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1、英语(五年级下册)Unit7 Chinese festivalsStory time仪征市实验小学 陈峰智Teaching contents 教学内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumpling。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型The is in or 、Pe

2、ople eat at this festival。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumpling。2. 能听懂、会说、会读句型The is in or 、People eat at this festial。Teaching procedu

3、res 教学过程Step1 Exchange greetings and self-introduction1. Im I live I go to school I like What about you?2. Judeg. Do you remember about me?Step2 Presentation and preparation1. I like travelling and taking photos. Today, I will show you some photos .Lets go. 2. What museum is it? Its a museum about C

4、hinese festivals. 3. There are 4 rooms. Each room introduces one festival. What are they? Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Double Ninth Festival.4. Choose. What festivals can you see here?Step 3 Learn four festivals 1. Learn the names of these festivals.2. Spring Festiv

5、al(1). Open the red door. (2). Read and underline.Try to find the answer to these questions.A. When is the festival? B. What do people do? C. What do people eat?(3) Read after the tape(4)Read together.(5)Work in pairs3. Dragon Boat Festival(1). Open the green door.(2). Lets watch and look to know ab

6、out this festival(3). Read the passage and judge.(4). Read after the tape then read together.4. Mid-Autumn Festival(1). Open the blue door. (2). Look at some pictures to know about this festival.(3). Watch and try to ask.(4)Match, read and fill.(5) Read after the tape then read together.5. Double Ni

7、nth Festival(1). Open the yellow door.(2). Look at some pictures to know about this festival.(3). Watch the cartoon and try to remember the key words.(4). Do the cloze.(5) Read after the tape then read together.Step4 Consolidation.1. Sing a song and remember the twelve months.2. Happy Reading3. Act

8、out and others give comments4. Match.5. Clarrify.6. Learn more festivalsStep5 Conduction.1.Thinking map can help us to retell.2. Task 1: Guide wanted: We need a guide for Chinese Festival Museum.3. Task 2: Make a brochure.Enjoy our Chinese festivals, and love our families.Step 6 Homework1. Dragon Bo

9、at Festival is coming, try to learn how to make a rice dumpling.2. Finish the brochure and show it to your friends.板书设计:Unit 7 Chinese festivalsWhens ?What do people do ?What do people eat?Spring Festival Dragon Boat FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalDouble Ninth Festival教学反思: 本课所要教授的内容是学生非常熟悉的中国传统节日,内容丰富且

10、条理性强。本课从歌曲入手,在活跃课堂氛围、激发学生兴趣的同时,巧妙地引出了本课的主题Chinese festival和进行了重点月份词汇的渗透与学习。在处理文本时,先通过Watch and answer这一环节让学生对文本有整体感知,新授四个节日名称,再用Read and answer、Work in groups、Read and complete等教学环节,由浅入深、循序渐进地教授文本内容,提高学生阅读理解、总结表达及解决问题的能力。最后再通过朗读、复述课文巩固复习本课内容,通过最后一个教学环节让学生了解节日的寓意和传统,激励学生继承和发扬传统。由于本课文本结构雷同,且缺乏一定的趣味性,所

11、以在上课过程中非常考验老师掌控课堂的能力,但是借助天瑜智慧云平台,充分发挥人手一台平板的辅助教育功能,就能把枯燥的教育内容趣味化,把乏味的练习训练比赛化,学生们的学习积极性与主观能动性被充分调动,最大化地实现了给教师减负,让学生自学能力与动手能力得到了很大的提高。其实这已经是我的第二次用平板智慧系统进行英语教学的尝试了,课前备课因为对软件的熟悉度不是很高,还有点很累,但是收获很多,也有一些困惑,希望以后软件方能改善。1, 该软件中还没有PPT软件的超级链接功能,希望能通过该超级链接的点击能迅速回到第几张幻灯片,这样给备课和教学提供了更大的可能。2, 这次备课,我是在办公室的电脑上进行的,屏幕上显示的文字很完整,但是到了上课的地方,屏幕上的文字就变成了只有一部分,不清楚是不是屏幕分辨率或者设计的问题3, 上课过程中,也不知道是不是网络卡顿的问题,我在手机上点击了下一页,但是始终没有任何反应,后来又点击了几次,结果屏幕上直接跳过了中间几个环节,希望开发者能设计一下,让我们点击下一页时,有个图标闪烁或声音提示什么的,让我们知道这个命令已经被电脑接收了,只不过是网络卡顿的问题。



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