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1、授课日期 2014年9月1日编号:1课题:Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!课型新 授学习目标:1. To have the Ss know the way of greetings.2. To have the Ss introduce themselves and others.重点 1. Structures or sentences:a. Hi!/ Hello!b. Good morning /afternoon /evening.c. How are you? Im fine, thanks.2. Pronunciation for letters A and

2、E. 学习过程Step Lead-in Show the Ss some pictures of greetings.Step Presentation1. Greetings. Show the Ss some ways of greetings. Ask the Ss to match the greeting sentences with the correct answer sentences. Practice. Ask the Ss to greet each other in different situations.2. Introduce self. Question: ho

3、w to introduce yourself and others? New structures and sentences.Show the Ss some sample dialogues.eg.1 A: Whats your name? B: My name is . / Im . eg.2 A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is /He/She is . Practice. Point to the photos of famous people and ask the Ss to make dialogues.3. Show the S

4、s some boys names and girls names.Step Practice1. Practice between teacher and the Ss.Work in pairs then show in class.2. Listening. Section A 1a, 1b,1c3. Listen and read the letters and names. Practice to understand the meanings of the wordsStep Writing and chanting1. Do 4a and 4d.2. Copy words and

5、 recite them as homework.小结与反思1. 开学初第一次与同学见面,用流利标准的英语进行自我介绍,让学生努力去听,去理解老师自我介绍中包含的内容,然后进行报告,一方面锻炼了学生听力,另一方面引发了学生学习英语的兴趣。2. 简单介绍上课学生应遵守的纪律规章,注重学生的习惯养成。3. 与学生进行简单地对话交流,检查学生英语基础的同时,教授新课内容。4. 学生在人称转换对话练习部分联系时间不够,下节课要继续巩固练习。授课日期 2014年9月 2 日编号:2课题:Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!课型:新 授学习目标:1. Learn to read and

6、 write letters Aa-Hh.2. Review greeting sentences.3. Grasp some usual Abbreviations.重点 1. Read &write the letters Aa-Hh correctly.2. Memorize some usual Abbreviations. 学习过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Make conversations with the Ss by using greeting sentences. Then ask groups of Ss to practice t

7、he greeting sentences to the class with their new English names.Step 2 Presentation1. Show the Ss the letter card from A to H. Ask some Ss to read the letters at first and then find out some pronunciation mistakes.2. Ask the Ss to follow the teacher to read the letters by using different intonations

8、. ( a rising intonation and a falling intonation)3. Then let the Ss read the letters together. Mix the letter cards and ask Ss to speak it out as quickly and loudly as they can. Find out the best pronouncer.Step 3 Listening and writing1. Play the tape of 2b.2. Teach Ss how to write the letters corre

9、ctly. Write down the letters A-H on the blackboard. While writing, ask Ss to mime and copy the letters on their exercise books.3. Invite some Ss to write the letters on the blackboard.4. Finish 2d.Step 4 Abbreviations1. Look at the pictures in 2e and guess what the letter groups mean.2. Ask Ss to wo

10、rk in groups to list other abbreviations in our daily life.Eg. TV, AD, BC, USA,NBA,CBA,WTO,ID,WC,UFO,VOAStep 5 Homework1. Write the letters A-H.2. Make an English name card.3. Copy and recite new words.小结与反思本次课重点是字母的朗读和书写。习惯培养方面着重培养学生养成正确的坐姿,书写姿势,上课前在书桌上提前准备好课堂练习本的习惯。课堂内容简单,学生普遍能够接受。但作业情况不乐观,部分学生不能按

11、照老师要求的格式进行书写,字母Bb,Dd,Hh的书写不规范。授课日期 2014年9月3日编号:3课题:Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!课型:新 授学习目标:a. Practice greeting sentences skillfullyb. Write the target sentence structure.重点a. Greet people in different periods.1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Eric2. How are you?3.Im fine,thanks. And you?4. Im Ok,to

12、o.b. Write the target sentences correctly. 学习过程Step 1 Lead in1. Greetings.2. Ask some Ss to write the letters on the blackboard. Pay attention to the letter Bb, Dd, Hh.3. Greet Ss at first. Then ask Ss to greet each other.Step 2 Listen1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Find out what time it is in ea

13、ch picture.2. 2:00 p.m.- Good afternoon7:10 a.m.-Good morning8:00-Good evening3. Play the tape. Tell the Ss to number the pictures.4. Ask Ss to read the conversations after the tape.5. Practice the conversations in 3a with their partners.Step 3 Practice1. Invite two Ss to read the conversations to t

14、he class.2. Ask Ss to read it after the tape.3. Make up a conversation by using their own English names and write it down.4. Present the conversations.Step 4 Homework1. Make conversations according to the time list.A:9:00 a.m. B: 2:00 p.m. C: 8:00 p.m.2. Copy and recite the rest words in unit 1.3. R

15、ecite 3c.小结与反思学生参与对话练习的热情高涨,但是不能良好地遵守上课秩序,对话进行以及结束时不能保持安静,不懂得尊重其他同学的发言,此习惯需要在今后的课堂教学中进行纠正。作业中学生不理解第一题要求,部分同学不能正确写出对话。第一次单词听写,学生不能按照老师要求正确写清编号,词性,有待继续培养。授课日期 2014年9月4日编号:4课题:Starter Unit 1 Good Morning!课型:新 授学习目标:1. Write the English names in alphabetical order.2. Read and conclude the pronunciation of A and E3. Learn an English song重点1. The pronunciation of A and E2. Classify the words according to the pronunciation 学习过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greeti



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