【精品】【湘少版】英语六下:Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world单元教案

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《【精品】【湘少版】英语六下:Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world单元教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【精品】【湘少版】英语六下:Unit 9 Look at these beautiful places in the world单元教案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、湘少版英语精品资料教学内容或课题Unit 9Look at the beautiful places in the world. Period 1教 学目 标1、能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, The Great Wall, Big Ben, places of interest。 2、 能听懂、会说、认读短语travel to London, take pictures。3、能够运用句型“I went to”“I travelled to”“I saw”“I enjoyed”描述自己的旅游见闻,

2、能用“I want to”表达自己的旅游愿望。4、能听懂、会说A部分对话。 教 学 重 点难 点重点:能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, The Great Wall, Big Ben, places of interest。能够运用句型“I went to”“I travelled to”“I saw”“I enjoyed”描述自己的旅游见闻,能用“I want to”表达自己的旅游愿望。难点:能在图片的帮助下复述课文A部分。 教 学 准 备Word cards, Type教学过程设计和安排 教学再

3、设计Step 1 Warning up 1Greetings. 2Revision. (复习国家名称,以接龙形式,看谁接的最多)Step 2 Presentation 1New words(1) 学习travel to London, take pictures, Big Ben(出示单词卡片)T: Look at this picture. Its very famous. What can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see a clock.T: Yes, its Big Ben.(板书并带读) T:Who can tell us about it?T

4、::Its a clock. Its very cold. But the clock is still working.(2)学习 tower, the Eiffel TowerT: (出示图片)Look at this picture, we can see a tower. Its the Eiffel Tower.(板书并带读)T:Where is it?Ss: Its in France.(3)学习the Golden Gate BridgeT:(出示图片)This is the Golden Gate Bridge.(板书并带读)How do you think of the Go

5、lden Gate Bridge?S1: Its very beautiful.S2: Its nice.T: Yes, its over the sea. Its very beautiful at night.(4)学习go to places of interest.T: They are all places of interest in the world.(板书places of interest并带读)T:I want to go to places of interest.( 补充板书go to places of interest).I want to travel to t

6、he USA. I want to see the Golden Gate Bridge. How about you?Ss:(5)学习the Great WallT:(出示长城图片)Where is it?Ss: Its the Great Wall.T: Yes, its the Great Wall.(带读新单词)Last summer, I went to the Great Wall. I saw the Great Wall. Its very cold and long. I enjoyed walking on the Great Wall.(板书句型“I went to ”

7、“I saw”)T:Where did you go during your holidays?S1: I went toT: What did you see?S1: I sawT: How about you?S2: I went toI saw用下列句型分组谈论自己的旅游见闻,并抽几组向全班介绍。A:Where did you go during your holidays?B: I went toA: What did you see?B: I saw(6)词汇操练2、The dialogue(1)Read and answerQ1: How many places are there

8、 in the next? Where are they?Q2: Where did Peter go last year?Q3: Where did Anne go last winter?Q4: Where did Lingling go last week?Q5: Where did Mingming go?(2)Read together and thinkQ: Which place do you want to go? Why?(3)Follow the tape Step 3 Practice分组任选文中一个风景名胜进行介绍。如:S1:Peter went to the Eiff

9、el Tower last year.S2: Its in France.S3: He saw a big and tall tower.S4: He took picture of the Eiffel Tower.All: Its very beautiful.Step 4 Homework1、 朗读课文A、B。(全班)2、 选择A部分中任意一个景点介绍。(中上生) 教学反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获 感到自己有待加强的是 教学内容或课题Unit 9Look at the beautiful places in the world. Period 2 教 学目 标1、进一步巩固、运用新

10、词汇the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, travel, The Great Wall, Big Ben, places of interest。 2 、能听懂、会说、认读词汇world, show, over, wonderful。3、能运用 “I went to” “I saw”“I enjoyed”与人分享自己的旅游见闻,能在正确的语境中用“I want to”表达自己的旅游愿望。4、能初步阅读D部分短文,并完成相关练习。教 学 重 点难 点重点:能在正确的语境中用“I want to”表达自己的旅游愿望。难点:能初步阅读D部分短文,并完成相

11、关练习。能用简单的句子介绍风景名胜。教 学 准 备Word cards, Type教学过程设计和安排 教学再设计Step 1 Warning up 1、Greetings. 2、Revision. (复习B部分单词,看图片后生迅速说出景点名称)3、Free talk(用风景名胜图片与学生谈论)T:Where is it?S1: ItsT: What can you see in the picture?S1: I can seeStep 2 Presentation 1、Part CT: (师拿出自己旅游的照片)I like travelling, too. Look! I have a pi

12、cture of the Great Wall. I went to Beijing last summer.I saw the Great Wall.I enjoyed walking on the Great Wall.师边说边板书主要句型:I have a picture ofI went toI sawI enjoyed学生分组运用上列句型谈论自己的旅游见闻。2、Part D(1)师生共同谈论D部分图片,教学新单词over, wonderful(2)While-reading 学生小组读短文并回答问题Q1: What are they talking about?Q2: Who bri

13、ngs back pictures for Peter?Q3: Where does Peter keep the picture?Q4: What does Peter like to do?Q5: Does Anne like to travel?Q6: Where did Annes family go last year?Q7: How about the Golden Gate Bridge?(3)同桌共同完成D部分练习,最后检查答案。Step 3 Practice 最佳导游.四人一组,把自己带来的旅游照片,根据以下提纲介绍旅游景点。如:A:This is the B:Its in

14、C:I can see D:It looksStep 4 Homework1、抄写新单词并默写,读D部分故事。(全班)2、选择自己喜欢的一个旅游景点,并写下几句话介绍该景点。(中上生)板书设计:Unit 9Look at the beautiful places in the world. I have a picture of I went toI sawI enjoyed教学反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获 感到自己有待加强的是 教学内容或课题Unit 9Look at the beautiful places in the world. Period 3教 学目 标1、进一步巩固、运用新词汇the Eiffel Tower, the Golden Gate Bridge, trav



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