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1、9Aunit6 Study skillsHow to read a newspaperLearning aims: At the end of the class, the students will be able to :a. have a better understanding of a newspaperb. know how to read an English newspaper by skimming, scanning and detailed readingc. know newspaper use a special style of writingTeaching pr

2、ocedures:Step1. Brainstorming(which catches your attention first in a newspaper)Get students to talk about a newspaper(front page, headline, topic, photo,article)What can a photo remind you of? E-sports is on the rise(崛起) in China.But its a hard life for young players.Step2. Presentation1.Types of c

3、olumns(栏目) Newspaper treasure hunt (circle the information)*some good news*news about an animal*news about a star* news about a sport* name of a country*an advertisementMake a dialogue about choosing different types of newsA:Which types of news do you prefer to read first/last?B:I prefer to read new

4、s onfirst because C:Id rather read news onlast becausebusiness health/lifefashioninternationaleducation cultureadvertisementfamous peoplepolitics(政治)societyentertainment(娱乐) 2.A special style of writinga headline should be: A. Long B. ShortC. Brief (sometimes incomplete)D. Detailed E. Attractive Hea

5、dline give the general idea the 1st paragraph(lead) general idea and the most important factsThe following paragraphs new but less important informationThe reading skills of news stories Step3.Practice1.Read the article and answer the questions1 Who was Susan Hunter?2 What happened to her?3 Where di

6、d she die?4 When did she die?5 How did she die?2.Read the photo and the first paragraph and answer3.Guess the headlineBattling(战役) in an online world 4.Newspaper Writing :Choose ten words you are interested in from your newspaper .Create a news story of your own.For example:Polar bear, leave, E-sports, meat, booksaward, fantastic, museum, praise, liveStep4 Assignment:1.Search for 2018 Top Ten news of China from the latest newspapers.2.Create a piece of news for your school newspaper.


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