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1、课题Unit 1 How can we become good learners?课时The Fourth Period学习目标Knowledge and ability: 1. Master the key words and phrases: (key points) increase, speed, partner, ability, active, pay attention to 2.Get the main idea of listening and finish the task. (key points) (difficulty)3. Learn to talk about t

2、he trouble in studying and give advice.(key points)Process and method:l. Learn the new words and phrases using pictures.2. Let students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning.3. Get students to do some listening practice.Sensibility and value:Learn about the good ways to study.学法指导1.Listeni

3、ng skills.2. Let students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning.教具A tape recorder and PPT 备课时间2015年8月24日授课时间主备人韩静授课人教研组长签字(时间)行政领导签字(时间)芦草沟镇中心学校“学 研 展 馈”课堂教学模式教学案预习导学旁批预习指导:充分预习是高效学习的前提,请同学们全身心投入预习请完成以下任务:一 浏览本课时内容并在文中勾画出下列短语。1. 英语口语spoken English 4. 阅读速度 reading speed2. 犯错误 make mistakes

4、5. 许多新单词 a lot of new words3. 查字典 look up 6. 加入英语俱乐部 join the English club(教师利用侯课时间了解学生的预习情况)Lead-inAsk students to look at the ppt and discuss the following questions with their partners. Do you think English is a difficult subject? What makes it difficult for you to learn English? Which give you a

5、 headache: memorizing words, learning grammar, listening, speaking, reading or writing?课堂研讨Step 1 1a Reading and checkingSay, Learning English can be both easy and difficult. What things are easy for you? And what things are difficult for you? Now read the list and check the statements that are true

6、 for you.Then discuss the statements that seem the most difficult for the students.Step 2 1b Make a listT: You have read and checked the statements true for you. Now make a list of other things difficult for you, too.The students complete 1b individually.Then ask the students to read some of their a

7、nswers to the class. Write their answers on the blackboard.(设计意图:引导学生就自己学习中存在的问题和困难做理性的思考和分析,并做出相应的表述。积累所学知识。)Step 3 Listening(1c,1d)T: Paul is a nice boy. He works hard at his English, but still has many learning challenges. Now listen to the tape and find out what challenges he has and check them

8、in the box.Ask the students to go over 4 sentences in 1d and ask them to guess the meanings of these sentences. Then let the students listen to the tape and complete the solutions. Check the answers in pairs.(设计意图:尽可能的帮助学生运用恰当的听力策略、技巧完成听力任务。)Step 4 Role-play (1e)Ask the students to practice the conv

9、ersations. Then ask several pairs to present their conversations to the class. A: I dont have a partner to practice English with. B: Maybe you should join an English club. 总结拓展Ask students to finish exercise 3 of the selfcheck and then check the answers.Homework:Finish exercise 1 of selfcheck检测反馈 Do exercise 1 of section b of the workbook. Then check the answers together.板书设计Unit 1 How can we become good learners?The fourth periodProblems Advice1. I dont know how to study for a test. 2. I dont know how to study grammar. .3. I dont know how to learn new words. .课后小记:



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