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1、202X年北京中等学校招生考试听力部分(共分)一、听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片,将代表图片的字母填在相应的序号后。(共分,每小题1分)、 ( ) 2、( )3、()4、( )5、()二、听对话,根据对话内容,判断第6-0小题所给句子的正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。(共5分,每小题1分。)听第一段对话,判断第-7小题。. Pr i ig tosy happ bihdy o A.7 I is t n Lonn.听第二段对话,判断第8-小题。8. h man wts to buy Chne-Engsh dictionar.9. A h second cossi,he oan shud turnl

2、et.10. The N.7Bun take h an to thebokstr.三、听短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(共分,每小题1分)1.Were d the og stay oneday.t te gae B. On the gs.C.n the schol.12. Wa haped t e childrn Te were l.B e hous a on fire.C. Teirdog ran awy.1 Whywas the dog oried. He coldnt see th childen. a pepe wren th reet.C.he freme wre busy or

3、ig.1 Wh tok hedt te cldrnA. frid. B. A ighbor. C. Airemn.15.Whatkn o dog was itaccoding o he toryA. Ugly. . Hful .Stron.四、听短文,根据短文内容,完成表格。(共分,每小题分。)Frst f allJoiig a 6i a good chceI youwant t be a oluteer,You ancall 17 fromMonda Frda“eeting a Nefamily”Oeryouachanceo lve wth anwamily f 8time.nte sume

4、rcap,ou can 19in differen games, peech costs and o nThe is ly about20.基础知识运用部分(共30分)五、单项填空(共1分,每小题1分。)从第21-35小题所给的A、B、C、四个选项中,选择最佳选项。21. -What your favoite bc,M-_.Isinterein.A. Toys B Math C. srs . E-ail22. It snt _ wtch. I lf mina ome. A. my . C. I D.ysef23. -_ dou likoal bearsBecuse heyareute. h W

5、ere C. ow D en24. Gnaws on _ 199. hes oldnugh too t ool. to B.on C. atD. in25. -Hoasor weend-Great!We_ pcnic by the lkeA. hav B are havig C. ad D.wil have26.Imdfferent om my twin siste. love dag, _ sheis inereted in enA sB or C. but D. an27 Beijig, h cpital of China, on o _cits nhe rldA. t bigest B.

6、 bgger C.muc biger D big28. Mu, _ I a coputer mes-s, you ant yohae to nsh your omewor firsA . my. willD. ned9.Watsyorbrothr doing i isroo now-_ kie.aks B.mae C. is makig D. illae 0 I dot kow_ tomorrowCan yu ll m. wen we stred B. whedi we tartC. whn ewilsart D. when il we tt31. Rolikes usc, _ i quie

7、ad ee. he tht wereD who32 Sam nos _ tmps. Ad now hhas 22 of thA.t colleB cletedC.cllet D. collectng33. ispaentrworredha he _ to much tme chattg on ie.Asent . cost. pai D.had 3 It is said tht poatochp_ by mitake abut a hndred years g.A. nent . inventd C.are inveted D. werenvend . -ohhas hrt his leg-e

8、ally _ o did tat B How dd tha hpe C Wh wrg ith himD. hy wadheo areles六、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分。) 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从第6-小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。()At ur sol, we soeties hav aspecial day to lpothr. Last yar e oa dpepes 36 a sang sn an peformd a layfo 7 .Teold pople we ey 38. We shoul be allowto taketmto d thing

9、s lie tatmoreoften For xample, we hould 9primary school ad help 4 young tuens. Iwa eteache 1 Im odr so it ou e gt exprine fo me. Oter stdents wud lik to do oer jos. o eample, frind Tia G ant to 42 fr a newspaper.e shld allowed voeer at t nwsaper fie oce a wek3 A. om B. bank C. shop D.rive37. A.u . t

10、hem. im D. her8A.reat B.ry C. mrtD happy39 by B. ae C. vist D. buld40. A el .kCechD. ind1. A. o B. when C. whe D. why42. . write . wait C look D.y(B)I e park I sat don to redon he bnh, disappointe by ifewihgod rasn omlan, for theworld s 43ettg me dowThe augy came u omeadsaid with great exitemen, “ L

11、ook,hat I foud!”In hi d wad flower nd he placedi o hisnos. Hsidwth ovraced urprise,“It sure rety and its r you.”The fowr bfoe me wsded.Bt I knw Ims it, or iht erlea. So reachd for helowe andrelied,”JutwatI need.” Bu 46 acin e flwer in m had, he heldit midaiwithueason. It asthenat notcefr te very irt

12、 ie, hatthe boy was blind.I herdmvoc trmbling (颤抖),teas 47in the sun, sIthaked hmfor icking te “bes”on.I sat the d wded howhe anged o see a el-pityng wan.Throg thes ofa bindcid, atat I could se, the prblem was no wihth48;th poblm was me. And for allo thoe ies ysef ad bee 4 , madup md o see th 50 inie.3. . once B. hdlC. alay D. slom4. A. fe


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