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1、公司面试英文自我介绍七篇 公司面试英文自我介绍篇1 My aes.yrsold.Mweight eigh i.m av stie Eglsh o abot . years.At schoo myvouit ujet sEnglis.I oental t y lamate in hImy are tmeieply bascketall n smming.Myhealth is vy god hnkIan fit ort job beause liehiindf wrk an eylearning nw thngs I am read o dealwth peope.I haem

2、uch aine nreSoIthinI cdohe obwel.A at,I hopeyou canve me hnceIf hooe,ou nv rrefor r. 公司面试英文自我介绍篇2 oo mnig ! I is realymy on tha tisppotnit f aintrviw, hpei n e godperfoanc tday. Now i will ntdce mself riefly Im 2 ys old,brnn sadoproncewasgraduate from xx vsty.mmajr eetroc.nd got myachor deee fter m

3、aduation in t ya f 02X spndmos o time onsuy,i hapass T4 . d i haveacre asknoee of my ajorringmy chol ime. n July202,I egnwork or asmal prit omany a tchnil sporenineern gDao ciy.eueImcaabl o orersosibilits,so I ded tochange m b. Ad n Aus 2,I lfQnga Biin and k or oegnterpr aatomi sotwae est enieer.Bca

4、usI antto changem woking envioen,Id iketofid a jbicisore challeng. Morv Mtrla is a gloal copy,so I felIca gaith motfm orking in is kindf cmpanynioet. h s tesowhy com reto mee for ti poton.I think a go eam layr d m a rso of gat esty to her AlIamblt ork undr gratressur.Thatsal. Thnky forgivine th canc

5、. 公司面试英文自我介绍 篇3 I aman Englishgauaf 2X n Hunan Unrtyof Science ad Eninerig. Thoghot my caps lfe,Ihve dvotdmyselith sincriyand otivationt theernin of nglis ngug. I hv gottitraig ad ad the fve basc ils ofog lange uit well.Asanlishmajor,I have aood ommndof Eglsh in lisenng, seakg, eadig, writin ad tran

6、slati. Beig d ofm fluenolEnglh, canexpemyselprcsel. I as osss so eranaitis ofransatiand iterpretti. Atthsme ti, I am vryinterted i cmputer an t Word, PwePon, tsetingndindwsysteme wel.urng my fo yer cogeeang, I av go ll anof cpaioal sllsowever, Istll py moe atentn irvemyselfin aspec.When I as inthe u

7、nersity,paticpatd the gih sstin o or cole (TEE)ctvelyand wslected the preident f TEandAscitiiniteo ForeiLuagDepartmt,well-rised or m har-worg Ithink I he got t fsengthromhis pe, sh as theabity commuicato, epressin, andthe atitudetwads lifend wrk. Optimsm, cale, iigece andinnoation sre to e y charcte

8、sticcoscietiousl. Idlike toappy or otlke manaer asittncorporatwirte o my major Wthgra codence, eponsibility and etuiam, eieve th I cn bearay bde omy shd.lase offrme a caandI willge suprise back t y 公司面试英文自我介绍 篇 Go mnng.Iamlad obehee hs inevie Fte me itroduce yself. Mnai *, 2.cme om*,tpitlo *Proince.

9、 radte frth *deparen of *nirsity i u,02X.n e ast years Ihae be prpargforthepotgraduate emiaion whil ab taching *i N*iddle Schooland Ia ahead-tae ofaclas in junio gradetwo.Nw al my ardwhagt aesut sinceIhve a chane t btrvie by you .I m opinded,quikn thohtandr fo of itry.In myparetie,Ihaveoad trets li

10、many h ongtrsI like aingooks,esplly ts abot*.quetlIexhaewi oth poey aking commesntheforuon lin. ation ,duringm clgars,Iwasone aNt-br techniian.So, I hve comparativelygocommand nework applc. am able to atetheomper well.I a lful isearcn frioaon n IntretI am a ootbal f or yesItalan eais my faoitAnyw,I

11、feel get pty fr ur counryteam. Ilayseiev that e il esily hi les h keps eaning f crse, if amven chane to stdy * in tisfos University,Iwil star no frtto mast agoodcoma oavance *. 公司面试英文自我介绍篇dmorn, drjdg! y nasxxxI m honod to hve hisoponity topatiipate in ths iervieIm 1ar ol, rom Heirovce.I confiden,ouoig adopenned, so al


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