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1、同事英语部分同事英语的特色是casual(随便)informal(不咬文嚼字)是很亲切自然的。例如行走间的同事见面打招呼,绝对不会说:How do you do?久仰! 甚至也很少说:How are you?你好吗?最常用的应是:Hows it going?一切还好吧? Unit 1 Good morning ,MR.lin.林先生,您早。上班族基础句型谈论会议开得如何,怎么说?How did the meeting go yesterday?昨天的会议开得怎么样?The meeting went just fine.会议开得很顺利。 The meeting didnt go well.会议开

2、得并不顺利。Arent you glad的句型应用Arent you glad its Friday?今天是星期五,你不觉得高兴吗?Arent you glad the work is done?工作都做完了,你不觉得高兴吗?Arent you glad you got the raise?你薪水增加了,不觉得高兴吗?告诉对方有事尽管找你,怎么说?Let me know if theres something I can do.如果有我能做的,尽管说。Let me know if you have any problems.如果你有问题,尽管问我。上班族实用会话一:A:Good morning

3、 ,Mr.lin.林先生,你早。 B:Good morning ,Ms.Wang.王小姐,你早。A:How did the meeting go yesterday?昨天的会议开得怎么样?B:I think we got some good things accomplished.我想我们完成不少事情。 A:Great.那很好啊。Let me know if theres something I can do.如果有什么事情我可以做的话,尽管说。B: Thanks,I appreciate that.谢谢你,我很感激。A:Have a good day.希望你一切顺利。 B:You too.你

4、也是。 Unit 2 How are your sales looking?你的销售额如何?基础句型问同事销售额如何,怎么说?How are your sales looking?你的销售额如何?How are your sales looking this month?你这个月的销售额如何?告诉对方这不是我的份内之事,怎么说?Its not my job to come up with ideas.我并不是负责想出新点子的。Its not my job to push up the sales.我并不是负责提高销售额的。Its not my job to promote our produc

5、t.我并不是负责促销我们的产品。答应对方你会尽力而为,怎么说?Ill do my best.我会尽我的全力。You need to push our Spring line more.你需要更加紧销售我们的春季系列产品。The store carries a fine line of shoes.这家商店卖一系列很好的鞋子。Check into指深入调查或研究Something is wrong ,and I will check into it.这事有些不对劲,我需要深入调查。I asked the manager to check into the problem.我要求经理深入调查这个问

6、题。Im checking into the feasibility of your suggestion.我会深入研究你的建议的可行性。 Unit 3 How did the meeting go? 会议开得怎么样?基础句型你想做某事,问对方是否介意,怎么说?Do you mind if sit in on the meeting?如果我进来旁听会议,你介意吗?Do you mind if I make some suggestions?我提个建议,你介意吗?向对方提个建议,问他为什么不.?Why dont you come to my office?你为什么不到我的办公室来?Why don

7、t you find someone to help you ?你为什么不找个人帮你的忙?Why dont you hire a public relations firm to promote your product?你为什么不请公关公司来促销你们的产品?对方愿为你做某事,你也答应,怎么说?Please do.请这样做. 上班族实用会话三:A: How did the meeting go?会议开得怎么样?B: Its hard to say.很难说.Both sides made some valid points.两方面的看法都很有道理.A: What is our next step

8、?那我们下一步要怎么做呢?B: We are having another meeting to discuss that tomorrow.我们明天还要开会继续讨论.A: Do you mind if sit in on it ?我来旁听会议,你介意吗?B: Please do. We welcome your input.请这样做.我们很欢迎您的意见.A: Great , what time is the meeting?那很好,会议是几点?B: 12:30 in Conference Room B.12点半在B会议室. Unit 4 Did you hear about the mark

9、eting department?基础句型:问对方有没有听说某个消息,怎么说?Did you hear about the marketing department?你有没有听到销售部门的消息?Did you hear about the takeover?你有没有听到接管的消息?Did you hear about the reorganization in our department?有无听到我们部门人事改组消息?问某件事的进度如何,怎么说?Whats the status on that project I gave you?我给你的那个项目你进行的如何?Whats the statu

10、s on the Japan project?那个日本项目进行得怎样?Ill keep you posted on the status.我会随时告诉你进展的情形。告诉对方,你说的没错,怎么说?Tell me about it.你说的没错。What you said has no fault.(意思一样,但适用于一般情况下) Unit 5 Have you seen the new job posting?基础句型:接任某个职位,怎么说?Who will fill his position?谁会来接任他的职位。John will fill his position?约翰会来接任他的职位。Wou

11、ld you like to fill his position?你想要接任他的职位吗?向对方提建议去做某事,怎么说?Maybe you should go talk to his manager.或许你该去和他的经理谈。Maybe you should go apply for the position.或许你该去申请这个职位。 实用会话五:Have you seen the new job posting for the Vice Presidents position?你有没有看到副总裁职位的布告? Yes.看到了。Are you going to apply?你打算去申请吗? Im n

12、ot sure, are you?我不知道,你呢?I dont think so.我想我不会去。 Why not?为什么不呢?I dont want that kind of pressure right now.我目前还不想有那种压力。I can understand that.这我能理解。Yes, it would really be too much for me at this time.是的目前对我来说那种压力实在是太大了。 Unit 6 The company is laying off people. 公司正在裁员。基础句型:问对方知不知道某件事Any idea who is g

13、oing to be the new president?你知道谁会是新的总裁吗?Any idea when the meeting is?你知道会议是什么时候吗?Any idea who will be laid off?你知道谁会被裁员吗?Any idea when the lay off will start?你知道裁员从什么时候开始吗?疑问句,问谁将会.?Who is going to be the first to go?谁会是第一个走的?Who is going to be the new president?谁将会是新的总裁?Who is going to be laid off

14、?谁将会被裁员?问到底是怎么一回事的说法What is the deal?到底是怎么一回事? What is going on?发生了什么事?请对方随时让你知道最新的消息,怎么说?Let me know if you hear anything.如果你听到什么消息,请告诉我.Please keep me posted about the stock price.请随时让我知道最新的股票价格. 实用会话六:I heard a rumor that the company is going to lay off a hundred people.我听到谣传说公司将裁员一百人.I heard the

15、 same thing.我也听人这么说. What is the deal?到底是怎么一回事?Sales are not good this year.今年的业绩不好.And they have to make some cutbacks.所以他们必须紧缩.Any idea where they plan to make these cutbacks?你知不知道他们打算在哪一方面紧缩?I heard they are starting from the last hired.我听说他们打算从最晚被雇用的开始.Ive been here for a while.我在这里已经有一段时间了.Maybe Im safe.或许我应该没问题. I hope so.我希望如此. Unit 7 What is the new policy? 新的政策是什么?基础句型:我等不及要做某事,怎么说?I cant wait to see what the new policy is.我等不及想看看新的政策是什么。I cant wait to see who



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