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1、(一) 常见动词的固定搭配A Words1 Abide by /conform to /comply with(遵守,遵从)2 Accuse sb of sth/blame sth on sb/blame sb for sth/criticize sb for sth/to bring an accusation against sb(因为某事指责某人)3 Account for(解释/占到多少份额)4 Acquaint sb with sth /inform sb of sth(使某人了解某事,熟悉某事)5 Adapt oneself to /adjust to /accommodate t

2、o/suit sb to(调整使适应)6 addict to (上瘾、成瘾)7 Adhere to /cling to/hold out/stick to/insist on/persist in(坚持)8 Amount to( 达到)9 Appeal to (上诉、呼吁;吸引)10 Approve of sb/sth(同意、许可、审批)11 Ascribe sth to sb 把什么归咎于/attribute sth to sb(把什么归结于)/owe sth to sb(把什么归功于)/be put down to sth (把什么归结为)12 Associate sth with sb

3、/ affiliate sth to sth /combine sth with sth/connect sth with sth/link sth to sth/relate sth to sth/fasten sth to sth/tie sth to sth(把两个事务联系起来)13 Attach importance to/lay emphasis on/lay stress on(强调,重视)B Words 1. to back up /to side with/ to stand by (支持)2. to ban sb from doing sth /to bar sb from

4、doing sth /to deter sb from doing sth/to hinder sb from doing sth /to keep sb from doing sth /to inhibit sb from doing sth/to prohibit sb from doing sth/to prevent sb from doing sth/ to restrain oneself from doing sth/to restrict sb from doing sth/to stop sb from doing sth (阻止某人/禁止某人做某事)3. to bargai

5、n with sb over sth (为某事和某人讨价还价)4. to benefit from doing sth (从某事中受益)5. to blame sb for sth/to blame sth on sb/to criticize sb for sth (因某事责备某人)6. to break ones word /to break a law/to break the world record/to break the ice/to break the journey (中止旅行),to break wind(放屁) to break a contract/engagement

6、 (违约)to break a bond(中断契约) to break a code (破解密码) to break a deadlock(打破僵局)to break a spell (破除魔咒) to break a butterfly on the wheel/to break a fly upon the wheel (小题大做) to break up sth(拆散、使终止) to break with sb (与某人绝交) to break through (突破)to break down (精神崩溃,汽车抛锚) to break away from (脱离,分离)to break

7、 into (武力闯入) to break out (爆发) break off (中止、脱落) to bring into use(利用,加以使用) /to bring into mind/to bring home to sb (使某人认识到) /to bring under control(控制住,遏制住)/to bring to an end(结结束)/to bring up(抚养) /to bring forth(提出)/bring about(导致)/bring contempt on oneself/bring discredit on oneself/bring disgrac

8、e on oneself(自取其辱)/bring down (打倒,击落,使降低)to bring into vogue(使时兴、使流行起来) 9to burst into tears/burst into laughter /burst ones buttons (发胖) /burst oneself (伤身)burst out crying(大声疾苦) /burst out laughing (大笑) 10. to bear sth in mind /to keep sth in mind (记住) bear evidence of (证明) bear malice to sb (对某人怀

9、有恶意)bear responsibility for (对什么负有责任) bear witness to (作证) C Words carry into effectcarry into execution (使生效,使起作用)/carry authority /carry weight (有影响,有权威,有分量) be carried away (得意忘形) carry coals to Newcastle/carry owls to Athens (做徒劳多余的事情)carry into practice (实现,实行) carry matters with high hand(采取高压

10、手段做事) carry on with sb (与某人调情) carry oneself well/gracefully (举止优雅) 2catch a Tartar (碰到对手,娶悍妇为妻) catch a glimpse of(瞥见)catch the sight of (发现,突然看见) catch a cold/catch a chill/catch a disease (患感冒/染病) catch ones eyes (吸引某人) catch a weasel asleep(趁人不备) catch an opportunity by the forelock(抓住机遇的头发) cat

11、ch at shadows (捕风捉影) catch ones breath (喘息,努力呼吸) catch fire(着火) 3 call off (取消) call for (要求,呼唤,邀请) call on/upon 访问,拜访 call up 召集,动员,打电话 call back (召回,回调问题商品) call a spade a spade (直言不讳) call black white (黑白颠倒,混淆是非)call into full play(充分利用,使充分发挥作用)4 come to an end (结束) come into being (开始形成,产生) come

12、 to/come round (苏醒,恢复知觉和意识) come in sight of (发现,看见) come in for blame/criticism (挨批评,受指责) come to terms with (屈服,让步) come true /come to reality(实现,成现实)come to an conclusion (得出结论)come and have a pickle (请来吃顿便饭)come down with sth (染上病患) come down in the world (沦落,落魄) come down to (涉及到,归结为)come down

13、to earth (回到现实) come into disfavor with sb (失宠于某人)come to light (曝光,败露) come to nothing (完全失败) come to grips with(开始搏斗)come up with(提出,想出来)5 count sb in (算某人在内) count sb out (不算某人) count down (倒计时) count on sb (指望某人,依赖某人) count for nothing (一文不值,无足轻重) count the cost (权衡得失) count up to (加起来共计)D Words

14、 1. deal with /cope with/handle /treat(设法对付,应付处理).deprive sb of(剥夺某人)relieve sb of sth(解脱某人的)rob sb of sth (抢劫某人某事) warn sb of sth (警告某人某事) inform sb of sth (通知某人某事) convince sb of sth(使某人确信某事) remind sb of sth(提醒某人某事) expect sb of sth (期望某人某物) 3to draw closer (临近,接近) to draw ones attention (吸引某人注意力

15、) to draw a conclusion (得出结论) to draw a map (画一张地图) to draw a check (开张支票) to draw comparison between (比较两个事物) to draw a distinction between (区分找差别) to draw a long face(拉长脸) to draw an inference from (由什么推断出) draw inspiration from (受到启发,得到灵感) draw water to ones mill (唯利是图) to draw up (起草,征召) to draw

16、 in= to pull in (进站,慢慢进站)4do away with (废除) do harm to (对什么有害) do good to (对什么有利) do ones utmost/ do ones best (尽最大努力) do a service to (为某人效劳) do credit to (给某人带来荣誉) do justice to (公平对待,适当处理) 5 drive sb mad /drive sb crazy (让某人发疯) drive home to /drive a point home/drive an argument home使人理解到,把论点讲清楚drive sb to the wall/drive sb to the corner (把某人逼到绝境) to drive ones pig to the ma



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