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1、六级写作中连接词(一)关键词: 连接词 (1) 表示增加的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover again,on top of that/this,another,first-second-third(或者firstly, secondly, thirdly or last but not the least) 等。 例如:If you will stay, I will also. 如果你留下来,我也要留下来。 Its a pretty cat, also friendly. 这是只漂亮的猫,而且很友好 Fath

2、er and I went to Xinhua bookstore yesterday. 父亲和我昨天到新华书店去过。 We talked a lot and then went to the hospital. 我们说了很多然后就去了医院。 I have been to New York, too. 我也到过纽约。 She plays the piano, and sings, too. 她会弹钢琴, 也会唱歌。 “I love you! “ “I love you too!” 我爱你,我也爱你。 To understand our culture is not easy. In addit

3、ion, it is often difficult to recognize rituals within our own culture. 要理解我们的文化不容易。再之,要了解我们自己文化中的宗教仪式的程序也常常是困难的。 The new house is in a good neighborhood. Furthermore, it is near a shopping center. 新房子所处的地区很好。除此之外,它还靠近一家购物中心。 I dont like skating; moreover, the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰, 而且冰又太薄。 try ag

4、ain. 再试一下 This is better, but then again it is more expensive. 这比较好, 可就是贵了一点。 On top of this, several other benefits are being offered. 除此以外,其它几项好处正在出现。 We need another chair. 我们再要一把椅子。 I dont like this book, give me another one. 我不喜欢这本书, 请另外给我一本。 Thats quite another matter. 那完全是另外一回事。 Theres room f

5、or another three people in the back of the bus. 公共汽车后面还能坐下三个人。 This young man is very clever; he may be another Edison. 这个年青人很聪明, 他可能成为爱迪生式的人。 (2)表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,earlier,later,immediately,soon,next,in a few (more) days,gradually,suddenly,finally等。 Now that spring is here,

6、 we can expect milder weather. 现在春天来了,我们可以期望较温和的天气 I was still in school then. Come at noon; Ill be ready then. 那时我还在上学。中午来,我那时会准备好的。 I watched the late movie and then went to bed. 我看了晚场电影后上床睡觉。 They called me the day before. 前一天他们给我打了电话。 Z comes after Y. Z在Y之后 If only we can come here much earlier.

7、 要是我们早点来这里就好了。 I will see you later. 等会儿再见。 They phoned immediately they reached home. 他们到家后马上打了电话 Youd better come to school as soon as possible. 你最好尽快赶到学校。 What is the next thing to be done? 其次要做的事是什么? In a few more days, we will enjoy our week-long Labors Day holiday. 再过几天,我们就可以欢度我们的五一黄金周。 Gradua

8、lly we could form our own values after listening to your advice. 渐渐地,在聆听您的建议之后我们会形成我们自己的价值观。 Suddenly, many plain policemen emerged and those robbers started to flee. 突然间很多便衣警察出现了,这些强盗开始逃跑了。 Finally, Id like to thank everyone for coming this evening. 最后,我在此向所有今晚来此的人致谢。 (3)表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(fro

9、m),in front of,behind,beside,beyond,above,below,to the right / left,around,outside等。 Christmas is drawing near. 圣诞节即将来临。 a cat that had strayed far from home. 一只已经走失很远的猫 In front of me, there is a tall building named Jinmao Tower. 在我面前矗立着一栋高楼,那就是金贸大厦。 We walked behind. 我们在后面走 The girl sits beside he

10、r boyfriend. 这个女孩座在她男朋友的旁边。 The road is beyond that hill. 路在山的那一边。 Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。 The rumour is beyond belief. 这谣言不可信。 I know nothing of it beyond what he told me. 除了他告诉我的以外, 别的我什么都不知道。 “The problems cited above have led to a number of suggestions for reform”(Whar

11、ton Magazine) “前面所引用的问题引起许多关于改革的建议”(沃顿杂志) 50 meters below sea level 海平面下50米 The temperature is below zero. 温度在零度以下。 He was below her in intelligence. 他的智力比她差。 dirty clothes lying around. 脏衣服丢得到处都是 a field bordered around with tall trees. 四周都是高树环绕的田地 “Youll never persuade me that I cant tell what men

12、 are by their outsides”(George Eliot) “你永远都无法说服我不要以貌取人”(乔治艾略特) Requested outside assistance; deplored outside interference. 要求外界的支援;痛恨外来的干扰 (4)表示对比的过渡词:有两种对比,一种突出比较的双方,另一种是通过对比突出其中一方,取消另一方。 One the one / other hand; and, or rather; yes, but;instead. Everybody knows about his bad temper. On the other

13、 hand, they also know of his shrewd judgment. 大家都知道他的脾气很坏。当另一方面,他们也知道他精明的判断力。 Many students are hard working. On the other hand, a few love to stay idle. 许多学生都努力学习。但另一方面,有一小部分学生喜欢无所事事。 He had just finished washing his car. And it began to rain. 他刚洗完车子,而天就开始下雨了。The guests are enjoying themselves. Or

14、rather, they appear to be enjoying themselves. 客人们玩得快活,确切一点说,只是做出快活的样子。 A: I heat hes been ill. B: Yes, but hes better now. A: 听说他生病了。 B: 是的,但是他已经好了。 He doesnt work at all. Instead, he sips coffee and day-dreams. 他根本就不工作,而是一边喝咖啡一边做白日梦。 (5)表示对照的过渡词:but,still,yet,however,on the contrary,in spite of,ev

15、en though等。 the plan caused not prosperity but ruin. 这个计划带来的不是繁荣而是毁灭 She organized her work but accomplished very little. He is tired but happy. 她筹办了这项工作,然而只完成了很小一部分。他很累,但很愉快。 Its good that our pas record has always been satisfactory. Still, I am afraid youll lose out if you dont fall into line with the prices of others. 我们过去的业务往来总是满意的。可是我们仍然担心,如果你们的价格不和别人一致的话,你们会吃亏的。 isnt ready yet. 现在还没准备好 She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了 However he did it, it was very clever. 不管他是怎么做的,他做得很聪明。 The bo



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