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1、Unit3 Is this your pencil?基础练习 一、单项选择 1.- Is this your ID card?- Yes, .A. this isB. itsC. they areD. it is 2.- Is that your marker?- .A. Yes, that isB. Yes, itsC. No, it isntD. No, that isnt 3.- Are these his cousins?- . They are his brothers.A. Yes, they areB. No, these arentC. Yes, these areD. No,

2、 they arent 4.- Are those your brothers?- Yes, .A. these areB. those areC. they areD. theyre 5.These books are . books are over there.A. my; YoursB. your; MineC. mine; YoursD. yours; My 6.Some of the books belong to me, while the others are .A. him and herB. his and hersC. his and herD. him and hers

3、 7.This isnt book. Is it ?A. my; yoursB. my; yourC. mine; yoursD. mine; your 8.- This is not watch. I think its .- Oh, I see. Thank you.A. your; myB. she; hisC. his; hersD. my; her 9.- ?- No, it isnt.A. Is this your eraserB. Whats thisC. Whos thisD. Are they your pencils10.- Is that his dictionary?-

4、 .A. Yes, it isntB. No, that isntC. Yes, he isD. No, it isnt11.- Are they his cousins?- . They are his brothers.A. No, they arentB. No, these arentC. Yes, these areD. Yes, they are12.- Are those books on the desk yours?- . Mine are here.A. Yes, these areB. No, these arentC. No, they arentD. Yes, the

5、y are13.Would you please lend me English book? isnt here.A. your; IB. your; MineC. yours; Mine14.- Is the red book ?- No, is blue.A. your; my bookB. Toms; hersC. his; heD. yours; mine15.This is Mp4. is over there.A. mine; yoursB. my; YoursC. my; YourD. mine; Yours16.These are apples. are in the bag.

6、A. her; YouB. mine; YourC. our; HersD. his; My17.- Is this a desk?- .A. Yes, that isB. Yes, itsC. No, it isntD. No, that isnt18.- Is that a book?- . Its a dictionary.A. Its notB. Yes, it isC. No, it isntD. No, it is19.- these her hats?- No, they .A. Is; isntB. Am; areC. Are; isntD. Are; arent20.- Ar

7、e those your parents?- Yes, .A. those areB. theyreC. they areD. thosere二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)21. Is that her e ?22. Her mother is a t she teaches in a school.23. I cant do it by myself. Can you h me?24. - I like playing c games. What about you?- Me, too.25. There is a l in our school. We can borrow books f

8、rom it.26. I have a chair and a desk in my c .27. I lost my notebook. I must f it.28. - Thank you for your help.- Youre w .29. - Whats this in English?- Its an e .30. This is my t , Miss. Lee.31. Can I h you?32. I like to play c games very much.33. There is an electronic(电子的) reading-room in our l .

9、34. He is writing in the c now.35. Have you seen my pen? I cant f it.36. - Thank you for your advice, Jenny.- Youre w .37. I have an e . I use(使用) it to correct(改正) the words.38. Selina is our new t this term(学期). She teaches us English.39. Many thanks for your h , Mr. King.40. Many people use c to

10、send emails.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)41. The d (字典) is very useful.42. Some students do their homework on the (电脑).43. My uncle likes to go to different kinds of (图书馆) all over the world.44. May I (问) you a question?45. There is an (橡皮) and some pens on Toms desk.46. I like playing (棒球).47. He saw lots of

11、(手表) in the store.48. The (游戏) is OK.49. This is Kates English d (词典).50. (计算机) are widely used in the modern world.答案一、单项选择 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A10. D11. D12. C13. B14. D15. B16. C17. C18. C19. D20. C二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)21. eraser22. teacher23. help24. computer25. library26. classroom27. find28. welcome29. eraser30. teacher31. help32. computer33. library34. classroom35. find36. welcome37. eraser38. teacher39. help40. computers三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)


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