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1、中学英语疑点A.形容词与副词形容词1. 形容词的位置修饰差不多的,字节少的在前(a small but beautiful room)Thosethree-beautifullargesquareoldbrownwoodentable限定-序数-基数-描绘大小- 新旧-颜色材料国籍2. 作表语的联系动词De,become,go,grown,get,feel,appear,prove,seem,look,keep,smell,taste,sound,turn,remain3只能作表语的形容词a.表示身体的形容词 Well,ill,faint,contentb.以a-开头的形容词afraid,al

2、ike,alone,asleep,awake,alive4.以-ly 结尾的形容词Friendly,lively,lovely,lonely,likely,deadly,silly,orderly,timely5.不能用于疑问句与否定句的形容词词组Plenty of,a lot of副词1. 表示不确定的时间副词放在行为动词之前,助动词之后Always,often,rarely2. 副词修饰名词,在名词之后The person there is looking for you.3. 副词与介词构成的词组,介词在后Theres the house,right in front of you.4.

3、 修饰全句的副词置于句首(perhaps,truly)Truly he will go to Hongkong.5. 副词的作用宾语补足语 Let the dog out.定语 The building there looks very grand.表语 Time is up.状语 I worked in Beijing almost for three years.6. Before 泛指“以前”,不用agoWe never met them before.7两种形式的副词Closely 仔细、密切地,nearly,loudly,deeply 抽象意义的深,highly 高度地,lately

4、 近来,hardly ,freely 无拘无束地8.Much 与very 的区别Much 用于比较级,very 用于原级,very much 用于修饰动词,在修饰表语时英国与美国有区别 very afraid (美国),如果在不能判断时用much 更为妥当。9.already,yet,still区别Already(已发生),yet (期待发生),still(正在进行,多用于肯定句)Have you met Mr Fang yet? Have you already met Mr Fang ?(你竟然-,出乎意料)10.quite ,rather用在带有形容词名词和不带形容词名词前有区别They

5、 are rather a strong team. They area rather team.11.cant-too的特殊意义You cant be too careful in doing these exercises.形容词与副词的比较级1. 单音节加more 的词 real ,glad ,fond, tired, pleased2. 用more 或-er都可以 Cruel, often,strict,friendly3. 以-or 结尾的词用toInferior,superior,senior,prior,majior,minorHe is superior to Mr Wang

6、in mathematics.4. 无比较级的词Excellent,extreme,perfect,favourite,total,only,single,entireB.情态动词1.could 表示请求时不用肯定句Could I open the door? Yes,you can. No,Im afraid not.2.表示能力 can 可用 be able to 代替,在已经形成的能力不用couldHe was able to go to the party yesterday.3. might 比may 委婉(日常用can),否定回答用cant,mustntMay I take thi

7、s book out? No,you cant. No, you mustnt.Might I use your pen? No,you mustnt. May you succeed!4. 情态动词need仅用于否定句和疑问句,肯定句中用must,have to, ought to,should5. Dare 也不用于肯定句,但可用于条件句How dare you say I am unfair!6. 实义动词dare 在否定句和疑问句中可省略 toI wondered if he dared (to) say that.7.在美国英语中ought to在否定与疑问句中可省略toYou ou

8、ghtnt (to) smoke so much! Ought you smoke so much?8.should 在疑问句中可代替ought to9.情态动词完成式的意义1).Can(could)you have done- ? 本来可以做而为做,问表示不肯定。You could have done better ,but you dont try your best.He cant have been to that town.2).may (might) have done表示对过去行为的推测He may not have finished the work.3).must have

9、done肯定句表示想必You must have seen the film.否定句的完成时可用cant 代替4).neednt have done表示不必做而做了You neednt have watered the flowers,for its going to rain.I didnt need to clean the windows, my sister did it.(没有做)5)。Should have done -本来应该做而未做You have started earlier ,but you didnt.6).will have done 表示推测,用与第二、第三人称He

10、 will have arrived by now.7).ought to have done-过去应该做而未做You ought to have done (should) helped him.(But you didnt.)8).had better (had best 同意,很少用)不可用于长辈C非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)1.不定式:无人称与数的变化,有时态语态的变化,逻辑主语常用for 的结构2.不定式做主语、宾语、表语时常用it代替,不定式放在补足语之后I find it interesting to study English.3.省to的动词(后接不定式做补足语)Fee

11、l,hear,listen to,look at ,notice,observe,see,watch,have,let,make4不及物动词做定语,所修饰的词是不定式的动作的地点工具是名词或代词时要用介词Please give me a knife to cut with.He is looking for a room to live in.There is nothing to worry about.如果所修饰的词是time ,place ,way习惯上省介词He had no money and no place to live (in).5. 所修饰的词是不定式的动作承受者,用主动与

12、被动有不同意义Have you anything to send?(动作的执行者是you)Have you anything to be sent?(动作的执行者是me or someone else)6).不定式做状语目的in order to,so as to-I come here (in order) to see you.原因 :We were very excited to hear the news.条件:To look at him,you should like him.结果:so-as to,enought to,only to,too-to,He hurried to t

13、he school to find nobody there.He lifted a rock only to drop in on his own feet.7).tooto 结构表示肯定意义Anxious,delighted,eager,easy,glad,kind,pleased,ready,surprised,willingShe was too surprised to see how angry her father was.8).在not,never,only,all,but结构中tooto 中的too表示veryIts never too late to learn.Im on

14、ly too glad to stay at home.9).不定式做独立结构:to be frank,to be exact,to begin with,to make a long story short, to tell the truthTo tell the truth, I dont agree with you.10).不定式与wh-word 连用与why ,why not 连用省to,且用于开头Why worry about it?Why not have a rest?11).不定式的时态a).一般时:与主句谓语动词动作同时发生或之后发生b).进行时:表示正在进行,有时也表示

15、将来He is believed to be coming.c).完成时,表示其动作在谓语动作之前He is believed to have come.Im sorry to have kept you waiting.d).在有些词后加不定式完成式表示过去没实现的计划:intended,expected,promised,hoped,wanted,wished,thoughtI hoped to have finished the work earlier.e).在seem,appear,think,consider,believe后加不定式完成时表示该动作在先He seems to have bought the new book.It seems that he has bought the new book.12).不定式的被动语态,表示不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者He had



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