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1、9A Unit5 Films导学案Comic strip ,Welcome to the Unit & Vocabulary课前自学一、 借助音标预习单词的读音,并发现积累元音字母在单词中的发音规律;了解单词的汉语意思。daytime, realistic,take , actress, action film, romantic, science, fiction, western, cowboy二、预习漫画,找出以下问题的答案:Who does Eddie think he is? Does Hobo think so? What is Hobos advice? 尝试翻译对话意思。三、

2、预习Comic strip对话和vocabulary找出对应英语内容。A.词组停止做白日梦 你知道他是谁吗? 你为什么不更现实点了? 讲述美丽的爱情故事关于激动或危险的事情的电影关于西部美国的电影基于未来想象故事的电影使人们感到恐惧的电影B. 假设你是导演,你能拍摄的电影类型有哪些?(英文单词) C. 你在导拍电影时常用的英文术语有哪些?预备 ! 开始! 再来一次! 很好的镜头! D. some language points: 1. stop doing 与 stop to do sth 他停止上网了_ 他停下来吃饭_2.Do you know who I am?/ what he ate

3、for breakfast? / where he had been? 我想知道那个男孩是谁?_ 我想知道他喜欢那个节目?_3.luck-lucky-luckily 幸运的是,他没伤到自己。4. instead 与instead of 我比喜欢茶,给我咖啡吧_课堂达标检测一根据句意和提示写单词。1. Many students want to be TV (超级明星)when they grow up.2. Why dont you stop (做白日梦)?You should be realistic.3. Anny would rather be a director than an (女

4、演员)。4. I cant find my pen, so I use my pencil i .5. How l you are ! You didnt hurt yourself at all in the accident.6. Murder in a Country House is a film. Its a _ _(恐怖片)with new actors.7. The film usually makes people _ _(感到害怕)8. John and Rose is a _ _ _(美丽的爱情故事) 9. 关于将来的想象故事_10. 科幻片_二用正确形式填空。1. You

5、 are so (luck) that you can pas the exam.2. Why dont you (paint) the wall white?3. Shed rather (is) an actress.4. You should (listen)to your teacher carefully in the class.What about (go) to see a film?三同义句转换。1. Would you like to be an actress?Do you an actress?2. Why dont you stop daydreaming? Stop

6、 daydreaming?3. We dont have English lessons on Friday, but we have Maths lesson.We have Maths lesson English lesson on Friday.4. When he was 16 years old, he went to college. ,he went to college.四、 翻译1.我长大后相当一名导演2.导演大声喊道:“开拍”!3.你为什么不去玄武湖划船呢4.他们没有乘公共车去而是步行去的。5.Tom cruise 是最有名的好莱坞明星中的一个。6.你别百日做梦了,你应该

7、现实点7.我不喜欢表演,我更喜欢做摄影师。五、想一想(Use your head)根据表述指出为何种类型的电影1. Allen and Sally were classmates at university. After ten years, they see eachother again. Do you think they can become lovers?2. The cowboy has just come back from the bar. The man there wants to have a fight with him. Who will be the winner?

8、3. It is twelve oclock. Here I am, in front of a dark house. It looks empty. Should I go in? Or should I go back4.In 2150, Mary travels in a time machine and goes back to 2125. she finds her mother looking just the same as she is. Can she go back to her world?5.Alice has invited her friends to her h

9、ouse. Miss Rabbit, Mr Cow and Baby Mouse are there. Of course, there is Grandma Turtle, who is always late.6.Detective Joe is on the plane. When he comes out from the toilet, he finds three men holding a gun. He quietly walks to the back of the plane. Can he save the passengers?Unit5 Films Grammar (

10、II) 课前预习:A预习生词。将课本P90-91生词标上记号,读准且背出这些生词B短语翻译1. 在七月份离开北京 2.把杂志忘在家里 3. 上气不接下气 4. 电影评论 5. 复习生词 6.保持安静 7.气喘嘘嘘地到那儿 8.丢了钱包 9.等待他 10.错过做某事 11.加入戏剧俱乐部 12.改进你的英语 13.第一个离开这儿 14.进电影院 15.上厕所 16.给她一些建议 17.在公共汽车站等(他) 18.最好(别)做某事 C. 填入单词1.He took a deep (呼吸) before he began his speech.2.He i on his ideas. And at

11、last, he succeeded.3. Many children like eating (爆米花) while they are seeing films.4. Instead of beer, I like drinking .5. Please (go over again in the mind) what you have learned before taking the exam.D有关重点1). 用should、 ought to、 had better、 have to、 must 提出建议。 当我们要用“和善”的方法提出建议时,用 should, ought to 和 had better。



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