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1、China Nuclear Industry Fifth Construction CorporationFJLNG-CO2-CNF-008Doc. Type文件类型No. of pages文件页数No. of pages Attachments附件页数Rev. No.版次Revision Description修订说明Control. No.受控编号1021FUJIAN LNG PHASE I ADDITIONAL #3 and #4 TANKS PROJECTUsing and Management Procedure of RT Work Site射线检测工作场地使用管理程序124-Au

2、g-09Wang Dong 王东Yang Sen杨森IFA010-Aug-09Wang Dong Niu ZhenningYang Sen杨森Xiong Daoan熊道安IFARev.版次Issue Date发行日期Prepared by编制Reviewed by审核Approved by批准CBIOwner/Supervisor业主/监理Status状态目录Content 1.目的Purpose32.范围 Scope33.参考文件 Reference34.定义Definition35.具体描述 Detail Description56.安全措施 Safety Measurements97.附

3、录 Appendix101 目的Purpose为了规范中国核工业第五建设公司福建LNG新增3#&4#储罐项目的射线检测使用场地的管理工作,保证射线检测工作正常有序地进行,并符合国家安全法规及公司质保大纲的要求,特编制本程序。This procedure is provided to regulate the RT Work Area Management of CNF in FJLNG Phase I Additional #3 Tanks Project, ensure to perform the work of RT normally and orderly which in ac

4、cordance with the national regulatory and law on safety and the Quality Assurance outline of the corporation.2 范围 Scope本程序描述了福建LNG新增3#&4#储罐项目RT检测工作场地使用的组织、实施和协调等过程的管理要求,以及相关接口工作。The procedure describes the management requirement of RT work Sites using on organization, implementation and coordination

5、 as well as related interface work in FJLNG Phase I Additional #3 Tanks Project3 参考文件 Reference3.1 特种设备无损检测人员考核与监督管理规则 Special Equipment NDE Personnel Testing and Supervision Management Specification3.2 射线检测程序 FJLNG-QC2-CBI-036 Radiographic Examination Procedure FJLNG-QC2-CBI-0363.3 工业X射线探伤放射卫生防护

6、标准 GBZ 117-2006Industry X-ray NDE Radiation Health Protection Specification GBZ 117-20063.4 电离辐射防护与辐射源安全基本标准 GB 18871-2002Basic standards for protection against ionizing radiation and for the safety of radiation sources GB 18871-20024 定义Definition4.1 射线检测 RT射线检测是利用射线在穿透物质过程中吸收与衰减作用而在底片上反映不同黑度的影像,进而对

7、被检材料进行质量评定的一种非破坏性检测手段。射线具有辐射性,对人体有一定的危害性。RT, making use of absorption and attenuation in the process of ray penetrating material and reflecting on film with different dark image which is an NDE inspection manner by performing quality evaluation on examined material. There is some damage to persons c

8、aused by the rays because of its radioactivity.4.2 射线检测场地 RT Work Site在工程施工建设过程中,根据质量控制的要求,为保证射线检测正常安全的进行,由施工方提出,经总包、监理业主同意,规定或划分出某一特定区域或场所,在一定的时间段或时间周期内仅供射线检测施工使用的场地。During the construction process, as per the necessity of quality control, to ensure the implementation of RT normally and safely, con

9、struction party shall propose an area which is specially marked for RT and approved by Owner as well as Contractor. The relative large area specially for the implementation and construction of RT only in a particular period and time period.4.3 检测时间 根据预制场地周边的人流量及车辆等实际情况计划检测时间安排在当日22时至次日5时。4.4 射线检测警戒区

10、(监督区)RT Security Area (Monitoring Area)根据GBZ 117-2006工业X射线探伤放射卫生防护标准的规定,射线检测作业时,应划定警戒区(监督区)。作业时空气比释动能率大于1.5Gy/h小于15Gy/h的范围划为警戒区,并在其边界设置警示设施。在警戒区范围内,无关人员禁止入内。在警戒区边界处,不得有无关人员停留。Basing on GBZ 117-2006 Industry X-ray NDE Radiation Health Protection Specification, Security area (monitoring area) shall be

11、 marked off for RT. Air kerma rate shall be in the range from 1.5Gy/h to 15Gy/h, the area more than 1.5Gy/h and less than 15Gy/h shall be marked as the security area, and establish alerting signs around the fringe. Nonessential persons are not allowed to enter Security Area. Irrelative persons mustn

12、t stay around the boundary of the security area.5 具体描述 Detail Description5.1 RT作业流程图安全交底方案报审Plan For Approval 作业申请 技术交底Technical DisclosureRT检测外观检查射线底片复审射线报告资料存档5.2 RT作业申请流程图申请单返回5.3 作业的先决条件 Precondition of RT5.3.1 接收委托单 Receiving Entrust Paper 对委托的内容进行核实,确认无误后由NDE负责人签字并保留。Check details on entrust p

13、aper; confirm all are proper then signed by NDE responsible person and retain it.5.3.2射线作业许可证 RT Operation Permit NDE相关人员根据委托内容填写射线作业许可证,经CNF 和CBI相关负责人签字后方生效。射线作业许可证由HSE部门保留,并将作业的时间地点告知现场作业的相关人员,避免作业场地内进行加班、人员误闯入等问题的出现。NDE 检测人员要留一份复印件以备检查。Fill RT Operation Permit as per the content of entrust paper

14、by NDE Department of CNF. HSE department keeps the RT permit, give the time schedule of RT to all related site persons to prevent the occurrence of personnel work overtime and enter by mistake, etc. NDE personnel shall keep a copy for inspection.5.3.3放射源应急预案(CNF/MS FJLNG EP HS2-007)应获得批准。5.3.4器材准备 E

15、quipment Preparation根据委托内容准备相关设备、材料,并保证检测设备性能良好,检测材料使用期限及数量等均应满足要求。同时通知施工部门提供照明和电源等设施,并保证现场用电安全。Prepare involved equipment and material as per the content of the entrust paper; ensure the high performance of the equipment, duration of service and quantity of the examination materials are all meet the requirements. Notify construction department to provide lighting and power supply



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