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1、八年级(下)Unit 2 Students who volunteer (Section A 3a-3b)教学设计千金中学 吴莉莲【课时解读】本单元Section A的主要话题是做志愿者工作来帮助他人。前一课时通过听、说了解了多种志愿者工作以及依据他人能力和才艺,提出合理的志愿者工作建议。本课时是关于两个学生的volunteer job的一个阅读材料,是前两课时的话题延续,也是对学生相关话题的阅读训练。【设计思路】根据以上解读,我设计了看图片,依据他人能力和才艺,提出合理的志愿者工作建议的热身活动,为阅读本课做好预热。然后介绍了女儿爱好阅读这一环节,教会学生与本课相关的词汇,为阅读扫除部分词汇

2、障碍。根据阅读材料的结构,我指导学生通过快读找段落大意;根据阅读材料内容,我以表格形式对文章进行梳理,使学生对本文框架和内容有一目了然的视觉感。之后通过讨论,让学生体会到意愿者工作的意义。最后通过学生对自身才能的认识,发动学生做力所能及的志愿者工作,让学生体会到帮助他人就是帮助自己,培养学生乐于助人的精神。【教学目标】语言技能目标1. 能就已学知识简要表达自己的能力、喜好和能胜任的志愿者工作。2. 能根据他人的能力和喜好用“You/He/ She could”提出合理的志愿者工作建议。3. 能在老师阅读策略的指导下归纳段落大意,通过细读找细节问题等,形成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读能力。4. 能在

3、自主阅读中细细品味文本精髓,表达隐含在文本中的阅读意义。语言知识目标1. 能正确拼读并理解several hours each week, get such a strong feeling of satisfaction, the look of joy , go on a different journey with sth等词在文中的意思。2. 能掌握动词不定式作宾语如want /decide/love to do,help sb. todo等、作宾语补足语、不定式作状语的用法如give up several hours to help others。3. 能体会文中的美词美句之涵义并能

4、运用于适当的场合。情感态度目标通过深层次的阅读,体会到志愿者工作的意义,并养成乐于助人的精神。【学习重难点】1. 能就已学知识简要表达自己的能力、喜好和能胜任的志愿者工作。2. 能掌握不定式作宾语、作状语和作宾语补足语等用法。3. .能在老师阅读策略的指导下归纳段落大意,细读找细节问题,深度阅读找意义等,形成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读能力。【教学准备】PPT【教学步骤】Step 1 Lets help Show pictures of some people information and get the Ss to give advice about what volunteer work t

5、hey can do with“I think he/she/they could .”【设计意图】复习多种不同的志愿者工作以及为他人提合理的志愿者工作的建议,复习和巩固语法知识的同时,为本课的志愿者阅读做好铺垫和热身工作。Step 2 Lets learn Show a picture of a girl reading.T: This is my daughter. She loves reading very much. Because she thinks she is going on a different journey with each new book. She reads

6、 several hours each day .Do you like reading?Ss: Yes.T: Good. How long do you read each day/week?Ss: Several hours each day/week. T: Good. Do you go on a different journey with each new book?Ss: Yes. We go on a different journey with each new book.T: My daughter says : Through reading, I can do what

7、 I love to do and learn a lot at the same time. What do you think of it?Ss: (get the Ss to tell their hobbies like this: I love .I several hours each day/week, I think Im going on a different journey with Through, I can do what I love to do and learn a lot at the same time.)(Show pictures of honors.

8、)T: These honors are all for my daughter, shes really happy when she gets the honors. Look! Is she happy? Ss: Yes.T: So we can see the look of joy on her face. Because she gets such a strong feeling of satisfaction when she gets the honors.Here “joy” means “happiness”, can you tell me what “look” me

9、ans here?(A. 看。B. 表情。)Show several pictures to get the Ss to tell “the look of sadness”etc.T: Now lets tell When do you get such a strong feeling of satisfaction? Try to tell like this: When I, I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction.Ss: 【设计意图】:通过女儿爱看书,引出go on a different journey with sth,severa

10、l hours a day, get such a strong feeling of satisfaction,the look of joy , I can do what I love to do and learn a lot at the same time.等词句,为接下来的阅读扫除词汇障碍。Step 3 Lets read1.T: look at the pictures and read the title, can you tell what we are going to read about today? Ss: P1 Marys volunteer workP2 Sim

11、ply talk about two students who volunteerP3 Marios volunteer work 2. T: Read quickly and match each paragraph with the main ideas 3. T: Read carefully and complete the chart.volunteersloveVolunteer jobWhen/how oftenfeelingMario GreenAnimalsvolunteer at an animal hospital/care for animalsevery Saturd

12、ay morningIts hard work, I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on the owners faces.Mary Brownbookshelp kids learn to readOnce a weekvolunteering there is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.

13、 (Check the answers.)4 . T: Read the article after the tape.5. Complete the sentences in 3c, while doing it, get the Ss to find in which paragraph the answers are, and pay attention to the infinitives.【设计意图】:通过标题和图片的帮助,让学生预测今天要阅读的主要内容;通过快速阅读激发学生阅读的欲望,归纳段落大意;细读找细节问题等阅读方法和阅读策略的指导。帮助学生理清文章脉络,理解本篇章的主要内容

14、,从而提高学生的阅读能力。Step 5 Lets retell1. . Get the Ss to retell the article with the help of the mind map below. wherewhatwhenMarios / Marys volunteer workhow longhow oftenwhy2. Discuss: Why do they volunteer to do these things?Ss: T: Helping others is helping ourselves. Lets become a volunteer today!【设计意图

15、】:使学生对本篇章的框架结构和主要内容再次巩固和加深理解,有效地训练和提高学生口头表达能力,深层问题的提出,使学生体会帮助他人的意义。Step 6 Lets shareT: What can you do? What kind of volunteer job would you like to do? Why? Share your volunteer job . 【设计意图】:通过对自身能力的认知,参与力所能及的志愿者工作,进一步体会志愿者工作帮助他人的乐趣和意义。Step 6 Homework1. Oral work: Read the words and expressions until you can read the article fluently.2. Written work:Finish the exercise book of Period 3.Draw a mind map about this article and try to retell the article with its help.【设计意图】:口头作业进一步训练和



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