人教版高中英语必修三练习:unit 2 第3学时含答案精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)英语必修3(人教版)第三学时Using Language:Reading, Listening and Speaking.根据所给的首字母或汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空1If something is_(有限) to a particular place, it exists only in that place.答案:limited2If you_(受益)from something, it helps you or improves your life.答案:benefit3The two boys_(怒视) at each other before they

2、fought.答案:glared4Cheese doesnt_(消化) easily.答案:digest5When he knew the result, he_(叹气)with relief.答案:sighed6Have you been_(监视) on me all the time?答案:spying7How long can you b_yourself on one foot?答案:balance8The beauty of this career is that it allows us to c_our interest with our work.答案:combine9You

3、will get a d_of 10 percent if you show your student card.答案:discount10One of my great w_is smoking.I cant cut it down.答案:weaknesses.句型转换1Reading is the most interesting thing in my spare time.In my spare time,_than reading.答案:nothing is more interesting2That experiment was so successful that he soon

4、 became a wellknown scientist.That experiment was_that he soon became a wellknown scientist.答案:such a success3If you cheat in the exam, you will be punished(惩罚)for it.If you cheat in the exam, you will never_it.答案:get away with4If you eat too much energygiving food, you will surely become fat.If you

5、 eat too much energygiving food, you will surely_答案:put on weight5Johnson lives a hard life, for he owes(欠)a lot of money.Johnson lives a hard life, for he is_答案:in debt.根据句意用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空tell a lie, before long, glare at, in debt, lose weight, spy on, get away with, win.back, benefit from, earn on

6、es living, cut down, combine.with1.When the mother came back home, she found her two children_each other.It seemed that they had just quarreled.答案:glaring at2Im very fat now and all my friends advise me to_for my health.答案:lose weight3Why did you_? Didnt you know that you would get punished if your

7、parents found out the truth?答案:tell a lie4Once you have broken the law, you cant easily_it.答案:get away with5The coach hoped that his team would cheer up and_the prize_in the next World Cup.答案:win;back6Im heavily_at the moment.So I have to take some parttime jobs to pay off it.答案:in debt7He hid behin

8、d the door and_them as they ate their dinner.答案:spied on8We hope to finish our experiment_Then we can go to the beach for a short holiday.答案:before long9You need to_your intake of rich and oily foods in order to keep healthy.答案:cut down10Students always can_good teachers.答案:benefit from11When life was difficult in the past, she_by singing in a night club.答案:earn her living12Its very difficult to_work_pleasure. 答案:combine;with


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