight Dregular10A.AndBSo COrDBut11A.advised BmissedCdelayed D forgot12A.aimlessly BimmediatelyCslowly Dcontinuously13A.caught BbroughtCtied Dled14A.when Bas ifCeven if Dafter15A.came across Bcame outCcame away Dcame up16A.evenBever CjustDstill17A.laterBbefore CagoDthen18A.nerv

11、ously BproudlyCmadly Dcuriously19A.sad BupsetChappy Dgrateful20A.at last Bin timeCas well Donce more语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位美国女孩创办学报的历程以及所取得的辉煌成绩,对即将步入大学校园的同学能够起到一定的启示作用。1A解析:由上文的run a school newspaper 判断,manage 在此相当于run。2D解析:根据全文大意可知,managing the school newspaper of Harvard不是件容易(easy)、简单(simple)、令人厌烦(bo

12、ring)但却是“与众不同(different)”的工作。3C解析:她通常每周为这份报纸工作40到50个小时。只有usually符合句意。4A解析:“因为(due to)”忙碌的安排,她有时候没时间上课。5B解析:与上一题一起理解:“更别提运动(sports)了。”6A解析:cover the story“采访/报道事件”。7B解析:根据下文及第四段的the delay of the money判断。8C解析:sb.be in charge of sth.“某人负责某事”。9A解析:因为这项工程的“重要(important)”,所以校方认为这位教授不宜监管这一项目。10B解析:与上一句一起理解

13、。“因此(so)”,校方让她离开这项工程。11C解析:根据下文可判断,因为资金的“耽搁”(delay),而致使约420人死亡。12B解析:于是,梅“立刻(immediately)”采访了一位尼日利亚的医生。13C解析:约420人的死亡与拨款推迟有关,be tied to“与有关联”。14A解析:当哈佛大学的管理者作出决定时(when),没有考虑到会带来的影响。15B解析:第二年资金“出台(come out)”。come across“偶遇”;come away“离开”;come up“走近”,均不符合句意。16D解析:但梅却被告之,资金“仍(still)”未解冻。17A解析:于是梅打电话询问。

14、两天后(later),资金解冻。18B解析:因为这是梅的工作所取得的成果,于是她“自豪(proudly)”地说。19C解析:由本段首句“May is a happy girl.”判断。20C解析:即便是没上哈佛,她“也(as well)”是幸福的。.阅读理解John von Neumann was the oldest of 3 children of a banker,and his speed of learning new ideas and of solving problems stood out early.At 17,his father tried to persuade him not to become a mathematician because he may lead a poor life being a mathematician,and so von Neumann agreed to study chemistry as well.In 1926,at 23,he received a degree in chemical engineering and a Ph.D.in mathematics.From then on,mathematics provided well enough for him,and h


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