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1、牛津小学英语6A Unit2 Bens birthday (Part A) 第一课时 东元小学 蔡晓燕【教学目标】知识与技能:(1)学习新单词:date, present, October, August, when, Aladdin.知道由the+序数词+of+月四个词组合而成的词组表达的是日期。(2)会听、读、理解句型:What date is it?/Whens .?/What would you like as a birthday present?/Would you like (to)?及其回答。(3)初步理解part A 内容,理清文本脉络。过程与方法:围绕生日话题展开日期与礼物


3、读对了就把他们读读熟练吧!)day da/te ( )rest pre/sent ( )car too car/toon ( ) bad A/lad/din ( )men - When ( ) way - wait ( )cat- Oc/to/ber ( ) dog - Au/gust ( )二、听课文磁带,并跟读,了解课文内容,并在文中画出下列词组,联系上下文猜猜他们的意思。go home together visit Jim talk about the 16th of October on the 6th of August as a birthday present a VCD of

4、Japanese cartoons Lets wait and see. 三、再听、读课文,想一想试着回答下列问题。1.Where are Jim and Ben? 2.What are they doing? 3.Whose birthday is coming soon? 4.What present would he like as a birthday present? 四、预习后你一定对课文了解不少或是还有疑惑的地方,提出来和同学们一起讨论讨论? 五、“学习高手”(读一读,想一想,猜一猜)What time is it? = Whats the time?What date is i

5、t? = 【教学过程】Step1. Preparation1. Show the photo of somebodys birthday .T: What can you see in the picture?S: We can see s having a birthday party. We can see, , and .(一些礼物)T: Oh, they are s birthday present.(指着present,重读,重复读)S: 跟读。T: Can you guess the meaning of present?S: Guess“礼物”。T: says he would

6、like to give them to you. What would you like?S: Id likeT: Would you like a?(板书)S: Yes, please./ Yes, Id like.(既把学生快速投入到生日这个话题情景中,又检查了学生对would like 的巩固预习情况,在前几册中出现过,只需略学习,下面不作重点学习而为下面的would like to 学习做好铺垫。)2. Check the homeworka. Can you read this sentence:Would you like to watch Aladdin?(板书)比较两句有何异

7、同?b. New words(小黑板或多媒体呈现)date 日期 October 十月(个别读,教师及时评价,鼓励他们使用多种学习方法,如果出错了,让其他学生纠正,最后才是教师指点。)Step 2 Presentation1. T: Boys and girls, today we learn Unit2 Bens birthday.Youve read the passage well. Who can answer the questions?(呈现先学提纲第四题)S: 回答。T: 只板书,不校对。OK. Now, please listen to the tape, then find

8、the answers to these questions, and try to underline the answers.S: Listen and draw.S: Answer and check.(在此时校对,既是对预习的检查,又作为课文学习的第一次“先学后教”,整体感知课文,把握大概意境。)2. T: We know the text is talking about birthdays. What else do you want to know?S: 提问。(Like: When is Jims birthday?/Does Ben usually have a birthd

9、ay party?/What present will Ben get ?/)(教师板书)T: Now this time we should read it quickly and answer them.(如果学生的提问没到点,教师可引导:If we talk about birthday ,what else we will talk about?T: Like:谁的生日Whose birthday? 什么礼物 What presents? 引出什么时候When? Please find the sentences about when and its answer in the pas

10、sage.S: Find Whens your birthday? Its on the 16th of October./My birthdays on the 6th of August.并领读,让其他学生说说意思,归纳在哪一日用介词on.)(这里让学生知道the 16th of October四个单词组成的词组是表示日期。)T: 出示What date is it today? Its the 16th of October.S: 比较When.? What date ? 回答的不同点。(在此过程中随机完成书P15的练习。)(第二次“先学后教”,让学生互问互答,解决预习中或学习中出现的疑

11、问,也从另一方面让学生互相检测,进一步关注文本细节,提高学生的英语表达的积极性。)3. T: Just now, we listened and read the text. We read it quickly .This time, we should read it loudly and pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation. Then you should talk about the text, like I know Jim and Ben are in the same class.S: Read loudly and

12、 get ready.汇报:I know Jim and Ben are in the same class./ Jim lives near Ben./Bens birthday is coming./)Step3.Practice1. 顺着刚才的汇报,整理成个人理解的小短文,在组内互相补充完整,说练。(可以向学生发讲义纸,以填空的形式让学生有个依靠,也可以让学生自己发挥,不影响他们的思维。)2. 检查。(指名个别优秀的学生,可以根据课堂情况,以小组为单位采用轮流或其他方式汇报。教师适时对活动进行组织和调控,此环节可以让学生从整体上进一步掌握文本的主要内容及语言知识。)Step4. Prod

13、uctionRead in roles or act vividly1. 学生根据小组的学习能力,选择分角色朗读课文或分角色表演课文。在组内准备(让学生小组活动前由组长快速分配好角色与任务,以便顺利开展小组活动,教师巡回指导与监督。)2. 选几组在班上汇报小组活动成绩,其余学生听,并给予评价。(I think/They are/They should)Step 5. Progress1.拓展讨论班上一些学生的生日及他们想要的礼物。(课前收集班上几位同学的生日,尽量选在October/August的,在小黑板上板书名字。日期选择有规则的序数词)T: Hey, children, our clas

14、smates birthdays are coming. Lets talk about them with these sentences.(可以看着课文改编)(Whens your birthday,?Its on/What would you like as your birthday present,?Id like a /Would you like a?Yes, please./Yes, Id like./No, thanks.)出示:Whens your birthday? When are your parents birthdays?Let the students try to read it loudly.(教育学生我们不仅要知道自己和朋友的生日,更应该记住咱们的父母的生日,每年记得对爸爸妈妈说声Happy birthday!)Homework:1


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