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1、韶关市第十三中学20122013学年下学期七年级7-8单元英语测验题(总分100分) 班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_ 得分:_一、 单项选择题(15分,每空1分):( )1.- _ is the weather in Beijing, Helen? -Its sunny. AHow BWhy CWhen DWhat ( )2. Is it sunny _ cloudy today? Aand Bor Cbut Dso( )3Some students _ photos in the park. Ais taking Bare take Care taking Dis takes( )4It is

2、 _ in Shaoguan . You can make a snowman. Asnow Bsnowy Csnows Dsnowes( )5.-When China is hot, Australia is _. Acool Bwarm Ccold Dwindy( )6.She likes eating hamburgers _. Aa lot Ba lots of Clots of Da lot of( )7. What are you doing when it _. A. raining Bis rains Cis raining Drain( )8.My family and I

3、_ in Canada. Aare on vacation Bis on vacation Con vacation Dvacation( )9There _ some orange juice in the cup. Ais Bare Chave Dhas( )10- Is there a park near here? -_. AYes, it is. BYes, he is. CNo, there arent. DYes, there is.( )11.He is very tall. He sits _ me. I cant see the blackboard. Aacross fr

4、om Bbehind Cbetween Din front of( )12 -Where is the zoo? -Its _ the pay phone. Anext Bnext to Cin Dnear to( )13_, could you tell me how to get to the restaurant? AThank you Bsorry CExcuse me DYou are welcome( )14. -Where can people see the doctor? -In the _. Abank Bsupermarket Clibrary Dhospital( )1

5、5To get to the bus stop, you have to _ the street. Across Bacross Cgo D, crossing二、完形填空(10分,每空1分):Welcome to Lucky Hotel. It is a good place 16_ stay in. When you go out of the train station, dont turn left, there is a street in front of you. It is called North Street. Please go 17_ the street, when

6、 you see a zoo at the 18_of the street, please turn right. Then you are 19_Center Street. Just go straight, when you see a bookstore ,you can find our hotel 20_. Lucky Hotel is just across from it. The hotel is great and beautiful. We will offer you the best room and the best food. There are many gr

7、een trees and beautiful flowers around our hotel. So when you 21_ here, you will love it right away. And there is a beautiful 22_ near here. It is not far from the hotel. It is only 23_ walk. After dinner in the evening, you can take a walk in it. In the morning , many people exercise there, they ha

8、ve a good time. Between the hotel and the park is a library. Is 24_ a post office near here? Sure! It is behind the park. If you have any question, please call us 25_ 8934786. Have a good trip! ( ) 16.A. for B. toC. inD. at ( ) 17.A. alongB. into C. onD. of( ) 18. A. beginningB. begin C. endD. start

9、( ) 19.A. in B. onC. atD. with ( ) 20.A. easy B. difficultC. difficultlyD. easily( ) 21. A. arrive to B. arrive atC. arrive onD. arrive( ) 22. A. park B.police stationC. bankD. pay phone( ) 23. A. 3 minuteB. 3 minutes C. 3 minutesD. 3 minutess( ) 24.A. here B. it C. thereD. this( ) 25. A. atB. for C

10、.toD./三阅读理解(30分,每题2分): A sunny cold cloudy windy rainy MorningAfternoonSaturday,April 26thSunday, April 27thMonday,April 28thTuesday,April 29thWednesday,April 30thThursday,May 1stFriday, May 2nd( )26.What is the weather like on Friday morning? A.Its rainy B. Its windy C.Its cloudy D.sunny( ) 27. How

11、 many days are rainy in the report? A. Two B.Three C. Four D. Five( ) 28. _ is sunny all the day. A.Friday, May 2nd B. Tuesday,April 29th C.Saturday,April 26th D. Thursday,May 1st( ) 29. _ afternoon is sunny. A. Wednesday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday( ) 30.The report is _. A. about weather B. about

12、 music C. about sportsD.about food BTracy and Mary usually go to school by bike. They ride past a police station, a library and a swimming pool. The library is next to the swimming pool. John and Mike usually goes to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post office. Across from the post office is Lindas home. Her home is not far from the schoo


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